Confidential Mission
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
Andere Systeme: [Dreamcast]
Genre: Ego-Shooter
Erschienen: Mai 2001

Button Command P1 | 0D300C98
0000???? | |
D-L/R Command 2 P1 | 0D300C9A
0000???? | |
A-Stick Command P1 | 0D300CA8
000?0000 | |
Button Command P2 | 0D300DD0
0000???? | |
D-L/R Command 2 P2 | 0D300DD2
0000???? | |
A-Stick Command P2 | 0D300DE0
000?0000 | |
1 | Infinite credits | 0D1D0F1C
00000008 011D0F1C 00000009 |
P1 | ||
2 | Infinite ammo | 0D1CC16C
00000006 011CC16C 00000008 |
3 | Infinite health | 0D1CB62C
00000003 011CB62C 00000009 |
4 | Start with high score | 0D1CB634
00000000 021CB634 00234804 |
5 | Score modifier | 011CB634
0000???? |
6 | Have assault rifle
(Press L & R) | 0D300C9A
0000FFFC 011CC168 00000002 0D300C9A 0000FFFC 011CC16C 000001FF |
Have ? of : | ||
7 | C-plate | 011CB648
000000?? |
8 | M-plate | 011CB64C
000000?? |
9 | F-plate | 011CB650
000000?? |
P2 | ||
10 | Infinite ammo | 0D1CC298
00000006 011CC298 00000008 |
11 | Infinite health | 0D1CB66C
00000003 011CB66C 00000009 |
12 | Start with high score | 0D1CB674
00000000 021CB674 00234804 |
13 | Score modifier | 011CB674
0000???? |
14 | Have assault rifle
(Press L & R) | 0D300DD2
0000FFFC 011CC294 00000002 0D300DD2 0000FFFC 011CC298 000001FF |
Have ? of : | ||
15 | C-plate | 011CB688
000000?? |
16 | M-plate | 011CB68C
000000?? |
17 | F-plate | 011CB690
000000?? |
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Abfragen: 5.760
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.