Dead Or Alive 2 Limited Edition J.A.P.
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
Unlocked : | ||
1 | CG Gallery | 01239CEC
00000563 |
2 | All characters | 01239CEA
00000101 |
3 | Tengu | 00239CEA
00000001 |
4 | Bayman | 00239CEB
00000001 |
Outfits : | ||
5 | All | 01239CEE
0000FFFF 04239CF0 00030001 FFFFFFFF |
6 | All for Zack | 00239CEE
000000FF |
7 | All for Tina | 00239CEF
000000FF |
8 | All for Jann-Lee | 00239CF0
000000FF |
9 | All for Ein | 00239CF1
000000FF |
10 | All for Hayabusa | 00239CF2
000000FF |
11 | All for Kasumi | 00239CF3
000000FF |
12 | All for Gen-FU | 00239CF4
000000FF |
13 | All for Helena | 00239CF5
000000FF |
14 | All for Leon | 00239CF6
000000FF |
15 | All for Bass | 00239CF7
000000FF |
16 | All for Lei-Fang | 00239CF8
000000FF |
17 | All for Ayane | 00239CF9
000000FF |
18 | All for Tengu | 00239CFA
000000FF |
19 | All for Bayman | 00239CFB
000000FF |
P1 | ||
20 | Infinite health | 012376D8
000000F0 |
21 | 75% health | 0D2376D8
000000F0 012376D8 000000B4 |
22 | 50% health | 0D2376D8
000000F0 012376D8 00000078 |
23 | 25% health | 0D2376D8
000000F0 012376D8 0000003C |
24 | Sudden Death | 0D2376D8
000000F0 012376D8 00000001 |
25 | Instant Death | 012376D8
00000000 |
P2 | ||
26 | Infinite health | 01237740
000000F0 |
27 | 75% health | 0D237740
000000F0 01237740 000000B4 |
28 | 50% health | 0D237740
000000F0 01237740 00000078 |
29 | 25% health | 0D237740
000000F0 01237740 0000003C |
30 | Sudden Death | 0D237740
000000F0 01237740 00000001 |
31 | Instant Death | 01237740
00000000 |
Both players | ||
32 | Can select the same costume | 0D02AA36
00016323 0102AA36 00000009 |
33 | Hit anywhere (Note 1) | 0106BB98
0000E001 |
Note 1 : This allows both players to hit & make contact with each other no matter where they are on the screen.
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Abfragen: 7.563
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.