Duke Nukem
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Duke Nukem - Total Meltdown
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Ego-Shooter
Erschienen: September 1997
Entwickler: 3D Realms
Verleger: GT Interactive
0 Codes
Codes 1, 11 - 26, 23 - 28 & 36 - 64 by DiamondCutter
Joker, Codes 2 - 6, 27, 34 & 35 by UL1@blaze.de
Codes 7 - 11 by Lajos Szalay
Joker Command | D00B 3A94 1 | PAL2NTSC | 8009 4FC6 3C00 | 2 | Y-Fix | 8008 FE78 0000 | 3 | Finish level successful | (Press L1 & L2) D00B 6172 0005 | 300E C952 0001 4 | Flying without Jetpack ( Note 2 ) | (ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) E00B 3A94 000F | 800E C9D4 0100 E00B 3A95 0040 800E C9D4 0000 5 | Falling without damage | 300E C9DC 0001 | 6 | Weapon-in-hand-modifier | 300E C91C 000? | 7 | God mode | 800B 53C0 00FF | 8 | No clipping mode | 800B 53C6 0101 | 9 | Enable debug menu | 800B 54EA 0200 | 10 | Action debug counter | 800B 542A 0001 | 11 | Infinite kills | 800B 54A4 0001 | Infinite | 12 | Pistol ammo | 800E C900 00C8 | 13 | Shotgun shells | 800E C902 0032 | 14 | Chaingun ammo | 800E C904 00C8 | 15 | RPG rockets | 800E C906 0032 | 16 | Pipe bombs | 800E C908 0032 | 17 | Shrink ray ammo | 800E C90A 0032 | 18 | Devastator ammo | 800E C90C 0063 | 19 | Other weapons ammo | 800E C90E 0010 | 800E C910 0063 20 | Holo Duke | 800E C926 0960 | 21 | Medikits | 800E C944 00FF | 22 | Goggles | 800E C95E 04B0 | 23 | Oxygen | 800E C990 FF50 | 24 | Jetpack | 800E C992 0640 | 25 | Steroids | 800E C994 0640 | 26 | Protection boots | 800E C9A6 00C8 | 27 | Ammo all weapons | (ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) 5000 0902 0000 | 800E C900 0032 Have | 28 | Shotgun | 800E C9DE 0101 | 29 | Chaingun / RPG | 800E C9E0 0101 | 30 | Pipe Bombs / Shrink Ray | 800E C9E2 0101 | 31 | Devastator / Freezer | 800E C9E4 0101 | 32 | Other weapon | 300E C9E6 0001 | 33 | All keys | 800E C940 000F | 34 | All weapons | (ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) 5000 0502 0000 | 800E C9DE 0101 Infinite health | 35 | All levels ( Note 1) | D00E C988 0001 | 800E C95A FF00 D00E C988 0000 800E C95A 0000 L.A. Meltdown | 36 | Hollywood Holocaust | D014 B7AA 0000 | 8014 B7AA 0063 37 | Red Light District | D014 BAA6 0000 | 8014 BAA6 0063 38 | Death Row | D015 73BE 0000 | 8015 73BE 0063 39 | Toxic Dump | D015 CEF2 0000 | 8015 CEF2 0063 40 | Launch Facility (secret level) | D014 A6F6 0000 | 8014 A6F6 0063 41 | The Abyss | D015 9C56 0000 | 8015 9C56 0063 Shrapnel City | 42 | Raw Meat | D014 DAFE 0000 | 8014 DAFE 0063 43 | Bank Roll | D014 C0BA 0000 | 8014 C0BA 0063 44 | Flood Zone | D014 7BFA 0000 | 8014 7BFA 0063 45 | L.A. Rumble | D014 5A8E 0000 | 8014 5A8E 0063 46 | Movie Set | D014 388E 0000 | 8014 388E 0063 47 | Rabid Transit | D014 571E 0000 | 8014 571E 0063 48 | Fahrenheit | D014 3DF6 0000 | 8014 3DF6 0063 49 | Hotel Hell | D015 03DA 0000 | 8015 03DA 0063 50 | Stadium | D013 4612 0000 | 8013 4612 0063 Lunar Apocalypse | 51 | Spaceport | D014 BD8E 0000 | 8014 BD8E 0063 52 | Incubator | D014 9006 0000 | 8014 9006 0063 53 | Warp Factor | D015 8F36 0000 | 8015 8F36 0063 54 | Fusion Station | D015 43B2 0000 | 8015 43B2 0063 55 | Occupied Territory | D014 3B12 0000 | 8014 3B12 0063 56 | Tiberius Station | D014 E3F2 0000 | 8014 E3F2 0063 57 | Lunar Reactor | D015 61DE 0000 | 8015 61DE 0063 58 | Overlord | D014 433E 0000 | 8014 433E 0063 Plug in Pray | 59 | Nightmare Zone | D015 FFAE 0000 | 8015 FFAE 0063 60 | Trackside Tragedy | D015 EFF6 0000 | 8015 EFF6 0063 61 | Gates Motel | D016 A762 0000 | 8016 A762 0063 62 | Duke Royal | D015 99F2 0000 | 8015 99F2 0063 63 | Alien Rendezvous | D014 FC4E 0000 | 8014 FC4E 0063 64 | Faces of death | D014 28C2 0000 | 8014 28C2 0063 Index for weapon-in-hand-modifier | 0 - Duke's Foot 1 - Pistol 2 - Machinegun 3 - RPG 4 - Bomb 5 - Shrinkbeam 6 - Devastator 7 - Laser-Trapbomb 8 - Freezer |
buttons the position in air will be held unless you are pressing down - then it goes back to earth.
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Duke Nukem (PAL) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Duke Nukem - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Duke Nukem - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
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