Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Need for Speed - Porsche

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Need for Speed - Porsche

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Need for Speed - Porsche
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed / 2000
  • Need for Speed 5

Genre: Rennspiel

Erschienen: Mai 2000

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Electronic Arts

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Electronic Arts

Cover von Need for Speed - Porsche

0 Codes
Code 1 by Nachbrenner & UL1
Codes 2, 4 - 9 & 42 - 65 by Nachbrenner
Jokers, AnAcs, Codes 3 & 10 - 41 by UL1
Made on XPClassic V2.004 / V2.0081
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC Pad 1700C 6102 ????
RCJC Pad 2700C 612A ????
AnAc Pad 1700C 6100 ????
AnAc Pad 2700C 6128 ????
1XPloder-Check Plus742F 9480 5CE8
042F 9484 F46C
2Mod-Chip-Check (Note 3)B426 FBD3 9339
142F 8BF1 FBAB
3PAL2NTSC742D E757 A5F1
342D E751 A5B3
4Y-Fix8420 06EC 723E
5Stopwatch 00:00:003422 5EF0 3C26
6Timer frozen (Time trials)7424 E50B 74AF
8424 E50B 8B3F
7Spanish mode (Note 2)342E 2ECE 503F
8Italian mode (Note 2)342E 2ECE 5038
9Always good grip7427 0ADA 5623
8427 0ADA 5643
10Infinite / max cash842E 206A AD50
842E 2068 5D62
11No repair-costs0424 23B3 5941
12No penalties (Factory driver)7424 FF19 9580
0424 FF1F 9509
7424 FF19 9580
0424 FF37 9521
13Instant win (Chase mode)
(Press L1 & R1)
7429 B2BC 1704
8429 E13B 5CDB
1499 points (Tournament mode)342E 206C 52C3
Have tournament trophies
15AllB421 FAD4 943A
142E 253D 64D7
342E 2535 65DC
16Class 3342E 253F 65D2
17Class 2342E 253C 66D7
18Class 1342E 253D 65D4
19Class 3342E 2530 66DB
20Class 2342E 2531 65D8
21Class 1342E 253E 66D5
22Class 3342E 2535 65DC
23Class 2342E 2532 66D9
24Class 1342E 2533 65D6
Have weekend trophies
25AllB420 FBD5 953B
142E 1B9D 7B66
26356342E 1B9D 7B66
27914342E 1B9C 7C69
28924342E 1B9F 7B64
29944342E 1B9E 7C67
30928342E 1B91 7B6A
31959342E 1B90 7C6D
32968342E 1B93 7B68
33993342E 1B92 7C6B
34Boxster342E 1B95 7B6E
35995342E 1B94 7C71
Have racing trophies
36550 Spyder342E 19F1 794C
37917342E 19F0 7A4F
38GT 3342E 19F3 794A
39GT 2342E 19F2 7A4D
40GT 1342E 19F5 7950
41AllB427 FAD2 9238
142E 19F1 794C
342E 19F5 7950
Nitro boost
(Press R3 & X)
7429 B2BC 5B00
3426 E862 82CE
(Press L3 & X)
7429 B2BC 5B06
3426 E862 82D0
Low rider
(Press R3 & Circle)
7429 B2BC 3B00
8427 A77D DB13
(Press L3 & Circle)
7429 B2BC 3B06
8427 A77D CF23
Drive through walls
(Press Select & Left)
7429 B2BC 1B85
8427 37B9 5F6F
7429 B2BC 1B85
8427 37BB 5F6D
(Press Select & Right)
7429 B2BC 1B25
8427 37B9 E38B
7429 B2BC 1B25
8427 37BB 536D
Drive through cars
(Press Select & Up)
7429 B2BC 1B15
8427 53DF 2BFD
(Press Select & Down)
7429 B2BC 1B45
8427 53DF 2B99
All cameras twisted a 180 degrees
(Press R3 & Up)
7429 B2BC 1B10
3426 A9C1 C1AD
(Press R3 & Down)
7429 B2BC 1B40
3426 A9C1 C1CF
Distance modifier
(Press R3 & Square)
7429 B2BC 9B00
8422 2C9A 4A82
(Press R3 & Left / Right)
9000 7802 AC08
5000 7800 006C
0400 08AC 0800
09AC 0C00 083C
6248 0835 0000
0895 DBFF 0934
0600 0915 0700
083C 7CD7 0835
0000 0985 0000
0000 8000 2921
0000 09A5 0400
08AC 0800 09AC
0C00 083C 6248
0835 0000 0895
7BFF 0934 0600
0915 0700 083C
7CD7 0835 0000
0985 0000 0000
80FF 2921 0000
09A5 0800 E003
5005 FAB0 0004
001E 000C C0DE
Extra cameras
(Note 1)
(Press L3 & Select)
7429 B2BC 1B07
3428 E040 A4F0
55Onboard higher
(Press L3 & L1)
7429 B2BC 1F06
3428 E040 A4F1
(Press L3 & L2)
7429 B2BC 1A07
3428 E040 A4F4
57From left
(Press L3 & R1)
7429 B2BC 1306
3428 E040 A4F5
58From top
(Press L3 & R2)
7429 B2BC 1906
3428 E040 A4F6
59From front
(Press R3 & L1)
7429 B2BC 1F00
3428 E040 A4F7
60Left front
(Press R3 & L2)
7429 B2BC 1A01
3428 E040 A4F8
61Right front
(Press R3 & R1)
7429 B2BC 1300
3428 E040 A4F9
62Left rear wheel
(Press R3 & R2)
7429 B2BC 1900
3428 E040 A4FA
63Right front
(Press L3 & Right)
7429 B2BC 1B26
3428 E040 A4E4
64Left front wheel
(Press L3 & Left)
7429 B2BC 1B86
3428 E040 A4D0
(Press L3 & Up)
7429 B2BC 1B16
3428 E040 A4D2
Note 1 : Modify camera in pause mode, so that regular Joypad functions aren't activated.
Switch off r.p.m. meter when using distance modifier.
Note 2 : These lanuages can't be found in the northern-europe-edition of the game.
Use only one of the codes.
Note 3 : Use this code if game won't start only !
Both this code & the XPloder-Check will work only with an ORIGINAL-GAME !

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Abfragen: 16.997

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.