Cardinal Syn
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Prügelspiel
Erschienen: Juni 1998
Entwickler: Kronos Digital
Verleger: Sony Computer Entertainment
24 Codes
Codes 1 - 4, 22 - 24 by DiamondCutter
Codes 5 - 19 by &
Codes 20 - 21 by elend
1 | Infinite Energy P1 + P2 | 8019 46AA 3C00 |
2 | 1 Hit Death P1 + P2 | 8019 46BC 0000 |
3 | P2 no rounds won | 801E E9B4 0000 |
4 | 1 Round won for P1 | 801E E97C 0001 |
5 | Unlock all Characters | 5000 0A04 0000 801E 7E0A 0100 |
6 | P1 Costume Modifier | 801E E994 000? |
7 | P2 Costume Modifier | 801E E9CC 000? |
8 | P1 Automatically Loses | 801E E980 0000 |
9 | P1 Start with 25% Life | 801E E980 0064 |
10 | P1 Start with 50% Life | 801E E980 00C8 |
11 | P1 Start with 75% Life | 801E E980 012C |
12 | P2 Automatically Looses | 801E E9B8 0000 |
13 | P2 Start with 25% Life | 801E E9B8 0064 |
14 | P2 Start with 50% Life | 801E E9B8 00C8 |
15 | P2 Start with 75% Life | 801E E9B8 012C |
16 | P1 Infinite Health (Note) | 8019 4698 0008 8019 469A 3201 8019 46A0 0002 8019 46A2 1020 |
17 | P2 Infinite Health (Note) | 8019 4698 0008 8019 469A 3201 8019 46A0 0002 8019 46A2 1420 |
18 | P1 One-Hit Death (Note) | 8019 469C 0008 8019 469E 3201 8019 46A0 0002 8019 46A2 1420 |
19 | P2 One-Hit Death (Note) | 8019 469C 0008 8019 469E 3201 8019 46A0 0002 8019 46A2 1020 |
20 | Something with the camera Play around with the last numbers and use it in conjuction with Joker Command. | 8002 5AAC 0711 |
21 | Camera Zoom Greater - near, Lower digits - far away | 8001 D270 F000 |
22 | PAL2NTSC | 801B C2E6 3C00 |
23 | Y-Screen adjusting | 801B 0214 ???? |
24 | Attacks do ?? damage ( Note 2 ) | 8019 46A0 0??? 8019 46A2 2408 |
Lösungen und FAQs:
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Cardinal Syn (PAL) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Cardinal Syn - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Cardinal Syn - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
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