Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für NCAA Football 99

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für NCAA Football 99

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


NCAA Football 99
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Genre: Sportspiel

Erschienen: Oktober 1998

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Electronic Arts

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Electronic Arts

Cover von NCAA Football 99

18 Codes
Codes 1 - 16 by
Codes 17 - 18 by Bryan Black at InterAct
1Away Team Score Modifier8008 4F34 ????
2Away Team Infinite Time-Outs8008 4F42 0003
3Home Team Score Modifier8008 2D04 ????
4Home Team Infinite Time-Outs8008 2D12 0003
5Infinite Time to Choose Play3007 EDF2 0019
Character Creation Codes
6Infinite Creation Points801E 2104 29A7
7Max Agility301E 214E 0064
8Max Speed301E 214F 0064
9Max Aware301E 2150 0064
10Max Thw Pwr301E 2151 0064
11Max Thw Acc301E 2152 0064
12Unlock Limit Agility301E 2153 00FF
13Unlock Limit Speed301E 2154 00FF
14Unlock Limit Aware301E 2155 00FF
15Unlock Limit Thw Pwr301E 2156 00FF
16Unlock Limit Thw Acc301E 2157 00FF
17Home Always Score 10 pts. Except SafetyD007 E99E 0000
800C 4AA8 000A
D007 E99E 0000
800C 4AAA 2442
D007 E99E 0001
800C 4AA8 1021
D007 E99E 0001
800C 4AAA 0043
18Infinite Creation Points Code 2D000 0014 0000
8009 D7E6 2400
D000 0014 0000
8009 D7EA 2400
D000 0014 0000
8009 D7EE 2400
D000 0014 0000
8009 D7F2 2400
Note : If you want to make a perfect player type in the infinite points and unlock the limit codes. Than start the game, after the GameShark loads, turn off the GameShark. Then goto create player screen and name the player and stuff. When you get to the points turn on the GameShark (make sure your not holding any buttons on the controller when you turn it back on because i did that one time and it frozed) and make the guys points to a hundred (i never tried over a hundred). Then turn the GameShark back off. Go to the backup options and save the created player. Now you have to reset the playstation because if you go back to the create player screen it will freeze. If you want to make another player repeat the process, but make sure you load up the created players that you made, before you create the next player so the next player you make will add to the list. It may take awhile to make a bunch of players but thats the only way i found it to work right. Its worth the time too.

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