Le Mans 24 Hours
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
T-15111D-18 V1.000
0 Codes
Commands, Codes by Nachbrenner
Tested on XPDC V502
These codes are for XPloderDC only !
Button command | 0D2BA650
0000???? | |
D-L/R command | 0D2BA652
0000???? | |
A-R command | 0D2BA65C
0000???? | |
A-L command | 0D2BA65E
0000???? | |
A-Stick command | 0D2BA662
0000???? | |
Button command port B | 0D2BA788
0000???? | |
D-L/R command port B | 0D2BA78A
0000???? | |
A-R command port B | 0D2BA794
0000???? | |
A-L command port B | 0D2BA796
0000???? | |
A-Stick command port B | 0D2BA79A
0000???? | |
1 | PAL 60Hz (Note 1) | 0F01D21C
0000E000 0D049B14 00006043 01049B14 0000200A 0D21D7E0 00006043 0121D7E0 0000200A 0DF89B14 00006043 01F89B14 0000200A 0DFAD7E0 00006043 01FAD7E0 0000200A |
2 | Infinite fuel & tires | 0D02CC34
0000F1F1 0102CC34 00000008 |
Le Mans 24h timer (Note 2) | ||
3 | Running pretty fast
(Press A & B & Up) | 0D2BA650
0000FFE9 000DB012 00000000 |
4 | Default
(Press A & B & Down) | 0D2BA650
0000FFD9 000DB012 00000008 |
Lap timer (Note 4) | ||
5 | Default
(Press A & X & Up) | 0D2BA650
0000FBEB 0008521C 00000001 |
6 | Frozen
(Press A & X & Down) | 0D2BA650
0000FBDB 0008521C 00000000 |
7 | Reverse
(Press A & X & Left) | 0D2BA650
0000FBBB 0008521C 000000FF |
Lap counter (Note 3) | ||
8 | Decreases
(Press B & Y & Up) | 0D2BA650
0000FDED 000BE8AA 000000FF |
9 | Default / increases
(Press B & Y & Down) | 0D2BA650
0000FDDD 000BE8AA 00000001 |
10 | Increases by 100 (quick win)
(Press B & Y & Left) | 0D2BA650
0000FDBD 000BE8AA 00000064 |
Note 1 : Can be used only with compatible TV sets.
Increases game speed by 20% and removes black borders.
This code will also change the whole game into the american version "Test Drive: Le Mans"!
Therefore the game will use the gamesave "TDLEMANS" instead of "LEMANS24"!
This code will also change the whole game into the american version "Test Drive: Le Mans"!
Therefore the game will use the gamesave "TDLEMANS" instead of "LEMANS24"!
Note 2 : Even in real time mode a day takes less than a minute.
Turn code off when line "final lap" appears; otherwise graphics might get corrupted.
Turn code off when line "final lap" appears; otherwise graphics might get corrupted.
Note 3 : This will affect all cars.
Activate "decreasing", after race has begun and wait until all opponents have crossed the finish line.
You will see your position counting down to first place, then activate "default/increasing".
Activate "decreasing", after race has begun and wait until all opponents have crossed the finish line.
You will see your position counting down to first place, then activate "default/increasing".
Note 4 : Use this to unlock time trial bonus cars.
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Abfragen: 4.420
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