Grandia 2
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
Auch bekannt als:
- グランディア2
Andere Systeme: [Dreamcast] [PC] [PlayStation 2]
Genre: Rollenspiel
Erschienen: 2000
Game Arts
Ubi Soft

T-17715D V1.000
0 Codes
Code 1 by Nachbrenner
Commands, Codes 2 - 106, 108 - 127 & 129 - 146 by UL1
Codes 107 & 128 by Saphire Weapon
Tested on XPDC V209
These codes are for XPloderDC only !
Button Command | 0D152628
0000???? | |
A-L/R Command | 0D15262A
000?0000 | |
A-Stick Command | 0D15262C
000?8080 | |
1 | PAL 60Hz (Note 1) | 0F0387A0
0000E000 |
2 | Start with loads of money | 0DE2DCE0
000000C8 02E2DCE0 0160D02C |
3 | Start with loads of special coins | 0DE2DCE8
00000064 02E2DCE8 0160D02C |
4 | Start with loads of magic coins | 0DE2DCEC
00000032 02E2DCEC 0160D02C |
RYUDO | ||
5 | Level 99 | 01E2E372
00000063 |
6 | Experience modifier | 01E2E374
0000???? |
7 | High EXP | 02E2E374
0160D02C |
8 | Next level always 1 | 01E2E378
00000001 |
9 | Max HP | 01E2E37C
0000270F |
10 | Infinite HP | 01E2E37E
0000270F |
11 | Max MP | 01E2E380
000003E7 |
12 | Infinite MP | 01E2E382
000003E7 |
13 | Max SP | 01E2E384
000003E7 |
14 | Infinite SP | 01E2E386
000003E7 |
15 | Max Attack / Strength | 01E2E388
000003E7 |
16 | Max Defense / Vitality | 01E2E38A
000003E7 |
17 | Max Agility / Action | 01E2E38C
000003E7 |
18 | Max Speed / Movement | 01E2E38E
000003E7 |
19 | Max Magic | 01E2E390
000003E7 |
20 | Max Mentality | 01E2E392
000003E7 |
21 | Weapon modifier | 01E2E3A0
0000???? |
22 | Armor modifier | 01E2E3A2
0000???? |
23 | Headgear modifier | 01E2E3A4
0000???? |
24 | Foootwear modifier | 01E2E3A6
0000???? |
25 | Accessory modifier | 01E2E3A8
0000???? |
Have max recovery items : | ||
26 | Mystic potion | 00E2DD69
00000063 |
27 | Scarlet potion | 00E2DD6A
00000063 |
28 | Healing fruit | 00E2DD6B
00000063 |
29 | Holy wound salve | 00E2DD6C
00000063 |
30 | Wound salve | 00E2DD6D
00000063 |
31 | Medicinal herb | 00E2DD6E
00000063 |
32 | Potion of Azure | 00E2DD73
00000063 |
33 | Healing incense | 00E2DD74
00000063 |
34 | Scroll of Alheal | 00E2DD75
00000063 |
35 | Healing herb | 00E2DD76
00000063 |
36 | Miracle elixir | 00E2DD7D
00000063 |
37 | Hero's elixir | 00E2DD7E
00000063 |
38 | Yomi's elixir | 00E2DD7F
00000063 |
39 | Panacea | 00E2DD80
00000063 |
40 | Purifying herb | 00E2DD81
00000063 |
41 | Poison antidote | 00E2DD82
00000063 |
ELENA | ||
42 | Level 99 | 01E2E3DE
00000063 |
43 | Experience modifier | 01E2E3E0
0000???? |
44 | High EXP | 02E2E3E0
0160D02C |
45 | Next level always 1 | 01E2E3E4
00000001 |
46 | Max HP | 01E2E3E8
0000270F |
47 | Infinite HP | 01E2E3EA
0000270F |
48 | Max MP | 01E2E3EC
000003E7 |
49 | Infinite MP | 01E2E3EE
000003E7 |
50 | Max SP | 01E2E3F0
000003E7 |
51 | Infinite SP | 01E2E3F2
000003E7 |
52 | Max Attack / Strength | 01E2E3F4
000003E7 |
53 | Max Defense / Vitality | 01E2E3F6
000003E7 |
54 | Max Agility / Action | 01E2E3F8
000003E7 |
55 | Max Speed / Movement | 01E2E3FA
000003E7 |
56 | Max Magic | 01E2E3FC
000003E7 |
57 | Max Mentality | 01E2E3FE
