(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
T-17710D V1.004
Commands, Codes by Nachbrenner
Tested on XPDC V502
These codes are for XPloderDC only !
Button Command | 0D419238
0000???? | |
D-L/R Command | 0D41923A
0000???? | |
A-R Command | 0D419244
0000???? | |
A-L command | 0D419246
0000???? | |
A-Stick Command | 0D419248
000?0000 | |
Button Command port B | 0D419370
0000???? | |
D-L/R Command port B | 0D419372
0000???? | |
A-R Command port B | 0D41937C
0000???? | |
A-L Command port B | 0D41937E
0000???? | |
A-Stick Command port B | 0D419380
000?0000 | |
1 | PAL 60Hz (Note 1) | 0F0D3244
0000200A |
All players | ||
2 | Lap time 00:00 | 0F060676
00000009 |
3 | Infinite boost | 0F078CB6
00000009 |
P1 | ||
4 | Infinite boost | 0226D450
00140000 |
5 | Infinite shield | 02240E78
044C0000 |
6 | Always first (Note 2) | 04244F60
00020004 00000000 |
7 | Final lap
(Press L & R) | 0E03FFFC
0041923A 04244F54 00020001 00000004 |
Infinite Power-ups | ||
8 | Extra boost (Slot 1) | 0226D3D8
00000001 |
9 | Wave (Slot 2) | 0226D3DC
00000006 |
10 | Mine (Slot 3) | 0226D3E0
00000007 |
P2 | ||
11 | Infinite boost | 0226D6E8
00140000 |
12 | Infinite shield | 02241054
044C0000 |
13 | Always first (Note 2) | 0424555C
00020004 00000000 |
14 | Final lap
(Press L & R port B) | 0E03FFFC
00419372 04245550 00020001 00000004 |
Infinite Power-ups | ||
15 | Extra boost (Slot 1) | 0226D670
00000001 |
16 | Wave (Slot 2) | 0226D674
00000006 |
17 | Mine (Slot 3) | 0226D678
00000007 |
Note 1 : Can be used only with compatible TV sets.
Increases game speed by 20% and removes black borders.
Note 2 : Use only one of the codes.
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Abfragen: 4.245
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, www.mogelpower.de. MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.