Capcom Vs. SNK U.S.
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
Both players | ||
1 | Infinite time | 0136DC44
00000063 |
2 | Infinite cash | 02390D18
000F423F |
3 | Max groove points | 0236E284
000F423F |
4 | Secret shop unlocked | 04390CF8
00080001 FFFFFFFF |
5 | Secret list unlocked | 04390CD8
00080001 FFFFFFFF |
6 | All characters unlocked | 0107032E
0000E1FF |
7 | Hit anywhere (Note 1) | 0109E212
00000009 |
8 | Can do specials (and throws) in mid-air | 000A265A
00000000 |
9 | One hit for max special (Capcom Groove) | 010A0104
00000018 |
10 | Max special (SNK Groove) | 000A5BA0
000000FF |
11 | Always rank S | 0236E288
000000FF 0136E28C 00000000 |
Max: | ||
12 | S rank | 0036E288
000000FF |
13 | A rank | 0036E289
000000FF |
14 | B rank | 0036E28A
000000FF |
15 | C rank | 0036E28B
000000FF |
16 | D rank | 0036E28C
000000FF |
P1 | ||
17 | Infinite health | 0136DECC
00003840 |
18 | Sudden Death | 0136DECC
00000000 |
19 | Infinite specials | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0036DF81 00000090 |
20 | No specials | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0036DF81 00000000 |
21 | Can do specials (and throws) in mid-air | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0136DF18 00000000 |
22 | Can throw more than one projectile at a time | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0136DF70 00000100 |
23 | Can't throw projectiles | 0D36DC1A
00030201 0136DF70 00000000 |
24 | Rapid attacks | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0136E230 00000000 |
P2 | ||
25 | Infinite health | 0136E4D8
00003840 |
26 | Sudden Death | 0136E4D8
00000000 |
27 | Infinite specials | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0036E58D 00000090 |
28 | No specials | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0036E58D 00000000 |
29 | Can do specials (and throws) in mid-air | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0136E524 00000000 |
30 | Can throw more than one projectile at a time | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0136E57C 00000000 |
31 | Can't throw projectiles | 0D36DC1A
00030000 0136E57C 00000100 |
Note 1: Using this code allows both players to hit & make contact with each other no matter where they are on the screen.
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