Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Ehrgeiz

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Ehrgeiz

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Ehrgeiz - God Bless the Ring

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: April 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers DreamFactory

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Square

Cover von Ehrgeiz

0 Codes
Jokers, Codes 11, 12, 35 - 38, 71 - 74, 99, 100, 106 - 124 & 127 by
Codes 9, 10, 27 - 34, 43 - 70, 79 - 98 & 102 - 105 by & DiamondCutter
Codes 13 - 26, 125 & 126 by DiamondCutter
Codes 1 - 8, 39 - 42, 75 - 78 & 101 by slab
RCJC P1D01F 6DAA ????
RCJC P2D01F 6DCC ????
1Throw opponent from anywhere on screen8004 E576 2400
8004 E586 1000
8004 E5B6 1000
8004 E632 1000
2Hit anywhere (both players) (Note)8005 3C96 1000
8005 3F66 2400
8005 3FCA 2400
3Infinite power bars (both players)8003 460E 2400
4No hit sparksD009 5708 0022
8009 570A 1000
5Infinite battle time800F 5364 18D5
6Start with 99 seconds battle time8001 930C 18D5
8001 930E 2403
7Start with 50 seconds battle time8001 930C 0CB3
8001 930E 2403
8Enable extra costumes801E F0C8 FFFF
9Infinite time to choose character300F 50BE 00FF
10Time frozen800F 5300 0000
11All characters unlocked300F 50E1 00FF
300F 50E2 000B
300F 50E8 0011
12Start with last fightD00F 52F8 0000
300F 52F8 000A
13Enable all endings801E F0D0 FFFF
14All attacks do ?? damage (Note 1)8003 44A4 00??
8003 44A6 2411
Stage Modifier
15Dome300F 5404 0000
16Roof300F 5404 0001
17Airship300F 5404 0002
18HongKong300F 5404 0003
19Train300F 5404 0004
20Colliseum300F 5404 0005
21DigUp300F 5404 0006
22Shelter300F 5404 0007
23Elevator300F 5404 0008
24Underground300F 5404 0009
25Computer300F 5404 000A
26Random300F 5404 000B
27Infinite health3011 D1AE 00B8
2875% healthD011 D1AE 00B8
3011 D1AE 008A
2950% healthD011 D1AE 00B8
3011 D1AE 005C
3025% healthD011 D1AE 00B8
3011 D1AE 002E
31SuddenDeathD011 D1AE 00B8
3011 D1AE 0001
32Nohealth3011 D1AE 0000
33Infinite energy for special attacks3011 DEA6 00D0
34No energy for special attacks3011 DEA6 0000
35Decrease time
(Press R1 & R2)
(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
800F 5364 0001
36Increase time
(Press L1 & L2)
(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
800F 5364 0F30
37Always one fight wonD00F 52F0 0000
300F 52F0 0001
38No fight wonD00F 52F0 0001
300F 52F0 0000
39All attacks hurt P28003 4494 8012
8003 4496 3C10
8003 44A4 0EA4
8003 44A6 3610
40Start with round's won modifierD00F 52F0 0000
300F 52F0 00??
41P2's wins count for P18001 99B0 52C0
8001 99B2 3423
42Total wins modifier800F 52FC ????
Character modifier
43Rio300F 50CC 0000
44Han Daehan300F 50CC 0001
45Godhand300F 50CC 0002
46Lee Shuwen300F 50CC 0003
47Dasher Inoba300F 50CC 0004
48? (Tarkus)300F 50CC 0005
49Sasuke300F 50CC 0006
50Prince Doza300F 50CC 0007
51YoYoYoko300F 50CC 0008
52Jo300F 50CC 0009
53Cloud Strife300F 50CC 000A
Tifa Lock hart
300F 50CC 000B
54Django300F 50CC 000C
55Sephiroth300F 50CC 000D
56Koji Masuda300F 50CC 000E
