Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Bloody Roar 2

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Bloody Roar 2

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Bloody Roar 2
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Bloody Roar 2 - Bringer of the New Age
  • Bloody Roar 2 - The New Breed
  • ブラッディロア2

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: April 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Eighting Co. (Raizing)

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Sony Computer Entertainment

Cover von Bloody Roar 2

0 Codes
Codes by DiamondCutter
1PAL2NTSC8019 B1EA 3C00
2Y-Position of screen3019 1C20 00??
3Infinite health P18017 8CB6 3221
8017 8CB4 0100
8017 8CCE 1020
8017 8CCC 000D
4Infinite health P28017 8CB6 3221
8017 8CB4 0100
8017 8CCE 1420
8017 8CCC 000D
5Infinite health P1 & P28017 8CF2 3C00
6Start with full Beastmeters P1 & P28017 5964 3A00
7Infinite time to choose character801F FE1C 1760
8Attacks do ?? damage ( Note )8017 8CBC 00??
8017 8CBE 2405
Have :
9All movies801C 1228 FFFF
10All pictures
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
5000 0502 0000
801C 1254 FFFF
11All characters801C 124C FFFF
12All custom801C 1242 FFFF
801C 1244 FFFF
Note : If you insert 00 for the '??' both players will fight to the end of their days...
For a long fight insert 01, for a short one something like perhaps 64, 3C, ...


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