Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Duke Nukem - Time to Kill (Platinum)

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Duke Nukem - Time to Kill (Platinum)

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Duke Nukem - Time to Kill
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Genre: Ego-Shooter

Erschienen: März 2001

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers n-Space

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers GT Interactive

Cover von Duke Nukem - Time to Kill

0 Codes
Jokers, Codes by Hardy
Made on XPClassic V2.0081
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC P1D00D 165A ????
RCJC P2D00D 1886 ????
1PAL2NTSC342F 0171 81F5
2Y-Fix 1842E ED1D 9D2D
3Y-Fix 2842E E349 93FB
842E E34D 93FF
4Select levels at main menu (Note 1)342E 251B 65EE
5Levelselect300B DEF6 00??
Infinite :
6Health8428 89DD B5E5
7Oxygen0421 DA2A C438
8Armor8428 8FDB 4FED
9Continues3428 8F96 02ED
10Ammo all weaponsB42B FAD8 9E4A
1428 8F25 F267
B426 FBD5 933F
1428 8EC2 012E
11ItemsB426 FBD5 933F
1428 8EAA 7DFE
8428 8E9A 8DCE
12Items & ammo all weapons (on pickup)3429 C7FF C970
Have :
13All weapons (Default)
(Press L3)
7428 EDB5 605F
B42B FAD8 9E4A
1428 8F27 F180
14All weapons (Upgraded)
(Press R3)
7428 EDB5 6059
B42B FAD8 9E4A
1428 8F27 F18E
15All items7428 8EA8 02F2
B426 FBD5 933F
1428 8EA8 02F3
3428 8E98 F223
16All keysB420 FBD3 9541
1428 8E9C F227
17All energy crystalsB426 FBD5 933F
1428 8E70 F23B
18All papersB426 FBD5 933F
1428 8E7C F247
Modify characters
19Invisible Duke8428 8173 17FF
20Double Duke8428 8171 17FD
21Invincible Duke8428 814F E7DB
22Invulnerable Duke3429 C7FD C96E
23Super Speed8428 814D E7D9
24Headless Duke3429 F69F A991
25Pighead Duke3429 F69F A9D1
26Big pighead Duke3429 F69F A9E1
27Headless enemies & GoGos3429 F69D A98F
28Big Head enemies & GoGos3429 F69D A9CF
29Very big head enemies & GoGos3429 F69D A9FF
Hyper Mode
(Press L1 Pad2)
7428 E369 6E0F
342F 1551 85B9
(Press L2 Pad2)
7428 E369 6B10
342F 1551 85B8
(Press R1 Pad2)
7428 E369 620F
342F 1551 85BB
Camera angle
33Modify (Note 2)
(Press X Pad2)
7428 E369 2A0F
8423 9478 0058
7428 E369 2A0F
8423 947A 0056
(Press Square Pad2)
7428 E369 EA0F
8423 9478 D14D
7428 E369 EA0F
8423 947A 0C54
Result screen
35Enemies killed300D 75B6 00??
36Secrets found300D 75B0 00??
Player Mode
37Kills P1300D 75AE 00??
38Kills300D 7E52 00??
Infinite :
39Health8428 8139 4D51
40Armor8428 8737 4759
41Ammo Desert Eagle8428 868A 09FE
Note 1 : Highlight 'Time To Kill' and use Left / Right to scroll through levels.
Note 2 : This code is not usefull for gameplay, but you can turn Duke to watch him
from the front.


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Abfragen: 5.328

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.