Clai rAnd rews
300F 50CC 000F
57Yuffie Kisaragi300F 50CC 0010
58Vincent Valentine300F 50CC 0011
59Zack300F 50CC 0013
60Special Costume300F 50CE 0001
61Infinite health3012 0FC2 00B8
6275% healthD012 0FC2 00B8
3012 0FC2 008A
6350% healthD012 0FC2 00B8
3012 0FC2 005C
6425% healthD012 0FC2 00B8
3012 0FC2 002E
65SuddenDeathD012 0FC2 00B8
3012 0FC2 0001
66Nohealth3012 0FC2 0000
67Infinite energy for special attacks3012 1CBA 00D0
68No energy for special attacks3012 1CBA 00D0
69Decrease time
(Press R1 & R2)
(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
800F 5364 0001
70Increase time
(Press L1 & L2)
(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
800F 5364 0F30
71Always one fight wonD00F 533C 0000
300F 533C 0001
72No fight wonD00F 533C 0001
300F 533C 0000
73All attacks hurt P18003 4494 8011
8003 4496 3C10
8003 44A4 D090
8003 44A6 3610
74Start with round's won modifierD00F 533C 0000
300F 533C 00??
75P1's wins count for P28001 9974 530C
8001 9976 3423
76Total wins modifier800F 5348 ????
Character modifier
77Rio300F 50FC 0000
78Han Daehan300F 50FC 0001
79Godhand300F 50FC 0002
80Lee Shuwen300F 50FC 0003
81Dasher Inoba300F 50FC 0004
82? (Tarkus)300F 50FC 0005
83Sasuke300F 50FC 0006
84Prince Doza300F 50FC 0007
85YoYoYoko300F 50FC 0008
86Jo300F 50FC 0009
87Cloud Strife300F 50FC 000A
Tifa Lock hart
300F 50FC 000B
88Django300F 50FC 000C
89Sephiroth300F 50FC 000D
90Koji Masuda300F 50FC 000E
Clai rAnd rews
300F 50FC 000F
91Yuffie Kisaragi300F 50FC 0010
92Vincent Valentine300F 50FC 0011
93Zack300F 50FC 0013
94Special Costume300F 50FE 0001
Battle Runner
95Only 1 lap to run
(Press L2 & R2)
300F 53D4 0001
Battle Beach
(Press L2)
D01A 540A FEFF
3018 89F6 0005
RCJCD01F F10A ????
97WalkThroughWallsD003 D5D0 0003
8003 D5D2 1000
98Infinite health301E 8910 0080
99Infinite energy5000 0202 0000
801F 3A7E 0080
100Max Magic Stones801F 3B5C 032A
101Infinite money801F 3B34 C929
102Max Max HP (Base)301F 3A82 00FF
103Max Attack (Base)301F 3A84 00FF
104Max Defense (Base)301F 3A86 00FF
105Max Magic Atk (Base)301F 3A88 00FF
106Max Magic Dev (Base)301F 3A8A 00FF
107Max Dexterity (Base)301F 3A8C 00FF
108Max Speed (Base)301F 3A8E 00FF
109Max Consum. Rate (Base)301F 3A90 00FF
110Max EXP Gain Rate (Base)301F 3A92 00FF
111Max Max HP (Current)301F 3A7E 0080
112Max Attack (Current)301F 3A96 00FF
113Max Defense (Current)301F 3A98 00FF
114Max Magic Atk (Current)301F 3A9A 00FF
115Max Magic Def (Current)301F 3A9C 00FF
116Max Dexterity (Current)301F 3A9E 00FF
117Max Speed (Current)301F 3AA0 00FF
118Max Consum. Rate (Current)301F 3AA2 00FF
119Max Exp Gain Rate (Current)301F 3AA4 00FF
120Level 255301F 3AB4 00FF
121Max allB012 0002 0000
101F 3A82 00FF
122Level modifier301F 3AB4 00??
123*Experience modifier
(use FFFF for quick rise )
801F 3AAC ????
Note 1: Replace the ?? with the value you want. If you insert 00, then both players will fight eternal... If you want to have a long fight insert a 01. If you want to have a short fight insert perhaps B8, 3C, ...

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