Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Battle Arena Toshinden

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Battle Arena Toshinden

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Battle Arena Toshinden
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • バトルアリーナ闘神伝

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: März 1995

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Tamsoft Co.

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Sony Computer Entertainment

Cover von Battle Arena Toshinden

95 Codes
Codes by DiamondCutter
Joker Command P1D01C A824 ????
Joker Command P2D01C A826 ????
1Attacks do ?? damage ( Note )8017 BBC0 0???
8017 BBC2 2410
2Infinite Time801C A81C 0B3A
3Ring-Outs are Cooler801B C2FA 0000
801B C3CE 0000
4Each Round Lasts 5 SecondsD01C A6E8 0B3A
801C A6E8 000A
5Computer is Stupid; Doesn't Fight Very Much801B C36A 0000
801B C296 0000
Player 1-Codes
6P1 Infinite Health801B C2BC 0000
7P1 75% HealthD01B C2BC 0000
801B C2BC 00F6
8P1 50% HealthD01B C2BC 0000
801B C2BC 01C0
9P1 25% HealthD01B C2BC 0000
801B C2BC 0288
10P1 No Health801B C2BE 0001
11P1 is Invisible801B C250 0000
12P1 is Only A Head801B C250 0001
13P1 has No Arms, Legs, or Torso801B C250 0003
14P1 Has No Arms or Legs801B C250 0005
15P1 Has No Arms and Right Leg
and is Missing Half of Left Leg
801B C250 0006
16P1 Has No Arms, and Has Half of a Right Leg801B C250 0009
17P1 Has No Arms801B C250 000A
18P1 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 2/3 of Left Arm801B C250 000C
19P1 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 1/3 of Left Arm801B C250 000D
20P1 has No right Arm801B C250 000E
21P1 is Missing 2/3 of Right Arm801B C250 0015
22P1 is Missing 1/3 of Right Arm801B C250 0016
23P1's Right Hand has No Weapon801B C250 0017
24P1 is Completely Weaponless801B C250 001A
25P1's Left Hand has No Weapon801B C250 001C
26P1 is Automatically Controlled and Defending801B C24C 0150
27P1 is Controlled and Usually Wins801B C24A 002F
28P1 Falls and Dies before the Match801B C2BC 0E20
29P1 Automatically Wins801B C31C 0000
30P1 Can Fight Before the Match Starts801B C308 0000
31P1 Can't Be Knocked Down801B C2C0 0000
32P1 Tiny Jump801B C2F4 0550
33P1 does Everything P2 does, Mirror Match801B C24C 0000
34P1 is Aways His Alternate Color801B C288 0003
35P1 is Always His Normal Color801B C288 0002
36P1 Can't Hurt P2 in Some Ways801B C2CA 0000
37P1 Can Do Some Special Moves in Mid-Air801B C290 0000
38P1 is Suspended in Air, Switch Off to Make Him Die801B C248 0001
39P1 is In SLOW-MO801B C2A6 0000
40P1 is a Punching Bag (Can't Move)801B C2A4 0000
41P1 Can Do Desperation Moves at Any Time801B C2BE 000A
801B 8404 00FE
42P1 or Computer is Spastic801B C28E 0001
43P1 Has Multi-Jumps801B C292 0000
44P1 Character Modifier801B C24E ????
45P1 Turning Around (following opponent when they
dodge by rotating) is Automatic and Better Than Normal
801B C2F8 0000
46When P1 Jumps, He Doesn't Stop Going Up. He Then
Reappears in the Ring and Can Fight Normally
801B C2FC 0050
47P1's Head is in the Middle of the Arena Floor and
You have an Invisible Body that can Move Around the Ring
and your Opponent will Follow You Around
801B C252 0003
48P1 (or computer) is Spastic; Attacks You Before
the Fight Begins, Will Grab You Out of the Middle of
Nowhere and Beat the Heck Out of You, Often Walks Around
in Midair and Everything that You Do
801B C28E 0001
