Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Metal Gear Solid (Version 1.0)

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Metal Gear Solid (Version 1.0)

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Metal Gear Solid
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • メタルギアソリッド

Genre: Action-Adventure

Erschienen: 1998

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Konami

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Microsoft

Cover von Metal Gear Solid

62 Codes
Codes 1 - 43 by Thunder2
Code 44 by Code Master
Joker, Codes 45 - 58 by FNG
Code 59 by elend and
Codes 60 - 62 by elend
Code 63 by The Wisskid
Joker CommandD00B 2D58 ????
1Have Socom Pistol800B 7532 03E7
800B 7546 03E7
2Have Famas800B 7534 03E7
800B 7548 03E7
3Have Grenades800B 7536 03E7
800B 754A 03E7
4Have Nikita800B 7538 03E7
800B 754C 03E7
5Have Stinger800B 753A 03E7
800B 754E 03E7
6Have Claymore Mines800B 753C 03E7
800B 7550 03E7
7Have C4800B 753E 03E7
800B 7552 03E7
8Have Stun Grenades800B 7540 03E7
800B 7554 03E7
9Have Chaff Grenades800B 7542 03E7
800B 7556 03E7
10Have Sniper Rifle800B 7544 03E7
800B 7558 03E7
11Have Cigs800B 755A 0001
12Have Scope800B 755C 0001
13Have C.Box A800B 755E 0001
14Have C.Box B800B 7560 0001
15Have C.Box C800B 7562 0001
16Have N.V.G.800B 7564 0001
17Have Therm.G800B 7566 0001
18Have Gas Mask800B 7568 0001
19Have B.Armor800B 756A 0001
20Have Ketchup800B 756C 0001
21Have Stealth800B 756E 0001
22Have Bandana800B 7570 0001
23Have Camera800B 7572 0001
24Have 255 Rations800B 7574 03E7
800B 758A 03E7
25Have 255 Medicine800B 7576 03E7
800B 758C 03E7
26Have 255 Diazepam800B 7578 03E7
800B 758E 03E7
27Have PAL Key800B 757A 0001
28Have Level 100 Key Card800B 757C 0064
29Never Have Time Bomb800B 757E 0000
30Have Mine Detector800B 7580 0001
31Have MO Disc800B 7582 0001
32Have Rope800B 7584 0001
33Have Handker800B 7586 0001
34Have Suppressor Active800B 7588 0000
35Infinite Life ( Note 1 )800B 7526 0600
36Max Life800B 7528 0600
37Infinite Air800A E1AC 0400
38Ghost Mode800A E188 0000
800A E18A 0000
39Never Get A Cold800B 752A 0000
40Radar Not Jammed When Spotted800A E178 0000
41All Modes VR Training300B 672B 0020
42Weapon Equipped Modifier Code800B 752C ????
43Item Equipped Modifier Code800B 752E ????
44Walk Thru Walls8002 7250 9CC4
8002 7252 0800
45Ocelot Has 0 Bullets8016 7CA8 0000
46Infinite 3:00 Fight Time800E 72BC 1475
47Infinite Time-Jeep Chase800E 1258 FFFF
48Liquid-No Health Final Fight8017 997C 0000
49Press R1 For An Easy Fight Against NinjaD00B 2D58 0008
8015 B59C 0000
50Press R1 For An Easy Fight Against Mantis ( Note 2 )D00B 2D58 0008
801B 8CB6 0000
51Press R1 For Meryil+Health S.WolfD00B 2D58 0008
8017 4A50 0080
52Press R1 For A Quick Battle With Hind D ( Note 3 )D00B 2D58 0008
8015 4AB4 0000
53Press R1 For Quick S.Wolf Snow Fight ( Note 4 )D00B 2D58 0008
8016 FE78 0000
54Press R1 For A Quick Metal Gear BattleD00B 2D58 0008
800B 8EF6 0000
55Press R1 For Quick Battle With RavenD00B 2D58 0008
8015 7408 0000
56Press R1 For Normal PAL KeyD00B 2D58 0008
800B 7592 0000
57Press R2 For Hot PAL KeyD00B 2D58 0002
800B 7592 0001
58Press L1 For Cold PAL KeyD00B 2D58 0004
800B 7592 0002
59Play in First Person Viewmode ( Note 5 )D00A E0C8 001F
300A E1C8 0000
60Behind-You-Camera ( Note 6 )800A DBB0 0020
61No camera-pans800A E208 FFFF
62Funny Camera (Try to play with the digits)800A E214 0022
63NTSC2PAL Disc 1 & 2800B D8D0 0000
Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Equipped Modifier Code
0000 - Socom
0001 - Famas
0002 - Grenade
0003 - Nikita
0004 - Stinger
0005 - Claymore
0006 - C4
0007 - Stun Grenade
0008 - Chaff Grenade
0009 - Sniper Rifle
FFFF - Nothing
Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Equipped Modifier Code
0000 - Socom
0001 - Famas
0002 - Grenade
0003 - Nikita
0004 - Stinger
0005 - Claymore
0006 - C4
0007 - Stun Grenade
0008 - Chaff Grenade
0009 - Sniper Rifle
FFFF - Nothing
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Equipped Modifier Code
0000 - Cigs
0001 - Scope
0002 - C.Box A
0003 - C.Box B
0004 - C.Box C
0005 - N.V.G.
0006 - Therm.G
0007 - Gasmask
0008 - B.Armor
0009 - Ketchup
000A - Stealth
000B - Bandana
000C - Camera
000D - Ration
000E - Medicine
000F - Diazepam
0010 - PAL Key
0011 - Level ? Card
0012 - Timer.B
0013 - Mine.D
0014 - Disc
0015 - Rope
0016 - Handker
0017 - Suppressor
FFFF - Nothing
Note 1 : With this code, it will help you thru the torture scene but you still have to press the button repeatedly to keep from dying...what the health code does is make sure your health doesn't get sucked down!
Note 2 : With this code, keep tapping R1 'til Mantis has Meryl try to blow her brains out. Tap R1 once more at this point, then swap controller ports and finish him off!
Note 3 : With this code, tap R1 and the hind D will fire at you, dodge it's fire and tap R1 again.. Fight complete.
Note 4 : With this code, tap R1 then run up to her.
Note 5 : To activate this code press L1+L2+R1+R2 and after that the triangle-button. To deactivate simply press triangle again.
Note 6 : L2 and R2 are non-functional with this Fun-Code. Sorry.


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Abfragen: 9.589

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.