Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für G-Police 2 - Weapons of Justice (UK)

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für G-Police 2 - Weapons of Justice (UK)

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


G-Police 2 - Weapons of Justice
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Genre: Ego-Shooter

Erschienen: August 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Psygnosis

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Sony Computer Entertainment

Cover von G-Police 2 - Weapons of Justice

0 Codes
Codes 1, 2 & 13 - 19 by Lajos Szalay
Codes 3 - 12 by The Wisskid
1All 30 missions & difficulties open3004 01B8 001F
3004 01B9 001F
3004 01BA 001F
2Open all database8004 0174 03FF
8004 017C 00FF
8004 0184 7FFF
8004 018C FFFF
8004 018E 0003
8004 0194 FFFF
8004 0196 0003
8004 019C FFFF
8004 019E 0003
8004 01A4 FFFF
8004 01A6 0003
8004 01AC FFFF
8004 01AE 0003
Venom Gunship
Infinite :
3Shield801E F724 2711
4Cannon800B 51C0 0063
5Seekers800B 51C8 000A
6Laser 1800B 51D4 0063
7Laser 2800B 51D8 0063
8Siren800B 51E8 000F
9Vanguard800B 51CC 0021
10BB9 bombs800B 51EC 0022
11Cluster bombs800B 51F0 0031
12EPPs800B 51D0 0063
13Siren800B 51E8 000F
14Ammo800B 51A0 0063
800B 51A4 0063
800B 51A8 0063
800B 51AC 0063
800B 51B0 0063
800B 51B4 0063
800B 51B8 0063
800B 51BC 0063
800B 51C4 0063
800B 51DC 0063
800B 51E0 0063
800B 51F4 0063
800B 51F8 0063
800B 51FC 0063
800B 51E4 0063
800B 51E8 0063
15Shield801E F5E0 36B1
16Ammo8012 5610 0009
8012 5618 0009
8012 5614 0063
8012 560C 0063
Armoured Vehicle Car
17Infinite ammo8011 7410 0063
8011 740C 0063
Tunnel Rat
18Shield801E 3214 1D4D
19Ammo800E 7140 001E
800E 7134 001E
800E 7138 001E
800E 7144 0009
800E 7130 0064
800E 713C 0009
Note 1 : Some codes love to crash the game (probably the infinite shield-code).

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