Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Namco Museum Vol. 3

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Namco Museum Vol. 3

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Namco Museum Vol. 3
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Genre: Spielesammlung

Erschienen: 1996

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Namco

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Namco

Cover von Namco Museum Vol. 3

40 Codes
Codes by ???
Dig Dug
1Infinite Lives P18012 5418 0004
2Score Modifier P1 (Small)8012 5414 ????
3Score Modifier P1 (Large)8012 5416 00??
4Infinite Lives P28012 547C 0004
5Score Modifier P2 (Small)8012 5478 ????
6Score Modifier P2 (Large)8012 547A 00??
7Infinite Lives (Both Players)8010 EC04 0005
8Score Modifier P1 (Small)8010 EA44 ????
9Score Modifier P1 (Large)8010 EA46 00??
10Score Modifier P2 (Small)8010 EA48 ????
11Score Modifier P2 (Large)8010 EA4A 00??
12Infinite Credits8010 EC0C 0009
Ms. Pac-Man
13Infinite Lives P18013 5960 0004
14Score Modifier P1 (Small)8013 5978 ????
15Score Modifier P1 (Large)8013 597A 00??
16Infinite Lives P28013 5964 0004
17Score Modifier P2 (Small)8013 597C ????
18Score Modifier P2 (Large)8013 597E 00??
19Infinite Credits8013 5840 0009
20Eat All Ghosts All The Time8018 7728 0000
8018 772A 0000
8018 7754 0000
8018 7756 0000
8018 7780 0000
8018 7782 0000
8018 77AC 0000
8018 77AE 0000
21Infinite Lives P13016 8D4C 0005
22Score Modifier P1 (Small)8016 8CF4 ????
23Score Modifier P1 (Large)8016 8CF6 00??
24Infinite Lives P23016 8D4D 0005
25Score Modifier P2 (Small)8016 8CFC ????
26Score Modifier P2 (Large)8016 8CFE 00??
27Infinite Credits8016 8AE4 0009
Pole Position 2
28Infinite Time8013 551E 7000
29Lap Time Always Below 0.018013 5532 0000
8013 5530 0000
8013 552E 0000
8013 552C 0000
30Speed Modifier3013 2E8D 00??
31Infinite Credits8013 2D2A 0900
Tower of Druaga
32Infinite Lives P18016 664A 0004
33Score Modifier P1 (Small)8016 664C ????
34Score Modifier P1 (Large)8016 664E 00??
35Infinite Lives P28016 6696 0004
36Score Modifier P2 (Small)8016 6698 ????
37Score Modifier P2 (Large)8016 669A 00??
38Infinite Time (Both Players)8015 F464 4E20
39Infinite Keys (Both Players)8015 F530 0001
40Infinite Credits8015 F480 0009
Note : For Score Modifier Codes (Small), change the '?'s to 'F's for Quick Score Gain.

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