Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Mortal Kombat 4

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Mortal Kombat 4

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Mortal Kombat 4
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: Februar 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Digital Eclipse

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Midway

Cover von Mortal Kombat 4

52 Codes
Jokers, Codes 1 - 13, 40 - 55 by DiamondCutter
Codes 14 - 39 by slab
Reversed Joker Command P1D010 DDCC ????
Reversed Joker Command P2D010 DDD0 ????
1Infinite Health P1800A AEC0 FFFF
2Infinite Health P2800A AEC4 FFFF
3Infinite Battle Time800A ACB8 0064
4Infinite Run P1800A AED2 0001
5Infinite Run P2800A AED6 0001
6Play as Meat P1800A AF54 0001
7Play as Meat P2800A AF58 0001
8Infinite Character Select Time800B FD84 0013
9Infinite Fatality Time ( Note 1 )800B FDB0 00D3
10Kombat Codes Modifier800A AE8C 00??
11Background Modifier800A AEDC 000?
12P1 Character Modifier800A AF30 00??
13P2 Character Modifier800A AF3C 00??
14All Attacks Hurt P18006 219C 0004
8006 219E 3C02
15All Attacks Hurt P1 (alternative)8006 217C 0004
8006 217E 3C02
16All Attacks Hurt P28006 219C 0000
8006 219E 3C02
17Enable restart Match Option in 1-Player Arcade Mode800D 8B94 0002
18P1 can only do Special Moves800A AF94 5B03
19P1 Attacks fast and can do moves in mid air800A AF94 3F29
20P2 can only do Special Moves800A AF98 5B03
21P2 Attacks fast and can do moves in air800A AF98 3F29
22P1 Control Modifier800A AF2C 00??
23P2 Control Modifier800A AF38 00??
24Endless rounds800A AEE4 0000
25Fight thru walls800A AE76 0101
800A AE74 0101
261 round to win800D 8BBC 0001
27Blood Modifier800D 8BC0 0???
28Camera View stays in place800A AEF0 FFFF
29Invisible Mode800A AD24 B9E3
30Hit Anywhere8006 200A 3C00
31P1 Win Modifier800A AEC8 00??
32P1 Move Modifier800B FF9C 00??
33P1 Invisible 1st round800A AF44 0001
34P1 Infinite time to continue800A ACAC 000A
35P1 No time to continue800A ACAC 0000
36P1 Hard to do moves800A AF94 0000
37P2 Win Modifier800A AECC 00??
38P2 Move Modifier800B FF9C 00??
39P2 Super Jump!800A D800 0000
Unlock Ending Movie Codes
40Kai300D 9B7C 0001
41Raiden300D 9B7D 0001
42Shinnok300D 9B7E 0001
43Liu Kang300D 9B7F 0001
44Reptile300D 9B80 0001
45Scorpion300D 9B81 0001
46Jax300D 9B82 0001
47Reiko300D 9B83 0001
48Johnny Cage300D 9B84 0001
49Jarek300D 9B85 0001
50Tanya300D 9B86 0001
51Fujin300D 9B87 0001
52Sub Zero300D 9B88 0001
53Quan Chi300D 9B89 0001
54Sonya300D 9B8A 0001
55Unlock all movies (Replaces Codes 40 - 54)
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
5000 0F01 0000
300D 9B7C 0001
Quantity Digits to Accompany Background Modifier Codes
0 - Goro`s Lair
1 - Well
2 - Elder
3 - Tomb
4 - Wind
5 - Snake
6 - Shaolin
7 - Forest
8 - Prison
9 - Ice Pit
A - Skull
Quantity Digits to Accompany Background Modifier Codes
0 - Goro`s Lair
1 - Well
2 - Elder
3 - Tomb
4 - Wind
5 - Snake
6 - Shaolin
7 - Forest
8 - Prison
9 - Ice Pit
A - Skull
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code
00 - Scorpion
01 - Raiden
02 - Sonya
03 - Liu Kang
04 - Sub Zero
05 - Fujin
06 - Shinnok
07 - Reiko
08 - Quan Chi
09 - Tanya
0A - Reptile
0B - Kai
0C - Jarek
0D - Jax
0E - Johnny Cage
0F - Goro
11 - Noob Saibot
Quantity Digits to Accompany Background Modifier Codes
0 - Goro`s Lair
1 - Well
2 - Elder
3 - Tomb
4 - Wind
5 - Snake
6 - Shaolin
7 - Forest
8 - Prison
9 - Ice Pit
A - Skull
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code
00 - Scorpion
01 - Raiden
02 - Sonya
03 - Liu Kang
04 - Sub Zero
05 - Fujin
06 - Shinnok
07 - Reiko
08 - Quan Chi
09 - Tanya
0A - Reptile
0B - Kai
0C - Jarek
0D - Jax
0E - Johnny Cage
0F - Goro
11 - Noob Saibot
Quantity Digits to Accompany Kombat Code Modifier Code
00 - Nothing
01 - Free Weapon
02 - Throwing Disabled
03 - Armed & Dangerous
04 - Silent Kombat
05 - Explosive Kombat
06 - Random Weapons
07 - No Power??
08 - Many Weapons
09 - Randper Kombat
0A - No Rain
0B - Weapon Kombat
0C - Noob Saibot Mode
0D - Weapon Kombat
0E - Red Rain
0F - Maximum Damage Disabled
10 - Throwing & Max Damage Disabled
Quantity Digits to Accompany Background Modifier Codes
0 - Goro`s Lair
1 - Well
2 - Elder
3 - Tomb
4 - Wind
5 - Snake
6 - Shaolin
7 - Forest
8 - Prison
9 - Ice Pit
A - Skull
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code
00 - Scorpion
01 - Raiden
02 - Sonya
03 - Liu Kang
04 - Sub Zero
05 - Fujin
06 - Shinnok
07 - Reiko
08 - Quan Chi
09 - Tanya
0A - Reptile
0B - Kai
0C - Jarek
0D - Jax
0E - Johnny Cage
0F - Goro
11 - Noob Saibot
Quantity Digits to Accompany Kombat Code Modifier Code
00 - Nothing
01 - Free Weapon
02 - Throwing Disabled
03 - Armed & Dangerous
04 - Silent Kombat
05 - Explosive Kombat
06 - Random Weapons
07 - No Power??
08 - Many Weapons
09 - Randper Kombat
0A - No Rain
0B - Weapon Kombat
0C - Noob Saibot Mode
0D - Weapon Kombat
0E - Red Rain
0F - Maximum Damage Disabled
10 - Throwing & Max Damage Disabled
Quantity Digits to accompany Control Modifier-Codes
00 - Computer
01 - Human
Note 1 : With the Infinite Fatality Time code... If it is on and you have to make a finishing move, you can`t end that game. Only quit it... So use it only for practice or together with a Joker Command!

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