Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Dino Crisis

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Dino Crisis

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Dino Crisis
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • ディノクライシス

Genre: Action-Adventure

Erschienen: März 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Capcom

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Capcom

Cover von Dino Crisis

25 Codes
Enable Codes by Code Master
Codes 1 - 22 by ViperByte
Code 23 by Thunder2
1Enable Code (Must Be On)D002 9588 0005
8002 958A 1000
2Enable Code (Must Be On-Alternate Version)D014 957C 023A
8014 957E 1000
Joker CommandD00B 1418 ????
3Infinite Health800B 9574 04B0
4Have All Maps
GameShark 2.2 or higher required
5000 0602 0000
800C 15D0 FFFF
5All Weapons (Regina)800C 15A8 FFFF
6Have All Items (Regina)
GameShark 2.2 or higher required
800C 15A4 FFFF
800C 15A6 FFFF
5000 0902 0000
800C 15AC FFFF
7View First Ending (Press Select) ( Note 1 )D00B 1418 0100
800B 7A48 000A
D00B 1418 0100
300B 7A5B 0000
8View Second Ending (Press Select) ( Note 1 )D00B 1418 0100
800B 7A48 000A
D00B 1418 0100
300B 7A5B 0001
9View Third Ending (Press Select) ( Note 1 )D00B 1418 0100
800B 7A48 000A
D00B 1418 0100
300B 7A5B 0002
10Turbo Boost (Press X)D00B 1418 0040
800B 94A0 0100
11Save Anywhere (Press L1+L2)D00B 1418 0005
800B 7A48 0007
12Mini Me (Regina)800B 9500 0500
800B 9504 0500
800B 9508 0600
13Giant (Regina)800B 9500 1F00
800B 9504 1F00
800B 9508 1F00
Max Supplies Modifier Codes
14Slot 1800C 18CC FF??
15Slot 2800C 18D0 FF??
16Slot 3800C 18D4 FF??
17Slot 4800C 18D8 FF??
18Slot 5800C 18DC FF??
19Slot 6800C 18E0 FF??
20Slot 7800C 18E4 FF??
21Slot 8800C 18E8 FF??
22Slot 9800C 18EC FF??
23Slot 10800C 18F0 FF??
Item Box Codes
24Max Item Modifier Slot 1800C 6138 FF??
25Infinite Ammo & Items8006 AC06 2400
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes
00 - Nothing
01 - Shotgun
02 - Shotgun Custom
03 - Shotgun + Stock
04 - SG Custom + Stock
05 - Handgun
06 - Handgun + Sight
07 - Handgun Custom
08 - HG Custom + Sight
09 - Grenade Gun
0A - GG Custom
0B - Shotgun Parts
0C - Shotgun Stocks
0D - Handgun Sights
0E - Handgun Slides
0F - GG Parts
10 - SG Bullets
11 - Slag Bullets
12 - An. Dart S
13 - An. Dart M
14 - An. Dart L
15 - Poison Dart
16 - 9mm Parabellum
17 - 40S&W Bullets
18 - Grenade Bullets
19 - Heat Bullets
1A - Infinite Grenades
1B - Hemostat
1C - Med. Pak S
1D - Med. Pak M
1E - Med. Pak L
1F - Resuscitation
20 - An. Aid
21 - Recovery Aid
22 - Intensifier
23 - Multiplier
Note 1 : With these codes, do not press button to see ending during a FMV scene.


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