000003E7 |
58 | Weapon modifier | 01E2E40C
0000???? |
59 | Armor modifier | 01E2E40E
0000???? |
60 | Headgear modifier | 01E2E410
0000???? |
61 | Foootwear modifier | 01E2E412
0000???? |
62 | Accessory modifier | 01E2E414
0000???? |
63 | Level 99 | 01E2E44A
00000063 |
64 | Experience modifier | 01E2E44C
0000???? |
65 | High EXP | 02E2E44C
0160D02C |
66 | Next level always 1 | 01E2E450
00000001 |
67 | Max HP | 01E2E454
0000270F |
68 | Infinite HP | 01E2E456
0000270F |
69 | Max MP | 01E2E458
000003E7 |
70 | Infinite MP | 01E2E45A
000003E7 |
71 | Max SP | 01E2E45C
000003E7 |
72 | Infinite SP | 01E2E45E
000003E7 |
73 | Max Attack / Strength | 01E2E460
000003E7 |
74 | Max Defense / Vitality | 01E2E462
000003E7 |
75 | Max Agility / Action | 01E2E464
000003E7 |
76 | Max Speed / Movement | 01E2E466
000003E7 |
77 | Max Magic | 01E2E468
000003E7 |
78 | Max Mentality | 01E2E46A
000003E7 |
79 | Weapon modifier | 01E2E478
0000???? |
80 | Armor modifier | 01E2E47A
0000???? |
81 | Headgear modifier | 01E2E47C
0000???? |
82 | Foootwear modifier | 01E2E47E
0000???? |
83 | Accessory modifier | 01E2E480
0000???? |
ROAN | ||
84 | Level 99 | 01E2E4B6
00000063 |
85 | Experience modifier | 01E2E4B8
0000???? |
86 | High EXP | 02E2E4B8
0160D02C |
87 | Next level always 1 | 01E2E4BC
00000001 |
88 | Max HP | 01E2E4C0
0000270F |
89 | Infinite HP | 01E2E4C2
0000270F |
90 | Max MP | 01E2E4C4
000003E7 |
91 | Infinite MP | 01E2E4C6
000003E7 |
92 | Max SP | 01E2E4C8
000003E7 |
93 | Infinite SP | 01E2E4CA
000003E7 |
94 | Max Attack / Strength | 01E2E4CC
000003E7 |
95 | Max Defense / Vitality | 01E2E4CE
000003E7 |
96 | Max Agility / Action | 01E2E4D0
000003E7 |
97 | Max Speed / Movement | 01E2E4D2
000003E7 |
98 | Max Magic | 01E2E4D4
000003E7 |
99 | Max Mentality | 01E2E4D6
000003E7 |
100 | Weapon modifier | 01E2E4E4
0000???? |
101 | Armor modifier | 01E2E4E6
0000???? |
102 | Headgear modifier | 01E2E4E8
0000???? |
103 | Foootwear modifier | 01E2E4EA
0000???? |
104 | Accessory modifier | 01E2E4EC
0000???? |
MAREG | ||
105 | Level 99 | 01E2E522
00000063 |
106 | Experience modifier | 01E2E524
0000???? |
107 | High EXP | 02E2E524
05F5E0FF |
108 | Next level always 1 | 01E2E528
00000001 |
109 | Max HP | 01E2E52C
0000270F |
110 | Infinite HP | 01E2E52E
0000270F |
111 | Max MP | 01E2E530
000003E7 |
112 | Infinite MP | 01E2E532
000003E7 |
113 | Max SP | 01E2E534
000003E7 |
114 | Infinite SP | 01E2E536
000003E7 |
115 | Max Attack / Strength | 01E2E538
000003E7 |
116 | Max Defense / Vitality | 01E2E53A
000003E7 |
117 | Max Agility / Action | 01E2E53C
000003E7 |
118 | Max Speed / Movement | 01E2E53E
000003E7 |
119 | Max Magic | 01E2E540
000003E7 |
120 | Max Mentality | 01E2E542
000003E7 |
121 | Weapon modifier | 01E2E550
00000??? |
122 | Armor modifier | 01E2E552
00000??? |
123 | Headgear modifier | 01E2E554
00000??? |
124 | Foootwear modifier | 01E2E556
00000??? |
125 | Accessory modifier | 01E2E558
00000??? |
TIO | ||
126 | Level 99 | 01E2E58E
00000063 |
127 | Experience modifier | 01E2E590
