Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Mega Man X4

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Mega Man X4

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Mega Man X4
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Rockman X4
  • ロックマンX4

Genre: Action

Erschienen: 2001

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Capcom

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Capcom

Cover von Mega Man X4

13 Codes
Codes by ???
Joker CommandD016 6C08 ????
1Infinite Energy8014 1924 2020
2Infinite Lives8017 2204 0002
3Infinite Lightning Web8014 1970 3030
4Infinite Leg Jets ( Note 1 )8014 199C 9D00
5Have All Weapons8014 1980 FF01
6Floater Code ( Note 2 )D016 6C08 0040
8014 18EE 0000
7Air X Code ( Note 3 )8014 18EC 6E00
8Death Touch ( Note 4 )D016 6C08 0080
8013 BF2C 0000
9Sky Masters ( Note 5 )8014 194E 0000
10Lethal Ordinance ( Note 6 )3014 196E 0404
11Super jump for Mega(air x variation) ( Note 7 )D016 6C08 0040
8014 18EC 9000
D016 6C08 2040
8014 18EC 9000
12Special Costume8017 21F6 0100
13Old Costume8017 21F6 0000
Note 1 : Press 'X' to turn jets off.
Note 2 : With this code, as long as you hold the X button and not move, you'll float up. Move left or right and you'll fall normally until you let go of the directional controls. This is useful for those who prefer to get the hard to reach items first.
Note 3 : X and Zero run as if they are constantly making little jumps, but when the jump, they jump HIGH. Also, if you let go of a wall or dash in air, you'll start floating upwards. Using Zero's double jump can solve the problem, as can sliding to the floor or turning off the Shark. This is very useful in getting the EX-item or the Arm Adaptions, but it can get to be a pain sometimes.
Note 4 : This code sets the energy of your opponent to zero whenever you use the square (fire) button. That shot (or the one after it) will kill about any boss in the entire game, except for Iris, Double, and Magma Dragoon, who the code won't effect.
Note 5 : This code allows you to do manuevers in the air (hover (X), air dash, double jump (Zero)) as many times as you want without landing.
Note 6 : This code makes it so that X's weapon is permanently set to four stored charge shots. That means that every pistol shot fired in the game will be at full charge! I think it also starts you out with the Stored Charge arm adaption and the leg adaption...
Note 7 : All right, one more for the road... this one allows your character a normal speed high jump (most of the time - dash jumps don't work).

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