Devil's Deception
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Tecmo's Deception - Invitation to Darkness
- Kokumeikan
- 刻命館
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Rollenspiel
Erschienen: 1996

1 | Infinite HP | 800A 0242 6464 |
2 | Infinite Gold | 800A 02C0 FFFF |
3 | Max Defense | 800A 0244 FF00 |
4 | Max vsMagic & Heal | 800A 0246 FFFF |
5 | Max Skill & Speed | 800A 0248 FFFF |
6 | Always have Antidotes & Savepoints | 8009 C0A0 0101 |
7 | Always have Iron Key | 8009 C0A2 0001 |
8 | Always have Speed & Armor Gems | 8009 C0A4 0101 |
9 | Always have Skill Gem & Necklace | 8009 C0A6 0101 |
10 | Always have MP Gain & Sanity | 8009 C0A8 0101 |
11 | Always have Herbs | 8009 C0AA 0001 |
12 | Always have Boots | 8009 C0AC 0001 |
13 | Always have Cure | 8009 C0B4 0001 |
14 | Always have Evil Jewel & Sword | 8009 C0B6 0101 |
15 | Always have Contract & Last Key | 8009 C0BA 0101 |
16 | Always have Tiara | 8009 C0BC 0001 |
17 | Always have Earring & Mantle | 8009 C0BE 0101 |
18 | Always have Letter & Dardstone | 8009 C0C0 0101 |
19 | Always have Amulet & Evil Crown | 8009 C0C2 0101 |
20 | Always have Mask & Hourglass | 8009 C0C4 0101 |
21 | Always have Skull Key & Old Book | 8009 C0C6 0101 |
22 | Always have Black Orb & Map | 8009 C0C8 0101 |
23 | All Prisoners | 8009 C084 0973 8009 C088 0973 8009 C08C 1111 8009 C090 0668 8009 C092 1096 8009 C094 0973 8009 C096 3100 8009 C098 0600 8009 C09A 0905 8009 C09C 0006 |
Lösungen und FAQs:
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Devil's Deception - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Devil's Deception - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
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