0000???? |
128 | High EXP | 02E2E590
05F5E0FF |
129 | Next level always 1 | 01E2E594
00000001 |
130 | Max HP | 01E2E598
0000270F |
131 | Infinite HP | 01E2E59A
0000270F |
132 | Max MP | 01E2E59C
000003E7 |
133 | Infinite MP | 01E2E59E
000003E7 |
134 | Max SP | 01E2E5A0
000003E7 |
135 | Infinite SP | 01E2E5A2
000003E7 |
136 | Max Attack / Strength | 01E2E5A4
000003E7 |
137 | Max Defense / Vitality | 01E2E5A6
000003E7 |
138 | Max Agility / Action | 01E2E5A8
000003E7 |
139 | Max Speed / Movement | 01E2E5AA
000003E7 |
140 | Max Magic | 01E2E5AC
000003E7 |
141 | Max Mentality | 01E2E5AE
000003E7 |
142 | Weapon modifier | 01E2E5BC
00000??? |
143 | Armor modifier | 01E2E5BE
00000??? |
144 | Headgear modifier | 01E2E5C0
00000??? |
145 | Foootwear modifier | 01E2E5C2
00000??? |
146 | Accessory modifier | 01E2E5C4
00000??? |
Index for equipment modifiers 00C - Poff nut 00D - Missanga 033 - Adventure book 034 - Book of Wizards 035 - Book of Warriors 036 - Book of Priest's 037 - Book of Gales 038 - Book of swords 039 - Book of War 03A - Book of Sages 03B - Book of Learning 03D - Seed of Life 03E - Seed of Spells 03F - Seed of Moves 040 - Seed of Power 041 - Seed of Defense 042 - Seed of Swift 043 - Seed of Running 044 - Seed of Magic 045 - Seed of Psyche 046 - All-around seed 047 - Omnipotent seed 048 - Lore of Moves 049 - Lore of Magic 051 - Miracle scales 052 - Soul of a hero 053 - Astral miracle 054 - Ethereal miracle 065 - Mystic potion 066 - Scarlet potion 067 - Healing fruit 068 - Holy Wound salve 069 - Wound salve 06A - Medicinal herb 06F - Potion of Azure 070 - Healing incense 071 - Scroll of Alheal 072 - Healing herb 079 - Miracle elixir 07A - Hero's elixir 07B - Yomi's elixir 07C - Panacea 07D - Purifying herb 07E - Poison antidote 07F - Paralysis salve 080 - Torte's reedpipe 081 - Eye drops 082 - Smelling salts 083 - Blessing scroll 084 - Move blessing 085 - Magic blessing 086 - Vaccine 08D - Indigo potion 08E - Magical medicine 08F - Grail fruit 090 - Lumir flower 096 - Nut of Light 097 - Golden potion 098 - Baobab fruit 099 - Butter roll 09A - Blueberry 0A1 - Caterpillar soup 0A2 - Fresh sandwich 0A3 - Toad oil 0AB - Calming harp 0AC - Mana harp 0AD - Lion harp 0C6 - Golden nut 0C7 - Golden statue 0C9 - Hyper Mogay bomb 0CA - Super Mogay bomb 0CB - Mogay bomb 0CC - Meteor bomb 0CD - Thor stone 0CE - Red Bird stone 0CF - Icefang stone 0D0 - Electrum stone 0D1 - Gale stone 0D2 - Flame stone 0D3 - Quake stone 0D4 - Fireball scroll 0D5 - Whirlwind scroll 0D6 - Serpentine 0D7 - Spiderweb 0D8 - Dynamite 0D9 - Red goblin toad 0DA - Holy ashes 0DB - Insecticide bomb 0DC - Makibishi 0DD - Sandman wiskers 0DE - Mushroon cloud 0DF - Firebomb 0E0 - Handgrenade 0E1 - Goblin toadstool 0E2 - Platinum feather 0E3 - Gold feather 0E4 - Silver feather 0E5 - Scattering stone 0E7 - Battle manicure 0E8 - Face paint 0E9 - Demon ash 0EA - Muscle mushroom 0EB - Guard mushroom 0EC - Speed mushroom 0ED - Runner mushroom 0EE - Wow! scroll 0EF - Diggin' scroll 0F0 - Speedy scroll 0F1 - Runner scroll 0F2 - Myriad power nut 0F3 - Patience nut 0F4 - Sympathy nut 0F5 - Swiftness nut 0F6 - Powerless nut 0F7 - Weakness nut 0F8 - Exhaustion nut 0F9 - Slowpoke nut 0FB - Kuko Berry 0FC - Sleeping harp 0FD - Silence lute 0FE - Mermaid harp 0FF - Bone harp 12D - Granasaber 12E - Thor sword 12F - Icefang sword 130 - Blazing sword 131 - Holy Soul blade 132 - Maken Valborg 133 - Silence sword 134 - Sliver freeze 135 - Sword of Mikage 136 - Fine broadsword 137 - Claymore 138 - Ogre slayer 139 - Swordfish sword 13A - Shadowblade 13B - Flamberge 13C - Sword of Purity 13D - Samurai Blade 13E - Army Saber 13F - Shamshir 140 - Falx 141 - Geoblade 142 - Zero broadsword 14B - Holy Ghost staff 14C - Huge flail 14D - Guardian staff 14E - Decalogue staff 14F - Priest's staff 150 - Golden flail 151 - Silver flail 152 - Aromatic root 153 - Buster flail 154 - Lullaby staff 155 - Quarry staff 156 - Whirlwind staff 157 - Blazing staff 158 - Sister's staff 159 - Oracle's staff 15A - Battle rod 15B - Flame staff 15C - Iron rod 15D - Prayer staff 15E - Dragon wand 15F - Useless staff 169 - Black Angel bow 16A - Exorcism bow 16B - Dread bow 16C - Arbalest 16D - Flying fish bow 16E - Burning bow 16F - Crossbow 170 - Unstrung bow 187 - Brave dirk 188 - Dirk 189 - Gladius 18A - Sword Breaker 18B - Soul Eater 18C - Main Gauche 18D - Warp knife 18E - Poisoned knife 18F - Flint knife 190 - Icepick 191 - Hunter's knife 192 - Multiple knife 193 - Dull knife 1A5 - Phoenix ring 1A6 - Demon Shuriken 1A7 - Wind Cutter 1A8 - Angel Circle 1A9 - Balor 1AA - Binding Circle 1AB - Bloody saucer 1AC - Discus 1AD - Double Moon 1AE - Moon Claw 1AF - Rusty Hoop 1C3 - Leo Rex battleaxe 1C4 - Rune axe 1C5 - Tundra battleaxe 1C6 - Inferno battleaxe 1C7 - Bardiche 1C8 - Earthen axe 1C9 - Halberd 1CA - Dragonfly slayer 1CB - Dragonslayer axe 1CC - Hammer axe 1CD - Battleaxe 1CE - Powerless axe 1F5 - Holy sword armor 1F6 - Moonstone armor 1F7 - Paladin armor 1F8 - Halo armor 1F9 - Dragonscale mail 1FA - Warrior mail 1FB - Black quartz mail 1FC - Swordfish armor 1FD - Plate mail 1FE - Shoulder guards 209 - Hero's cuirass 20A - Reflect mail 20B - Aura armor 20C - Dark armor 20D - Flame armor 20E - Earthen cuirass 20F - Ancient cuirass 210 - Shell armor 211 - Chain armor 212 - Leather armor 213 - Valkyrie dress 214 - Tenma's dress 215 - Resist dress 216 - Slyph's robe 217 - Red Fur coat 218 - Mithril dress 219 - Flare dress 21A - Crimson bolero 21B - Tight dress 21D - Priestess' robe 21E - Angel's robe 21F - Imperial garb 220 - Priest's robe 221 - Purple robe 222 - Sister's robe 223 - Pixie's robe 224 - Guardian robe 227 - Sun robe 228 - Holy clothes 229 - Ninja clothes 22A - Dragon vest 22B - Ancient suit 22C - Lion Field garb 22D - Illusion clothes 22E - Quilted silk 22F - Adventure suit 230 - Leather jacket 231 - Cuir Bouilli 23B - God of War helmet 23C - Reflect helmet 23D - Paladin helmet 23E - Adamantine helmet 23F - Charisma helmet 240 - Dragon Bone helmet 241 - Battle helmet 242 - Black quartz