49Cursor on Player Select Screen Goes Extra Fast
and Does Weird Things; P1 Can Jump Again And Again in
Midair (like Jumping Flash);P1 Has a Hard Time Doing
Moves Other than Throws, and Can Fight Before the Match Starts
801B C292 0000
50Score Modifier P1801B C2DC ????
Player 2-Codes
51P2 Infinite Health801B C390 0000
52P2 75% HealthD01B C390 0000
801B C390 01C0
53P2 50% HealthD01B C390 0000
801B C390 0288
54P2 25% (1/4) EnergyD01B C390 0000
801B C390 0288
55P2 No Health801B C25E 0001
56P2 is Invisible801B C324 0000
57P2 is Only A Head801B C324 0001
58P2 Has No Arms, Legs, and Torso801B C324 0003
59P2 Has No Arms or Legs801B C324 0005
60P2 Has No Arms and Right Leg and is Missing
Half of Left Leg
801B C324 0006
61P2 Has No Arms, and Has Half of a Right Leg801B C324 0009
62P2 Has No Arms801B C324 000A
63P2 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 2/3 of Left Arm801B C324 000C
64P2 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 1/3 of Left Arm801B C324 000D
65P2 Has No Right Arm801B C324 000E
66P2 is Missing 2/3 of Right Arm801B C324 0015
67P2 is Missing 1/3 of Right Arm801B C324 0016
68P2's Right Hand Has No Weapon801B C324 0017
69P2 is Completly Weaponless801B C324 001A
70P2's Left Hand Has No Weapon801B C324 001C
71P2 is Automatic and Defending801B C320 0150
72P2 is Automatic and Usally Wins801B C31E 002F
73P2 falls and Dies Before the match Starts801B C390 0E20
74P2 Automaticlly Wins801B C3F0 0000
75P2 can Fight Before the Match Starts801B C3DC 0000
76P2 can't be Knocked Down801B C366 0000
77P2 Tiny Jump801B C3C8 0550
78P2 is Characters Alternate Color801B C35C 0003
79P2 is Characters Normal Color801B C35C 0002
80P2 can't hurt P1 In Some Ways801B C2CC 0000
81P2 can Do Some Moves In MID-AIR801B C364 0000
82P2 is Suspended in MID-AIR (switch off to make die)801B C31C 0001
83P2 is In SLOW-MO801B C37A 0000
84P2 is A Punching Bag (cant move)801B C378 0000
85P2 Can Do Desperation Moves at Any time801B C392 000A
801B 8406 00FE
86P2 or Computer is Spastic801B C362 0001
87P2 Multi-Jumps801B C366 0000
88P2 Character Modifier801B C24E ????
89P2 Does Everything P1 Does; Mirror Match801B C320 0000
90P2 Turning Around (following opponent when they
dodge by rotating) is Automatic and Better Than Normal
801B C3CC 0000
91When P2 Jumps, He Doesn't Stop Going Up. He Then
Reappears in the Ring and Can Fight Normally
801B C3CA 0050
92P2's Head is in the Middle of the Arena Floor and
You have an Invisible Body that can Move Around the Ring
and your Opponent will Follow You Around
801B C126 0003
93P2 (or computer) is Spastic; Attacks You Before
the Fight Begins, Will Grab You Out of the Middle of
Nowhere and Beat the Heck Out of You, Often Walks Around
in Midair and Counters Everything that You Do
801B C362 0001
94Cursor on Player Select Screen Goes Extra Fast
and Does Weird Things; P2 Can Jump Again And Again in
Midair (like Jumping Flash);P2 Has a Hard Time Doing
Moves Other than Throws, and Can Fight Before the Match
Grimms Starts
801B C366 0000
95Score Modifier P2801B C3B0 ????
Note : Replace the ?? with the value you want. If you insert 00, then both players are invincible to the end of their days... If you want to fight long, then insert a 01. If it should be quick enter something higher, like perhaps 288, 3C, ...


  • Beschreibung: Handbuch (PC-Version)
    Autor: Entwickler – Größe: 1983 KB

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