Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Grand Theft Auto

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Grand Theft Auto

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Grand Theft Auto
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • GTA
  • Grand Theft Auto - The Director's Cut

Genre: Action-Adventure Rennspiel

Erschienen: 1997

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Rockstar Games (früher: DMA Design)

Cover von Grand Theft Auto

18 Codes
Codes 1- 8 by InterAct!
Codes 9- 18 by
Reversed Joker CommandD002 C440 ????
1Infinite Lives8002 C446 0009
2Get Out Of Jail Free Key8002 C45E 0001
365535 High ScoreD002 C2F0 0000
8002 C2F0 FFFF
4Extra Bonus Points8002 C442 0063
5Infinite Pistol Ammo8002 C450 6300
6Infinite Machinegun/Rocket Ammo8002 C452 6363
7Infinite Flamethrower Ammo8002 C454 0063
8Infinite Armor8002 C438 0063
9No Cops8002 6D84 2000
105 Million High ScoreD002 C2F0 0000
8002 C2F0 4FFF
D002 C2F2 0000
8002 C2F2 004C
11Less Traffic8002 C3A4 05BD
12Unlock Liberty City Part 18002 6D1C 0001
13Unlock Liberty City Part 28002 6D20 0001
14Unlock San Andreas Part 18002 6D24 0001
15Unlock San Andreas Part 28002 6D28 0001
16Unlock Vice City Part 18002 6D2C 0001
17Unlock Vice City Part 28002 6D30 0001
18Super Human Whacked & Crazy Mode!
[ Read Note ]
8002 C932 6401
8002 C954 0002
8002 C976 00FF
D002 C440 0100
8002 C932 0000
Note : This is a very fun and kewl code yet very buggy! So i added a kill button just incase you get stuck! Ok #1 DO NOT run a car off in the water while in it! If you do thats what the kill button is for just hold it down and you die! Some missions may glitch just hit the kill button and the board should reset..Its good to use infinite lives with this hehehe! Those are the bad points of the code the good points are when you die...tap the car jacking button,run button,and firing button all while pressing left or right to wiggle your dead body back up...basically resurrection hehehe! You can walk over water,can't get busted by the cops,and you are immune to electric shock & fire! Also if you blow up in a vehicle you can wiggle back to life from it also! The Kill button is set on the brake button which is by default R1...if you want to stop the vehicle just tap the brake button never hold it down!


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Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.