In the Hunt
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- 海底大戦争
Andere Systeme: [PC] [PlayStation]
Genre: Ego-Shooter
Erschienen: Dezember 1995
Entwickler: Irem
Verleger: Irem
Joker Command P1 | D007 BE48 Joker Command P2 | D007 BE4A | 1 | Stop Timer P1 & P2 | 8007 BD2A 0063 | 2 | Never Frozen P1 & P2 | D007 BE74 0001 | 8007 BE74 0000 3 | Infinite Lives P1 | 800D B6C0 0003 | 4 | Infinite Continues P1 | 8007 BE9C 0005 | 5 | Start with High Score P1 | D013 1C00 0064 | 8013 1C00 EA60 6 | Have 99 Treasure Balls P1 | (Push Select) D007 BE48 0100 | 800D B6C2 0063 7 | Invincible P1 | 8009 59C2 0101 | 8 | Infinite Lives P2 | 800D B6F2 0005 | 9 | Infinite Continues P2 | 8007 BE9E 0005 | 10 | Have 99 Treasure Balls P2 | (Push Select) D007 BE4A 0100 | 800D B6F4 0063 11 | Invincible P2 | 8009 587E 0201 | 12 | Start With High Score P2 | D013 1C14 0064 | 8013 1C14 EA60 |
Autor: Entwickler – Größe: 2746 KB
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- In The Hunt (PAL) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- In the Hunt - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- In the Hunt - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
- In the Hunt - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen)
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