helmet 243 - Ogre helmet 244 - Swordfish helmet 245 - Iron helmet 246 - Stone Head 24F - Holy crown 250 - Loving ribbon 251 - Starlight tiara 252 - Moonlight tiara 253 - Fairy ribbon 254 - Azure barrette 255 - Lightning tiara 256 - Magnolia bandana 257 - Ruby barrette 258 - Silk hair ribbon 259 - Red hair ribbon 263 - Illusion bandana 264 - Man's headband 265 - Flame headband 266 - Mercury bandana 267 - Black band 268 - Bravery bandana 269 - Hide Turban 26A - Iron bandana 26B - Leather bandana 26C - Bandana 26D - Hair band 277 - Sage's hat 278 - Priest's hat 279 - Phoenix hat 27A - Wizard's hat 27B - Sister's hat 27C - feathered hat 27D - Guardian hat 27E - Traveler's hat 27F - Climbing hat 28B - Lion boots 28C - Elf King's boots 28D - Royal boots 28E - Wolf boots 28F - Battle boots 290 - Warrior leggings 291 - Mach boots 292 - Heavy boots 293 - Wing boots 294 - Hunter's boots 295 - Leather leggings 29F - Glass slippers 2A0 - Queen heels 2A1 - Red shoes 2A2 - Goddess hi-heels 2A3 - Rainbow hi-heels 2A4 - Magic hi-heels 2A5 - Hi-heels 2A6 - charming heels 2A9 - Ogre shoes 2AA - Shadow shoes 2AB - Warp shoes 2AC - Man's iron clogs 2AD - Flame shoes 2AE - Odd wooden clogs 2AF - Giant's shoes 2B0 - Dash shoes 2B1 - Climbing boots 2B2 - Children's shoes 2B3 - Crampons 2B4 - Pumps 2BD - Holy egg 2BE - Chaos egg 2BF - Mist egg 2C0 - Gravity egg 2C1 - Soul egg 2C2 - Star egg 2C3 - Tutor egg 2C4 - Change egg 2C5 - Fairy egg 2C6 - Dragon egg 2C7 - Mana crystals 2C8 - Demon necklace 2C9 - Mana insignia 2CA - Energy charm 2CB - Divine talisman 2CC - Soul of Asura 2CD - Demon's Tears 2CE - Angel's ring 2CF - Relief tag 2D0 - King's Pride 2D1 - Black belt 2D2 - Energy ring 2D3 - Rage ring 2D4 - Dragon scales 2D5 - Dark ring 2D6 - Forbear ring 2D7 - Rune necklace 2D8 - Meteor earring 2D9 - Mirage earring 2DA - Reflection ring 2DB - Heavy stone 2DC - Healing Gem 2DD - Revival Gem 2DE - Bonds of Trust 2E4 - Jet-black cape 2E5 - Kojin charm 2E6 - Salamander tail 2E7 - Fire pendant 2E8 - North Wind cape 2E9 - Crystal brooch 2EA - Thunder ring 2EB - Arctic Cape 2EC - Fire charm 2ED - Wind charm 2EE - Earth charm 2EF - Lightning charm 2F0 - Blizzard charm 2F9 - Mystic Veil 2FA - Ring of Guarding 2FB - Mars Talisman 2FC - Coral necklace 2FD - Talisman 2FE - Crescent jade 2FF - Raincoat 300 - Snake earrings 301 - Poison charm 302 - Sleep charm 303 - Confusion charm 304 - Paralysis charm 305 - Move block charm 306 - Magic block charm 307 - Plague charm 30D - Heracle's belt 30E - Titan's ring 30F - Hercule's brace 310 - Jade charm 311 - Shogun's brace 312 - Magical bracelet 313 - Gauntlet 314 - Siver bracelet 315 - Leather brace 316 - Sonic belt 317 - Hurricane belt 318 - Godspeed ring 319 - Anklet 31A - Moebius ring 31B - Pretty necklace 31C - Pretty bracelet 31D - Pretty ring 31E - Friends necklace |
Handbuch (PC-Version)
Autor: Entwickler – Größe: 1310 KB
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Abfragen: 12.694
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.