Iron & Blood
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Iron & Blood - Warriors of Ravenloft
Andere Systeme: [PC] [PlayStation]
Genre: Prügelspiel
Erschienen: Januar 1996
Take 2 (2K Games)

101 Codes
Codes by ???
Joker Command P1 | D002 985C 1 | # of Lives (Options) (1-5) | 3002 98DF 000? | 2 | Team Size (Options) (3-6) | 3002 98E1 000? | 3 | P1 Character Modifier | 3002 9A9E 00?? | 4 | P2 Character Modifier | 3002 9A9F 00?? | 5 | Secret Character Set P1 | Select any Character then Hold the following Buttons L1 for MINION OF CHAOS L2 for MINION OF ORDER R1 for LORD OF CHAOS R2 for STRAHD D002 985C 0004 | 8002 9A9E 0010 D002 985C 0001 8002 9A9E 0011 D002 985C 0008 8002 9A9E 0012 D002 985C 0002 8002 9A9E 0013 Infinite Lives P1 | 6 | Torgo | 8003 38DC 0004 | 7 | Luthor | 8003 38E6 0004 | 8 | Erland | 8003 38F0 0004 | 9 | Darius | 8003 38FA 0004 | 10 | Xenobia | 8003 3904 0004 | 11 | Ignatius Max | 8003 390E 0004 | 12 | Shinesta | 8003 3918 0004 | 13 | Red Cloud | 8003 3922 0004 | 14 | Urgo | 8003 392C 0004 | 15 | Ardrus | 8003 3936 0004 | 16 | Sasha | 8003 3940 0004 | 17 | Nym Pymplee | 8003 394A 0004 | 18 | Balthazaar | 8003 3954 0004 | 19 | Kaurik | 8003 395E 0004 | 20 | Balok | 8003 3968 0004 | 21 | Stellerex | 8003 3972 0004 | Infinite Magic P1 | 22 | Torgo | 8003 38D8 0400 | 23 | Luthor | 8003 38E2 0400 | 24 | Erland | 8003 38EC 0400 | 25 | Darius | 8003 38F6 0400 | 26 | Xenobia | 8003 3900 0400 | 27 | Ignatius Max | 8003 390A 0400 | 28 | Shinesta | 8003 3914 0400 | 29 | Red Cloud | 8003 391E 0400 | 30 | Urgo | 8003 3928 0400 | 31 | Ardrus | 8003 3932 0400 | 32 | Sasha | 8003 393C 0400 | 33 | Nym Pymplee | 8003 3946 0400 | 34 | Balthazaar | 8003 3950 0400 | 35 | Kaurik | 8003 395A 0400 | 36 | Balok | 8003 3964 0400 | 37 | Stellerex | 8003 396E 0400 | Infinite Health P1 | 38 | Torgo | 8003 38D6 00C8 | 39 | Luthor | 8003 38E0 00C8 | 40 | Erland | 8003 38EA 00C8 | 41 | Darius | 8003 38F4 00C8 | 42 | Xenobia | 8003 38FE 00C8 | 43 | Ignatius Max | 8003 3908 00C8 | 44 | Shinesta | 8003 3912 00C8 | 45 | Red Cloud | 8003 391C 00C8 | 46 | Urgo | 8003 3926 00C8 | 47 | Ardrus | 8003 3930 00C8 | 48 | Sasha | 8003 393A 00C8 | 49 | Nym Pymplee | 8003 3944 00C7 | 50 | Balthazaar | 8003 394E 00C8 | 51 | Kaurik | 8003 3958 00C8 | 52 | Balok | 8003 3962 00C8 | 53 | Stellerex | 8003 396C 00C8 | Infinite Lives P2 | 54 | Torgo | 8003 39A4 0004 | 55 | Luthor | 8003 39AE 0004 | 56 | Erland | 8003 39B8 0004 | 57 | Darius | 8003 39C2 0004 | 58 | Xenobia | 8003 39CC 0004 | 59 | Ignatius Max | 8003 39D6 0004 | 60 | Shinesta | 8003 39E0 0004 | 61 | Red Cloud | 8003 39EA 0004 | 62 | Urgo | 8003 39F4 0004 | 63 | Ardrus | 8003 39FE 0004 | 64 | Sasha | 8003 3A08 0004 | 65 | Nym Pymplee | 8003 3A12 0004 | 66 | Balthazaar | 8003 3A1C 0004 | 67 | Kaurik | 8003 3A26 0004 | 68 | Balok | 8003 3A30 0004 | 69 | Stellerex | 8003 3A3A 0004 | Infinite Magic P2 | 70 | Torgo | 8003 39A0 0400 | 71 | Luthor | 8003 39AA 0400 | 72 | Erland | 8003 39B4 0400 | 73 | Darius | 8003 39BE 0400 | 74 | Xenobia | 8003 39C8 0400 | 75 | Ignatius Max | 8003 39D2 0400 | 76 | Shinesta | 8003 39DC 0400 | 77 | Red Cloud | 8003 39E6 0400 | 78 | Urgo | 8003 39F0 0400 | 79 | Ardrus | 8003 39FA 0400 | 80 | Sasha | 8003 3A04 0400 | 81 | Nym Pymplee | 8003 3A0E 0400 | 82 | Balthazaar | 8003 3A18 0400 | 83 | Kaurik | 8003 3A22 0400 | 84 | Balok | 8003 3A2C 0400 | 85 | Stellerex | 8003 3A36 0400 | Infinite Health P2 | 86 | Torgo | 8003 399E 00C8 | 87 | Luthor | 8003 39A8 00C8 | 88 | Erland | 8003 39B2 00C8 | 89 | Darius | 8003 39BC 00C8 | 90 | Xenobia | 8003 39C6 00C8 | 91 | Ignatius Max | 8003 39D0 00C8 | 92 | Shinesta | 8003 39DA 00C8 | 93 | Red Cloud | 8003 39E4 00C8 | 94 | Urgo | 8003 39EE 00C8 | 95 | Ardrus | 8003 39F8 00C8 | 96 | Sasha | 8003 3A02 00C8 | 97 | Nym Pymplee | 8003 3A0C 00C8 | 98 | Balthazaar | 8003 3A16 00C8 | 99 | Kaurik | 8003 3A20 00C8 | 100 | Balok | 8003 3A2A 00C8 | 101 | Stellerex | 8003 3A34 00C8 | Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes | 00 - TORGO 01 - LUTHOR 02 - ERLAND 03 - DARIUS 04 - XENOBIA 05 - IGNATIUS MAX 06 - SHINESTA 07 - RED CLOUD 08 - URGO 09 - ARDRUS 0A - SASHA 0B - NYM PYMPLEE 0C - BALTHAZAAR 0D - KAURIK 0E - BALOK 0F - STELLEREX 10 - MINION OF CHAOS 11 - MINION OF ORDER 12 - LORD OF CHAOS 13 - STRAHD |
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