Azure Dreams
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Other Life - Azure Dreams
- アザーライフアザードリームス
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Rollenspiel
Erschienen: Juni 1998
Entwickler: Konami
Verleger: Konami
0 Codes
Joker, Codes 1 - 12, 16 - 28 & 33 - 37 by Nachbrenner
Jokers, Codes 13 - 15, 29 - 31 & 38 - 60 by DiamondCutter
Code 32 by
Made on XPClassic V2.0081
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC | D008 1752 ???? | |
1 | AutoActivation | F426 C0D2 3A8E |
2 | PAL2NTSC | 8420 0AEE EA70 |
3 | Y-Fix | 8423 9A88 06DA |
Hypermodus | ||
4 | An (Drücke Select & Oben) | 742D EDB9 6478 8421 B93D C375 |
5 | Aus (Drücke Select & Unten) | 742D EDB9 6428 8421 B93D C735 |
Startmenue Codes | ||
Lautstärke | ||
6 | HGM | 8008 98C8 ???? |
7 | Soundeffekt | 8008 98CC ???? |
8 | Zaubereffekt | 8008 98D0 ???? |
9 | Angriff auf Geist | 301E B6F6 00?? |
Kerkerwandfarbe | ||
10 | Rot | 8001 EB6E E???? |
11 | Grün | 8001 EB6F 0???? |
12 | Blau | 8001 EB6F 2???? |
Spielcodes | ||
13 | Unendlich Geld | 842D E6AE 745F 842D E6AC 916A |
14 | Unendlich Gesundheit im Kampf | 842D E19B 6043 |
15 | Level 99 | 842D E1B3 FC94 |
16 | Spielzeit 00:00:00 | 8426 37BF F151 |
Durch Wände gehen | ||
17 | An (Drücke Select & Links) | 742D EDB9 64E8 842D 111F 7FF1 |
18 | Aus (Drücke Select & Rechts) | 742D EDB9 6448 842D 111F 7FEB |
Sprungkraftmodifizierer | ||
19 | Doppelt (Drücke R2 & Dreieck) | 742D EDB9 7679 842C C11F BF4E |
20 | Normal (Drücke L2 & Dreieck) | 742D EDB9 757A 842C C11F BF4D |
Positionsmodifizierer | ||
21 | X-Ebene | 8008 1E12 ???? |
22 | Y-Ebene | 8008 1E1A ???? |
23 | Z-Ebene | 8008 1E16 ???? |
RCJC | D008 0FC2 ???? | |
24 | AutoActivation | F426 C165 29F1 |
25 | PAL2NTSC | 8420 0B95 F93B |
26 | Y-Fix | 8423 A52D D165 |
Hypermode | ||
27 | On (Press Select & Up) | 742D F519 5CF0 8421 B981 F3C1 |
28 | Off (Press Select & Down) | 742D F519 5CA0 8421 B981 F781 |
Game codes | ||
29 | Infinite money | 842D EE5E 7C17 842D EE5C 9912 |
30 | Infinite health in battle | 842D E90B 78BB |
31 | Level 99 | 842D E923 E41C |
32 | Quick level up | 842D E93B 68EB |
33 | Total time 00:00:00 | 8426 3010 F4E4 |
Walk through walls | ||
34 | On (Press Select & Left) | 742D F519 5C60 842D 1846 8680 |
35 | Off (Press Select & Right) | 742D F519 5CC0 842D 1846 869A |
Momentum modifier | ||
36 | Doubled (Press R2 & Triangle) | 742D F519 4EF1 842C CA20 AA3F |
37 | Default (Press L2 & Triangle) | 742D F519 4DF2 842C CA20 AA3C |
Joker Command | D008 17F8 ???? | |
38 | Infinite money | 842D DF9F 5D56 842D DF9D B85D |
39 | Infinite health in battle | 842D DEAA 333A |
40 | Level 99 | 842D DE82 AF9D |
Items equipped modifiers | ||
41 | 1st position | 8001 0248 0??? 8001 029C 0248 8001 029E 8001 |
42 | 2st position | 8001 024C 0??? 8001 02A0 024C 8001 02A2 8001 |
43 | 3rd position | 8001 0250 0??? 8001 02A4 0250 8001 02A6 8001 |
44 | 4th position | 8001 0254 0??? 8001 02A8 0254 8001 02AA 8001 |
45 | 5th position | 8001 0258 0??? 8001 02AC 0258 8001 02AE 8001 |
46 | 6th position | 8001 025C 0??? 8001 02B0 025C 8001 02B2 8001 |
47 | 7th position | 8001 0260 0??? 8001 02B4 0260 8001 02B6 8001 |
48 | 8th position | 8001 0264 0??? 8001 02B8 0264 8001 02BA 8001 |
49 | 9th position | 8001 0268 0??? 8001 02BC 0268 8001 02BE 8001 |
50 | 10th position | 8001 026C 0??? 8001 02C0 026C 8001 02C2 8001 |
