Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
(Master System)
Andere Systeme: [Acorn Archimedes] [PC]
Genre: Knobelspiel/Puzzle Geschicklichkeit/Arcade
Erschienen: 1993
DMA Design

Stage | Password |
Beach | |
Islands in the Sky | 8DCG8DJF |
The Barley Mow... | NHJTNDHB |
Spade-A-Rama! | MBBDJFBJ |
Cannonball | QGBJFBJG |
The Suction Function | LJGGBJGH |
Just Pooling Around | NDHTJGHC |
Beach Lems | SAD0QHCK |
Sand In Yer Sarnies | PGGYRHKD |
Beach Mania | LDJ1MPBL |
Tribe Completed | SBFXAJNC |
Polar | |
Wall of Snow | BKCHFAD3 |
Snowball Fight | ACHFADLT |
Ice Ice Lemmy | MCFADLA1 |
Get Your Skates On | RACDLAJY |
Snow More Lems | PFBKAJFZ |
Danger Thin Ice! | KJNVJFGV |
Take Your Best Shot | NQC0PGBX |
Turn Back | BFGZQGDW |
Slippin' & Sliding | KDHYLJAV |
Tribe Completed | SAJTNHDW |
Classic | |
Mr. Lemmy Lives Here | JCJKFHBC |
Lemtris | MJKFHBFA |
Tension Sheet! | SPFHBFHJ |
Magnificent Severn | A2JBFHBG |
The Starry Threshold | P46FHBDF |
So Close, But So Far | R73KBDCG |
The Secret of Lemh | L2SSFCDS |
The Mad Pursuit | P46QZALB |
What's Up There? | R78PYWHF |
Tribe Completed | L99Q869J |
Egyptian | |
Glued to the Goal | HBDCDLJM |
Labyrinth of Fun | LDCDLJCL |
Spiralling DNA | NHDLJCBA |
Echo of Light | MJNJCBKN |
Ruper'z Questling | NQGDBKDP |
The Egypt Cottage | BDATKDFQ |
Mummy Mummy! | SHD3NFGR |
Wave Pathway | MGMWPBHS |
Pyramid of Despair | LPBZQCGR |
Tribe Completed | AJHYRDFM |
Medieval | |
A Round Table | DFGBJADL |
Don't Get A-Cross | PGBJADGM |
Sir! I Kid Ye Not | QGJADGHR |
All a Knight's Work | LDCDGHCK |
Watch That last Step | SFBFHCFS |
King Arthur's Lems | KJJ1CFDP |
What can we do now? | NBFXPDAS |
Lemming in Distress | QCAZNFDK |
Joust the Thing! | RHHWKJHN |
Tribe Completed | MABVNAGP |
Cavelems | |
Out of your Tribe | BJGHCKDN |
Islands of Stone | SGHCKDLB |
Doomed Mortal Lems | QCCKDLDG |
A Stompin Good Time | RHMDLDJA |
Underground Paradise | MPBKDJCF |
This is the Pits | AJNWJCHH |
Ain't No Time | NQB0MHFA |
Deadly Exit | BJGXRACM |
Ah'm not done yet | NDA1PHMC |
Tribe Completed | SHFZMPCF |
Sports | |
School Sports Day | BDBCDKG1 |
The Occathalon | NBCDKGBT |
Round the Bend | LHDKGBHX |
Drop Shot | MJMGBHGW |
Rrracketeerz | NPJAHGFZ |
Bouncy Bouncy | ABD1GFDT |
Double Trouble | QGFYPDHX |
The Sun Selection | LCJZNCGW |
Run the Risk | RBHWRBHV |
Tribe Completed | QAB1QAG0 |
Outdoor | |
Healthy Lifestyle | HCFDADFL |
Swings N Roundabouts | MFDADFJS |
Glide Like the Wind | PJADFJBH |
Deliverance | NFBFJBKP |
Magic of Mushrooms | KJHHBKCK |
Natural Selection | NAGTKCHM |
Laws of Tradition | PDD3MHFR |
Tent Up There | SGMXRAAQ |
Garden of Stone | LPA1PFBJ |
Tribe Completed | AHFZKJNS |
Space | |
Perpetual Motion | DHKHAJDT |
Constructive Space | RKHAJDFZ |
The Long Walk Home | ACAJDFB1 |
Symmetry in Space | RFGDFBDZ |
The Lems Have Landed | KDBGBDB0 |
The Vortex | SJHTDBC1 |
Stainless Steel Lem | NADWLCD6 |
Lunar Olympics | PGBTMJKV |
It's Full Of Lems | LJDXNPJZ |
Tribe Completed | NGAWABDX |
Circus | |
Lems in the Family | DJCHFCKF |
Stairway to Heaven | SCHFCKAD |
Around and Around | MCFCKAJH |
Without a Safety Net | RAAKAJCD |
Big Top Time | PHMBJCJP |
Juggling Ace | MPC0CJKA |
Headache | AFGXSKFC |
Circus of Fear | KDA0AAHG |
Play That Funky Lem | SHG3PCDA |
Tribe Completed | MDMZRGHD |
Highland | |
Where's My Sporan? | BKDFGHJP |
Cream of Lem Soup | ADFGHJHL |
Wee Beasties | NAGHJHDR |
Stop Tickling Jock | PBFJHDFS |
A Mere Stones Throw | QCGJDFGN |
Donald Whars Yer Lem | RDFWFGBQ |
In Memory of Angus | SCBZQBJM |
Take A Running Jump | RJHYLDAL |
Eat my Shrapnel | NAJTSFBS |
Tribe Completed | PBD0KJJQ |
Shadow | |
Nitram the Huge | AJFGBDCX |
Twin Sleeps | SFGBDCBV |
The Lard Factory | PBBDCBDY |
Swingadingding | QGBCBDH4 |
Concrete Jungle | LJAADHKY |
Fritbatter Frolice | NHDWHKHW |
Goosen's Inferno | MGB1AHAZ |
Spinny Thang | LJF3RFJV |
Moon Savings | NCM1KDB0 |
Tribe Completed | RPFVSJHW |
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Abfragen: 12
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