Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Dino Crisis (UK)

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Dino Crisis (UK)

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Dino Crisis
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • ディノクライシス

Genre: Action-Adventure

Erschienen: März 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Capcom

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Capcom

Cover von Dino Crisis

0 Codes
Joker, Codes 1 - 8 & 29 - 32 by Nachbrenner
Codes 9 & 10 by UL1
Codes 11 - 17, 26 - 28 & 33 - 65 by slab
Codes 18 - 25 by Xplorer2
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC Pad 1D00B 5D7A ????
1AutoActivationF001 A1E8 800B
2Xploder Check042C 7D23 2B9F
3ModChip Check (Note 5)B426 FBD9 9343
142C 726C 325A
4PAL2NTSC342D 7F5D 1D67
5Y-Fix (Note 4)842C EFF3 9D4D
Modify screen position
(Note 4)
6Shift screen up
(Press Select & Left)
342C EFFB 9D45
742E A690 1779
842C EFF3 62A6
7Shift screen down
(Press Select & Right)
9000 7802 AC08
B078 0000 0038
1400 08AC 0800
09AC 0B00 083C
7A5D 0835 0000
0895 DEFF 0934
0600 0915 0900
083C 1814 0835
0000 0985 0000
0000 0100 2921
0000 09A5 0800
B011 00C4 0004
101E 000C C0DE
8Ammo increases3423 5490 4013
9Infinite health542E 61F5 31EB
1406 FBF1 18E6
10All weapons (Regina)8429 E0BE 5D60
11Save anywhere
(Press L1 & L2)
742E E329 931E
842E 8519 0596
12Infinite items & ammo8423 549A 6436
13All objects (Regina)B421 FAD4 943A
1429 E0B8 5D5E
14Walk through walls842D F3E1 955F
842D F385 9583
15Enable extra costumes
(Save & start new game)
3429 DB43 CDEE
7429 7A34 1CA9
8429 7A34 19A8
16Rapid fire742E 62A8 1519
842E 62A8 151A
342E 60A2 1225
17Turbo boost (Press X)742E A691 E948
342E 62A3 1524
18Have all mapsB423 FAD6 963C
1429 E096 5D38
19Overall game time 0:00:000429 E383 95C9
20No continues used3429 E39D A5AE
21Never saved3429 E384 96C4
22Have lots of plugs at pickup8429 E547 97F4
23No reload (all weapons)342E 60A2 1245
342E 60A0 1247
342E 60A6 1249
24Most doors open (Note 2)8429 E0A6 6D48
25No laser bars (Note 3)
(Press L2)
742F A793 19FA
B429 FADC 9C42
1429 E347 6AE9
Change size of Regina
(Press L2)
742E A690 16F9
B426 FBD5 933F
142E 6242 1185
(Press R2)
742E A690 15F8
B426 FBD5 933F
142E 6242 0B95
28Default size
(Press L2 & R2)
742E A690 14F9
B426 FBD5 933F
142E 6242 0494
Slow motion
(Press Select & L1)
742E A690 13F9
342D 78EA 26D2
(Press Select & L2)
742E A690 16F8
342D 78EA 26D3
Hyper mode
(Note 1)
(Press L2 & Left)
742E A690 1679
342D 83D7 01D5
(Press L2 & Right)
742E A690 16D9
342D 83D7 01D0
Supplies modifiers
33Slot 1300C 1D74 00??
34Slot 2300C 1D78 00??
35Slot 3300C 1D7C 00??
36Slot 4300C 1D80 00??
37Slot 5300C 1D84 00??
38Slot 6300C 1D88 00??
39Slot 7300C 1D8C 00??
40Slot 8300C 1D90 00??
41Slot 9300C 1D94 00??
42Slot 10300C 1D98 00??
Infinite supplies
43Slot 13429 E79A AA49
44Slot 23429 E796 AA45
45Slot 33429 E792 AA41
46Slot 43429 E76E 9A1D
47Slot 53429 E76A 9A19
48Slot 63429 E766 9A15
49Slot 73429 E762 9A11
50Slot 83429 E77E AA2D
51Slot 93429 E77A AA29
52Slot 103429 E776 AA25
Max supplies modifiers
53Slot 1800C 1D74 FF??
54Slot 2800C 1D78 FF??
55Slot 3800C 1D7C FF??
56Slot 4800C 1D80 FF??
57Slot 5800C 1D84 FF??
58Slot 6800C 1D88 FF??
59Slot 7800C 1D8C FF??
60Slot 8800C 1D90 FF??
61Slot 9800C 1D94 FF??
62Slot 10800C 1D98 FF??
(Press Select & R2 at main menu)
742E A690 15F9
8429 7A34 18A9
64Stop timer (Note 4)7421 7858 BE0B
8421 7858 2E58
65Increase timer (Note 4)
(Hold L1)
8421 7852 D103
8421 7850 1E47
843A 06CE BC6F
843A 06CC 807B
843A 06CA A4B8
843A 06C8 394E
843A 06C4 986A
843A 06C2 BC74
843A 06C0 8D56
843A 06DE CC56
843A 06DC DD43
843A 06D8 E856
843A 06D6 CC56
843A 06D4 E839
843A 06D2 CC68
843A 06D0 CFBF
Index for supplies modifiers

00 - Nothing
01 - Shotgun
02 - Shotgun custom
03 - Shotgun & stock
04 - SG Custom & stock
05 - Handgun
06 - Handgun & sight
07 - Handgun custom
08 - HG Custom & sight
09 - Grenade gun
0A - GG custom
0B - Shotgun parts
0C - Shotgun stocks
0D - Handgun sights
0E - Handgun slides
0F - GG parts
10 - SG bullets
11 - Slag bullets
12 - An. dart S
13 - An. dart M
14 - An. dart L
15 - Poison dart
16 - 9mm Parabellum
17 - 40S&W bullets
18 - Grenade bullets
19 - Heat bullets
1A - Infinite grenades
1B - Hemostat
1C - Med. pak S
1D - Med. pak M
1E - Med. pak L
1F - Resuscitation
20 - An. aid
21 - Recovery aid
22 - Intensifier
23 - Multiplier
Note 1 : Whole game runs with double speed. Very handy to surmount long distances.
Note 2 : Most doors will be open but some DDK doors will need the codes.
Note 3 : You may have to turn the code off when you go through the first door.
Note 4 : Use only one of the codes.
Note 5 : Use this code only when game won't start ! As for the XploderCheck : this code will only work with ORIGINAL-GAME !


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