51 | 11th position | 8001 0270 0??? 8001 02C4 0270 8001 02C6 8001 |
52 | 12th position | 8001 0274 0??? 8001 02C8 0274 8001 02CA 8001 |
53 | 13th position | 8001 0278 0??? 8001 02CC 0278 8001 02CE 8001 |
54 | 14th position | 8001 027C 0??? 8001 02D0 027C 8001 02D2 8001 |
55 | 15th position | 8001 0280 0??? 8001 02D4 0280 8001 02D6 8001 |
56 | 16th position | 8001 0284 0??? 8001 02D8 0284 8001 02DA 8001 |
57 | 17th position | 8001 0288 0??? 8001 02DC 0288 8001 02DE 8001 |
58 | 18th position | 8001 028C 0??? 8001 02E0 028C 8001 02E2 8001 |
59 | 19th position | 8001 0290 0??? 8001 02E4 0290 8001 02E6 8001 |
60 | 20th position | 8001 0294 0??? 8001 02E8 0294 8001 02EA 8001 |
Index for item modifiers 101 - Medicine 103 - Antichaos 201 - Pita 301 - Hazak 401 - Fire 501 - Holy 601 - Fire 701 - Holy 801 - Truth 901 - Exit A01 - Red A02 - Blue A03 - White B01 - Cream B02 - Roses B03 - Handbag B04 - Ring B05 - Duck B06 - (BLANK) B07 - Guru's pot B08 - W. medal B09 - Dumplings B0A - Music box B0B - Eye glasses B0C - B. cape B0D - Chapple B0E - (BLANK) B0F - Copper B10 - Silver B11 - Gold B12 - (BLANK) B13 - Gold sword B14 - Copper sword B15 - Iron sword B16 - Steel sword B17 - Fire sword B18 - Blizzard sword B19 - Gulfwind sword B1A - Vital sword B1B - Dark sword B1C - Holy sword B1D - Seraphim sword B1E - Seraphim sword B1F - Troll B20 - Hammer B21 - Bow gun B22 - (BLANK) B23 - Wooden wand B24 - Trained wand B25 - Life wand B26 - Paralyze wand B27 - Money wand B28 - Scarlet wand B29 - Stream wand B2A - Gulf wand B2B - Seal wand B2C - (BLANK) B2D - Wooden shield B2E - Leather shield B2F - Mirror shield B30 - Copper shield B31 - Iron shield B32 - Steel shield B33 - Diamond shield B34 - Scorch shield B35 - Ice shield B36 - Earth shield B37 - Live shield B38 - (BLANK) B39 - Hikewne familiar B3A - Kewne familiar B3B - Dragon familiar B3C - Kid familiar B3D - Ifrit familiar B3E - Flame familiar B3F - Grineut familiar B40 - Griffon familiar B41 - Saber familiar B42 - Snowman familiar B43 - Ashra familiar B44 - Arachne familiar B45 - Battnel familiar B46 - Nyuel familiar B47 - Death familiar B48 - Clown familiar B49 - Univern familiar B4A - Unicorn familiar B4B - Metal familiar B4C - Block familiar B4D - Pulunpa familiar B4E - Troll familiar B4F - Noise familiar B50 - U-Boat familiar B51 - Baloon familiar B52 - Dreamin familiar B53 - Blume familiar B54 - Volcano familiar B55 - Cyclone familiar B56 - Manoeva familiar B57 - Barong familiar B58 - Picket familiar B59 - Kraken familiar B5A - Weadog familiar B5B - Stealth familiar B5C - Viper familiar B5D - Naplass familiar B5E - Zu familiar B5F - Mandara familiar B60 - Killer familiar B61 - Garuda familiar B62 - Glacier familiar B63 - Tyrant familiar B64 - Golem familiar B65 - Maximum familiar B66 - Frog familiar B67 - Salaman familiar B68 - GUY B69 - Ghosh B6A - Selfi B6B - Wall of Fire B6C - Wall of Ice B6D - Wall of Storm B6E - Rock B6F - Beldo B70 - (BLANK) B71 - Kewne egg B72 - (BLANK) B73 - Nyuel egg B74 - (BLANK) C01 - Rope D01 - Guru pot E01 - Copper F01 - Gold |
Lösungen und FAQs:
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Azure Dreams - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Azure Dreams - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen)
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