Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Ogre Battle

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Ogre Battle

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Ogre Battle
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Densetsu No Ogre Battle

Genre: Strategie

Erschienen: Juli 1997

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Artdink

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Atlus

Cover von Ogre Battle

67 Codes
Codes by ???
1Infinite Money801C 9EA6 0098
2Max Reputation801C 9E54 0064
3Always Day801B 2C4C 000C
4Always Night801B 2C4C 0000
Item Modifier Codes
5Page 1 Position 1801C 6B94 63??
6Page 1 Position 2801C 6B96 63??
7Page 1 Position 3801C 6B98 63??
8Page 1 Position 4801C 6B9A 63??
9Page 1 Position 5801C 6B9C 63??
10Page 1 Position 6801C 6B9E 63??
11Page 1 Position 7801C 6BA0 63??
12Page 2 Position 1801C 6BA2 63??
13Page 2 Position 2801C 6BA4 63??
14Page 2 Position 3801C 6BA6 63??
15Page 2 Position 4801C 6BA8 63??
16Page 2 Position 5801C 6BAA 63??
17Page 2 Position 6801C 6BAC 63??
18Page 2 Position 7801C 6BAE 63??
19Page 3 Position 1801C 6BB0 63??
20Page 3 Position 2801C 6BB2 63??
21Page 3 Position 3801C 6BB4 63??
22Page 3 Position 4801C 6BB6 63??
23Page 3 Position 5801C 6BB8 63??
24Page 3 Position 6801C 6BBA 63??
25Page 3 Position 7801C 6BBC 63??
26Page 4 Position 1801C 6BBE 63??
27Page 4 Position 2801C 6BC0 63??
28Page 4 Position 3801C 6BC2 63??
29Page 4 Position 4801C 6BC4 63??
30Page 4 Position 5801C 6BC6 63??
31Page 4 Position 6801C 6BC8 63??
32Page 4 Position 7801C 6BCA 63??
33Page 5 Position 1801C 6BCC 63??
34Page 5 Position 2801C 6BCE 63??
35Page 5 Position 3801C 6BD0 63??
36Page 5 Position 4801C 6BD2 63??
37Page 5 Position 5801C 6BD4 63??
38Page 5 Position 6801C 6BD6 63??
39Page 5 Position 7801C 6BD8 63??
40Page 6 Position 1801C 6BDA 63??
41Page 6 Position 2801C 6BDC 63??
42Page 6 Position 3801C 6BDE 63??
43Page 6 Position 4801C 6BE0 63??
44Page 6 Position 5801C 6BE2 63??
45Page 6 Position 6801C 6BE4 63??
46Page 6 Position 7801C 6BE6 63??
47Page 7 Position 1801C 6BE8 63??
48Page 7 Position 2801C 6BEA 63??
49Page 7 Position 3801C 6BEC 63??
50Page 7 Position 4801C 6BEE 63??
51Page 7 Position 5801C 6BF0 63??
52Page 7 Position 6801C 6BF2 63??
53Page 7 Position 7801C 6BF4 63??
54Page 8 Position 1801C 6BF6 63??
55Page 8 Position 2801C 6BF8 63??
56Page 8 Position 3801C 6BFA 63??
57Page 8 Position 4801C 6BFC 63??
58Page 8 Position 5801C 6BFE 63??
59Page 8 Position 6801C 6C00 63??
60Page 8 Position 7801C 6C02 63??
61Page 9 Position 1801C 6C04 63??
62Page 9 Position 2801C 6C06 63??
63Page 9 Position 3801C 6C08 63??
64Page 9 Position 4801C 6C0A 63??
65Page 9 Position 5801C 6C0C 63??
66Page 9 Position 6801C 6C0E 63??
67Page 9 Position 7801C 6C10 63??
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes
00 - Nothing
01 - Sonic Blade
02 - Durandal
03 - Bizen Sword
04 - Zepyulos
05 - Fafhnil
06 - Zanzibar
07 - Brunhild
08 - Black Katana
09 - Sword of Slicing
0A - Midado Sword
0B - Sword of Heroes
0C - Sword of Evil
0D - Ogre Blade
0E - Flame Sword
0F - Musashi Blade
10 - Eskendal Blade
11 - Ice Scimitar
12 - Ice Blade
13 - Peridat Sword
14 - Euros
15 - Malachite Sword
16 - Dwarven Sword
17 - Notos
18 - Sigmund
