Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen): Cheats für Final Fantasy Tactics

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen): Cheats für Final Fantasy Tactics

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Final Fantasy Tactics
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • ファイナルファンタジータクティクス

Genre: Rollenspiel

Erschienen: Januar 1998

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Square

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Square-Enix

Cover von Final Fantasy Tactics

0 Codes
Codes 2 - 4 by
Codes 1, 5 - 51 by ???
11 Fight for Job Level Up8017 CB20 0100
8017 CB22 2443
8017 CB3C 0100
8017 CB3E 2443
2Infinite Money8005 483E 0098
1. Character Codes
3Max EXP5000 1202 0000
8005 507A 270F
4Max JP.5000 1202 0000
8005 5052 270F
5Level Up8019 04B8 63FF
6Max HP and MP5000 0402 0000
8019 04C0 03E7
7Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 2B46 270F
8All Items3005 6731 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6732 5858
2. Character Codes
9Level Up8019 0678 63FF
10Max HP and MP5000 0402 0000
8019 0680 03E7
11Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 2C6E 270F
12All Items3005 6831 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6832 5858
3. Character Codes
13Level Up8019 0838 63FF
14Max HP and MP5000 0402 0000
8019 0840 03E7
15Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 2D96 270F
16All Items3005 6931 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6932 5858
4. Character Codes
17Level Up8019 09F8 63FF
18Max HP and MP5000 0402 0000
8019 0A00 03E7
19Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 2E5E 270F
20All Items3005 6A31 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6A32 5858
5. Character Codes
21Level Up8019 0BB8 63FF
22Max HP and MP5000 0402 0000
8019 0BC0 03E7
23Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 2FE6 270F
24All Items3005 6B31 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6B32 5858
6. Character Codes
25Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 310E 270F
26MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5552 270F
27All Items3005 6C31 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6C32 5858
7. Character Codes
28Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 3236 270F
29MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5652 270F
30All Items3005 6D31 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6D32 5858
8. Character Codes
31Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 335E 270F
32MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5752 270F
33All Items3005 6E31 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6E32 5858
9. Character Codes
34Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 3486 270F
35MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5852 270F
36All Items3005 6F31 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 6F32 5858
10. Character Codes
37Complete Occupation5000 2802 0000
801C 35AE 270F
38MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5952 270F
39All Items3005 7031 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7032 5858
11. Character Codes
40MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5A52 270F
41All Items3005 7131 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7132 5858
12. Character Codes
42MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5B52 270F
43All Items3005 7231 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7232 5858
13. Character Codes
44MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5C52 270F
45All Items3005 7331 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7332 5858
14. Character Codes
46MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5D52 270F
47All Items3005 7431 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7432 5858
15. Character Codes
48MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5E52 270F
49All Items3005 7531 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7532 5858
16. Character Codes
50MAX 9999 JP5000 0F02 0000
8005 5F52 270F
51All Items3005 7631 0058
5000 7F02 0000
8005 7632 5858


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