Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Army Men - Lock'n'Load

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Army Men - Lock'n'Load

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Army Men - Lock'n'Load
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Army Men - World War - Final Front

Genre: Action

Erschienen: Februar 2001

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers 3DO

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers 3DO

Cover von Army Men - Lock'n'Load

0 Codes
Jokers, Codes by UL1
RCJC P1D012 709E ????
RCJC P2D012 6BD8 ????
1PAL2NTSCD00B D554 0008
300B D552 0040
2Y-FixD00A 74EC 0010
800A 74EC 0000
Ammo & items increase
(Note 1) (Note 2)
(Press Square & Up)
D012 709E 7FEF
8002 B354 0001
(Press Square & Down)
D012 709E 7FBF
8002 B354 FFFF
Infinite ammo & items
(Note 1) (Note 2)
(Press Square & Left)
D012 709E 7F7F
3002 B358 0000
(Press Square & Down)
D012 709E 7FBF
3002 B358 0009
Have :
(Press Triangle & Up)
7Hand grenadeD012 709E EFEF
3010 9466 0003
8MortarD012 709E EFEF
3010 9467 0003
9BazookaD012 709E EFEF
3010 9468 0003
10Flame throwerD012 709E EFEF
3010 9469 006F
11Automatic gunD012 709E EFEF
3010 946A 0021
12DynamiteD012 709E EFEF
3010 946B 0003
13MinesD012 709E EFEF
3010 946C 0003
14Medi packD012 709E EFEF
3010 946D 0003
15Mine detectorD012 709E EFEF
3010 946E 0001
16BinocularsD012 709E EFEF
3010 946F 0001
17All weapons & items
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
D012 709E EFEF
5000 0502 0000
8010 9466 0101
Infinite health all
(Note 4)
(Press L1 & Circle)
D012 709E DBFF
8005 FB9E 0000
D012 709E DBFF
8006 0292 0000
(Press L2 & Circle)
D012 709E DEFF
8005 FB9E AE23
D012 709E DEFF
8006 0292 AE22
Mission Codes
(Note 3)
Street Sweeper
20Infinite healthD012 68D4 0001
8019 7FDC 0210
Rooftop Battle
21Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0000
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0001
22Infinite healthD012 68D4 0101
8018 EFF4 0190
Bunker Assault
23Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0000
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0002
24Infinite healthD012 68D4 0201
8019 688C 0210
Cycle Run
25Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0001
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0000
26Infinite healthD012 68D4 0301
8019 0944 32D0
Cavern Destruction
27Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0001
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0001
28Infinite healthD012 68D4 0401
8019 5A98 0190
Castle Attack
29Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0001
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0002
30Infinite healthD012 68D4 0601
8019 3D98 0210
River Of Death
31Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0002
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0000
32Infinite healthD012 68D4 0A01
8019 80E8 0190
D012 68D4 0A01
8019 B250 3CD0
Tank Commando
33Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0002
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0001
34Infinite healthD012 68D4 0801
8018 7278 F2D0
Tomb Runner
35Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0002
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0002
36Infinite healthD012 68D4 0901
8018 BE88 0210
Night Strike
37Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0003
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0000
38Infinite healthD012 68D4 0B01
8019 7400 3910
D012 68D4 0B01
8019 728C 0190
Hit And Run
39Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0003
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0001
40Infinite healthD012 68D4 0D01
8019 CB98 0210
41Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0003
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0002
42Infinite healthD012 68D4 0E01
8018 BC34 0210
D012 68D4 0E01
8018 BDA8 32B0
(Note 3)
Secret Base
43Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0004
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0000
44Infinite healthD012 68D4 0001
8019 6958 0210
Sub Chase
45Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0004
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0001
46Infinite healthD012 68D4 0101
8019 C418 CA10
Ancient Menace
47Play mission (Note 5)D010 8C50 0000
3010 8C50 0004
D010 8C54 0000
3010 8C54 0002
48Infinite healthD012 68D4 0201
8018 5250 1F90
D012 68D4 0201
8018 50DC 0190
D012 68D4 0201
8018 624C 0770
Note 1 : Use only one of the codes.
Note 2 : Don't use at 'Chameleon'-mission.
Note 3 : Don't use the codes for both operations at the same time.
Note 4 : Can be used for all missions where you don't have to
destroy something to complete the mission (e.g. 'Secret Base'...)
Note 5 : Use only one of the codes, start on first mission.

Codes für Cheatmodule:

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Abfragen: 11.014

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.