19 - Broken Sword
1A - Death Claws
1B - Evil Blade
1C - Relic Sword
1D - Dragon's Claw
1E - Pristine Sword
1F - Kusanagi Sword
20 - Karanborg
21 - Dragon Spear
22 - Benkay's Glaive
23 - Ozrich's Spear
24 - Thunder Spear
25 - Boleas
26 - Ice Axe
27 - Black Axe
28 - Rune Axe
29 - Battle Dagger
2A - Fire Staff
2B - Flame Flair
2C - Thunder Whip
2D - Demon Hammer
2E - Kukai's Rod
2F - Mystic Mace
30 - Liebel's Rod
31 - Lightning Bow
32 - Black Bow
33 - Earth Charm
34 - Elder Sign
35 - Flame Charm
36 - Hydra's Fang
37 - Ice Charm
38 - Byak's Fang
39 - Snow Orb
3A - Thunder Charm
3B - Lightning Orb
3C - Black Charm
3D - Holy Fang
3E - Angel's WIng
3F - Ring of Power
40 - Ring of Magic
41 - Dragon Ring
42 - Thunder Ring
43 - Engraved Ring
44 - Demon Ring
45 - Ring of Protection
46 - Battle Bugle
47 - Ninja Garb
48 - Samurai Armor
49 - Mail of Nail
4A - Golden Armor
4B - Mail of Earth
4C - Houlou's Robe
4D - Snow Cape
4E - Black Armor
4F - Death Cape
50 - White Garb
51 - White Cape
52 - Pirate's Helm
53 - Silver Helmet
54 - Silver Tiara
55 - Mystic Veil
56 - King's Crown
57 - Burning Band
58 - Ice Bandanna
59 - Thunder Helm
5A - Demon Mask
5B - Royal Crown
5C - Iron Gloves
5D - Thunder Gloves
5E - Spike Shield
5F - Power Shield
60 - Honour Shield
61 - Ogre Shield
62 - Fire Shield
63 - Cold Shield
64 - Nue's Shield
65 - Ginger Cake
66 - Black Lotus
67 - Olden Orb
68 - Book of Good
69 - Flashy Cape
6A - Gnomish Nugget
6B - Beautiful Statue
6C - Platinum Medal
6D - Mulmy's Cap
6E - The Saga
6F - Sentoul Demon
70 - Battle Carving
71 - Font of Desire
72 - Wing of Victory
73 - Forest Pendant
74 - Mercury
75 - Reming Herb
76 - Zebra Fur
77 - Moon Rose
78 - Statue of Woe
79 - Song of Sodoh
7A - Golden Goblet
7B - Gold Metal
7C - Amatsu Statue
7D - Drangon's Bone
7E - Golden Bough
7F - Evil Sensor
80 - Rainbow Shell
81 - Star Fragment
82 - Black Orc's Fur
83 - Beast Coin
84 - Empress Cameo
85 - Fire Crest
86 - Key of Destiny
87 - Gem of The Moors
88 - Black Pearl
89 - Golden Beehive
8A - Big Trophy
8B - Tome of The Myths
8C - Dragon's Jewel
8D - Jem of Doun
8E - Tablet of Yaru
8F - Book of The Dead
90 - Jem of Truth
91 - Sable Fur
92 - Relief Medallion
93 - Ivory Goddess
94 - Box of Salvation
95 - Solm's Chest
96 - Necronomicon
97 - Stone of Dragos
98 - Undead Staff
99 - Undead Ring
9A - Blood Spell
9B - Deram Crown
9C - Rotten Pumpkin
9D - Promotion
9E - Vitality Potion
9F - Strength
A0 - Speed Potion
A1 - Tome of Learning
A2 - Heart of Leo
A3 - Soul Mirror
A4 - Lucky Charm
A5 - Cure Potion
A6 - Cure Stone
A7 - Ethereal Flute
A8 - Summoning Chime
A9 - Cure Anhk
AA - Egg of Wonder
AB - Full Moon Stone
AC - Joker Tarot
AD - Dinner Bell
AE - Dowsing Rod
AF - Trade Ticket
B0 - Mass Sommons
B1 - Persuasion Spell
B2 - 7 League Boots
B3 - Termites
B4 - Moonbeam
B5 - Ray of Sunshine
B6 - Crystal Ball
B7 - Glass Pumpkin
B8 - Star of Heroes
B9 - Bell of Light
BA - Grail
BB - Mystic Armband
BC - Garnet
BD - Amethyst
BE - Aquamarine
BF - Diamond
C0 - Emerald
C1 - Pearl
C2 - Ruby
C3 - Peridot
C4 - Sapphire
C5 - Opal
C6 - Topaz
C7 - Turquoise
C8 - Black Diamond

Codes für Cheatmodule:

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Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.