Final Fantasy 9
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Final Fantasy IX
- ファイナルファンタジーIX
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Rollenspiel
Erschienen: Februar 2001

RCJC | D007 3B9A ???? | |
1 | Sudden Death everybody (Press Square) | D007 3BEA 7FFF 800B DBAE 1000 |
2 | Infinite health heroes & Sudden Death enemies (Note 5) (Press Square & Select) | D007 3BEA 7FFE 800B DBA6 0C00 D007 3BEA 7FFE 800B DBA4 2000 8000 8000 8010 8000 8002 3C16 8000 8004 923C 8000 8006 36D6 8000 8008 000E 8000 800A 12C4 8000 8010 00D0 8000 8012 26D6 8000 8014 000B 8000 8016 12C4 8000 801C 00D0 8000 801E 26D6 8000 8020 0008 8000 8022 12C4 8000 8028 00D0 8000 802A 26D6 8000 802C 0005 8000 802E 12C4 8000 8034 0001 8000 8036 2402 8000 803C 0008 8000 803E 03E0 8000 8046 2402 8000 804C 0008 8000 804E 03E0 |
3 | Sudden Death enemies (Note 5) (Press Square & Select) | D007 3BEA 7FFE 800B DBA6 0C00 D007 3BEA 7FFE 800B DBA4 2000 8000 8000 8010 8000 8002 3C16 8000 8004 923C 8000 8006 36D6 8000 8008 000E 8000 800A 12C4 8000 8010 00D0 8000 8012 26D6 8000 8014 000B 8000 8016 12C4 8000 801C 00D0 8000 801E 26D6 8000 8020 0008 8000 8022 12C4 8000 8028 00D0 8000 802A 26D6 8000 802C 0005 8000 802E 12C4 8000 8034 00A3 8000 8036 102A 8000 803C 0008 8000 803E 03E0 8000 8046 2402 8000 804C 0008 8000 804E 03E0 |
4 | Infinite health heroes (Note 5) (Press Square & Select) | D007 3BEA 7FFE 800B DBA6 0C00 D007 3BEA 7FFE 800B DBA4 2000 8000 8000 8010 8000 8002 3C16 8000 8004 923C 8000 8006 36D6 8000 8008 000E 8000 800A 12C4 8000 8010 00D0 8000 8012 26D6 8000 8014 000B 8000 8016 12C4 8000 801C 00D0 8000 801E 26D6 8000 8020 0008 8000 8022 12C4 8000 8028 00D0 8000 802A 26D6 8000 802C 0005 8000 802E 12C4 8000 8034 0001 8000 8036 2402 8000 803C 0008 8000 803E 03E0 8000 8044 00A3 8000 8046 102A 8000 804C 0008 8000 804E 03E0 |
5 | Stealing always successful (Note 1) | 8000 7FF4 0002 8000 7FF6 16E2 8000 7FFE 2417 8000 7FFC 00FD 8000 8002 2402 8000 8008 0003 8000 800A 16E2 8000 8010 00FF 8000 8012 2417 8000 801A 2406 8000 801E 26F7 8000 8022 26F0 8000 8028 0008 8000 802A 03E0 D007 3B9A 7CFF 800B 7F3E 0C00 D007 3B9A 7CFF 800B 7F3C 1FFC D007 3B9A 7CFF 800B 7F2A 2800 D007 3B9A 7CFF 800B 7F40 00FE D007 3B9A 7CFF 800B 7F46 2800 D007 3B9A 7CFF 8000 801C FFFF D007 3B9A 77FF 8000 801C 0001 D007 3B9A 7BFF 8000 801C 0000 D007 3B9A 7CFF 800B 64BA 1400 |
6 | Hyper mode | D00E 9EF2 9043 800E 9EF2 2800 D00A EA0A 9044 800A EA0A 2800 D00A C692 9044 800A C692 2800 |
7 | Always win card | D00A FCB2 2403 800A FCB0 0000 D00A FC86 2403 800A FC84 0000 |
8 | Always perfect at card games (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) | 8000 8000 A021 8000 8002 0200 8000 8006 2415 8000 8008 0014 8000 800A AC40 8000 800C 0001 8000 800E 9053 8000 8014 0008 8000 8016 03E0 D007 3B9A F0FF 800A BF0A 2800 D007 3B9A F0FF 800A BF02 2800 D007 3B9A F0FF 800A BF04 2000 D007 3B9A F0FF 800A BF06 0C00 |
9 | Play with abilities of another character (Note 2) (Press L2) | D00E EB0A 1440 800E EB0A 2400 D007 3B9A FEFF 800C 09CE 2400 D007 3B9A FEFF 800E C586 2400 D007 3B9A FEFF 800E C58A 2402 D007 3B9A FEFF 800E C588 00?? |
10 | All players get all their abilities in battle | D00E EB0A 1440 800E EB0A 2400 |
All abilities for all characters (Note 4) | ||
11 | First slot | 8000 8000 8000 8000 8002 3C17 8000 8004 7FF4 8000 8006 36F7 8000 8012 0440 8000 801A 2442 8000 801E A2E2 8000 8020 0002 8000 8022 A062 8000 802C 0006 8000 802E 12C2 8000 8036 2416 8000 803A 2417 8000 8040 0008 8000 8042 03E0 8000 804A 2402 8000 804C 2007 8000 804E 0800 8000 8010 000D 8000 8024 0030 8000 8026 2416 8000 800A 82E2 |
12 | Second slot | D007 3B9A 7FFF 800E C58E 2400 D007 3B9A 7FFF 800E C588 2000 D007 3B9A 7FFF 800E C58A 0C00 D007 3B9A 7FFF 8000 8018 0000 D007 3B9A FDFF 8000 8018 0001 D007 3B9A FEFF 8000 8018 FFFF D007 3B9A 7FFF 800B 8372 2400 D007 3B9A 7FFF 800C 09CE 2400 D00E EB0A 1440 800E EB0A 2400 |
Index for play with abilities of another character 00 - Zidane 01 - Vivi 02 - Dagger 03 - Steiner 04 - Freya 05 - Quina 06 - Eiko 07 - Amarant 0E - Beatrix 14 - Zidane (Trance) 15 - Vivi (Trance) 17 - Dagger (Trance) 18 - Steiner (Trance) 1A - Freya (Trance) 1C - Quina (Trance) 1D - Eiko (Trance) 1E - Amarant (Trance) |
than previous (Example : if you steal a hi potion, pressing Select & R1 will let you steal always hi potions...)
Press Square & L2 to steal the item before the last item stolen (Example : you stole [in order]: ore , potion,
phoenix pignon ,ether; press Select & R2 and you'll get phenix pignon, potion then ore again). Press Select & R2 & L2
again and you're back to always steals code
Press Triangle to get another player.. it will keep Zidane's abilities !
Press R2 and it will go through the complete list of abilities each time you move to another character with Triangle.
Once you selected some specific abilities, press Square again to keep it for a while and select someone else if you
wanna. Press L2 and you'll go through the complete list of abilities but in reverse.
Lösungen und FAQs:
Lösungsmodul für das Ultimate Hint System:
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Final Fantasy 9 (Deutsch - Teil 1) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Final Fantasy 9 (Deutsch - Teil 2) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Final Fantasy 9 (Deutsch - Teil 3) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Final Fantasy 9 (Deutsch - Teil 4) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Final Fantasy 9 (Deutsch) - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Final Fantasy 9 (UK) - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Final Fantasy 9 - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
Fragen und Antworten:
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Abfragen: 53.735
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.