GameCube: Cheats für NCAA Football 2005

GameCube: Cheats für NCAA Football 2005

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NCAA Football 2005

Genre: Sportspiel

Erschienen: 2004

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Electronic Arts

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Electronic Arts

Cover von NCAA Football 2005

Codes, in der Wimpel-Sammlung einzutragen:

bessere Werte für Illinois OSKEE WOW
bessere Werte für Texas Tech FIGHT
bessere Werte für Baylor SIC EM
Blink-Wimpel FOR
Boing-Wimpel (Gegner bekommt mehr Pässe) REGISTERING
1. und 15. Wimpel THANKS
2003 All-Americans - Wimpel FUMBLE
Alabama - All-Time Team ROLL TIDE
Arizona - Maskottchen-Team BEAR DOWN
Arkansas - All-Time Team WOOPIGSOOIE
Auburn - All-Time Team WAR EAGLE
Badgers - All-Time Team U RAH RAH
Butter Fingers - Wimpel WITH EA
Clemson - All-Time Team DEATH VALLEY
Colorado - All-Time Team GLORY
Florida - All-Time Team GREAT TO BE
Florida State - All-Time Team UPRISING
Georgia - All-Time Team HUNKER DOWN
Georgia Tech - Maskottchen-Team RAMBLINWRECK
Iowa - All-Time Team ON IOWA
Iowa State - Maskottchen-Team RED AND GOLD
Jumbalaya - Wimpel HIKE
Kansas - Maskottchen-Team ROCK CHALK
Kansas State - All-Time Team VICTORY
Kentucky - Maskottchen-Team ON ON UK
Miami - All-Time Team RAISING CANE
Michigan - All-Time Team GO BLUE
Michigan State - Maskottchen-Team GO GREEN
Minnesota - Maskottchen-Team RAH RAH RAH
Mississippi State - All-Time Team HAIL STATE
Mizzou - Maskottchen-Team MIZZOU RAH
Nebraska - All-Time Team GO BIG RED
North Carolina - All-Time Team RAH RAH
North Carolina State - Maskottchen-Team GO PACK
Notre Dame - All-Time Team GOLDEN DOMER
NU - Maskottchen-Team GO CATS
Ohio State - All-Time Team KILLER NUTS
Oklahoma - All-Time Team BOOMER
Oklahoma State - All-Time Team GO POKES
Ole Miss - Maskottchen-Team HOTTY TOTTY
Oregon - All-Time Team QUACK ATTACK
Penn State - All-Time Team WE ARE
Pittsburgh - All-Time Team LETS GO PITT
Purdue - All-Time Team BOILER UP
Quarterback Dud - Wimpel ELITE 11
South Carolina - Maskottchen-Team GO CAROLINA
Stiffed - Wimpel NCAA
Syracuse - All-Time Team BIG ORANGE
Take Your Time - Wimpel FOOTBALL
Tennessee - All-Time Team ORANGE CRUSH
Texas A&M - All-Time Team GIG EM
Texas - All-Time Team HOOK EM
Thread The Needle - Wimpel 2005
UCLA - All-Time Team MIGHTY
USC - All-Time Team FIGHT ON
Virginia - All-Time Team WAHOOS
Virginia Tech - All-Time Team TECH TRIUMPH
Wake Forest - Maskottchen-Team GO DEACS GO
Washington - All-Time Team BOW DOWN
Washington Sate - Maskottchen-Team ALL HAIL
West Virginia - Maskottchen-Team HAIL WV
What A Hit - Wimpel BLITZ
Karte Crossed the Line TIBURON
Handschellen-Karte EA SPORTS

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