Xenosaga "Mini-Walkthrough/Secrets Faq" ver. 1.1c For Japanese PS2 by Ashley Curtis (Date 7/7/02) This document Copyright 2002 Ashley Curtis. Do not reference, alter, or use (this include webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. Contents: 1.1 Intro 1.2 Thanks and Email info 1.3 Updates 1.4 Mini-Walkthrough 1.5 Secrets Q&A 1.1 -------------Intro------------ I've been working with Jetfuel, in the making the ultimate faq for Xenosaga for sometime now. I wanted to create a simple walkthrough that could keep someone who doesn't know Japanese playing the game smoothly. This is not designed to be the best, most comprehensive walkthrough it's just a "Mini-Walkthrough". Because I don't have the time or desire to write such a faq right now. 1.2 ----------Email and Thanks----------- Please feel free to offer tweaks and clarifications about this walkthrough. I can be contacted at asyurei@adelphia.net. I want to thank most of all "Game Masters of XenoSaga" a great site for info on the game in Japanese (http://www.netdene.com/~kusari/xenosaga/). I used their walkthrough to help refresh my memory. I would like to thank "The Ethos Headquarters" for providing a great forum for me to post my work (http://www.the-ethos.org/). Also the many people on the Gamefaqs Xenosaga board who helped fill in some serious holes in this faq, specifically FuBeeO. 1.3 -------------Updates---------- 04/2/02 The first one Version 1.0 04/3/02 1.0a, Corrections and minor Updates. 04/6/02 1.1, Minor correction to the location of decoder 5. 04/14/02 1.1a, Minor addition to Erdekaiser info, and info about the contents of decoder 10. 04/22/02/ 1.1b, Minor clarification about decoder 9 and the slidedock key. 07/7/02 1.1c, Email update 1.4 -------------Mini-Walkthrough-------- Encephalon エンセフェロン You will start inside KOS-MOS's simulator training area. Advance to trough the big doors to inside. Inside on the first floor is a door that is blocked. Use the ladder, upstairs there is a room you can't enter. The mission key is in this room. Proceed to the left go down and around you will fight a AGWS and you can save here. Than you can enter the room that is blocked from the other side. After getting the key blast the door and enter the locked door. Now you will have a boss fight. Note, after this you can speak to the man working on the VR machine to enter the training area again. If you return a second time you will find the "Battle Passport" where the boss was last time. Woglinde ヴォークリンデ Now you need to give the research data to the captain. Head towards the bridge, there are maps to look at on the wall along the way if you get lost. On your way you will find that the easy way to get there is blocked because of repairs. So instead go to Shion's room which is right across from the last map you passed. You can save here. Now pass through the Realien Control Room. Along the way thru you can talk to a man who will give you the "Drill Passport". After that you can play a little racing game. When you reach the elevator to the bridge take it to the bridge. After going to the bridge and talking to the Captain now you need to go and talk with the people in the AGWS hanger. Then return to Shion's room and go to sleep. Woglinde ヴォークリンデ (as the gnosis attack) Now you need to get your weapon from the AGWS hanger. You can't survive a fight with any of the Gnosis right now. You have to avoid all contact with them. After you get your weapon you will still need to avoid contact because now you can't see the Gnosis clearly to hit them, or avoid receiving massive damage from them. Head for the escape pod which in the main hanger. On your way talk to a soldier and receive the "Decoder for Segment 7". You can use this key right away and get the "Right Robot Arm". You will get a key from a dead crew member which will allow you to enter their rooms in there you can save again. Keep moving towards the Main hanger. A huge event will occur and eventually you will fight a boss. Asteroid, U-tic Head-Quarters 小惑星プレロマ First watch the movement of the enemies, they can all be easily avoided if you want to. You can avoid the AGWS by using the crane. Find Momo, she is in one of the prison cells. You will need to find the "Master Key" which should be in the monitoring room, you will have to defeat a boss to reach it. Now you can free Momo. There is also a save point available near here. The AGWS that you avoided earlier if you defeat it you can get the "Decoder 4". Now you can immediately unlock the Segment Red door in the passage on the 2nd floor, of the 2nd map between the saintly hall on the stairway it contains the "Thief's Gauntlet". Now return to the monitoring room and use the control panel. Now you can move on and you will eventually reach the next boss. ELSA エルザ You need to take the curry to Andrew. First go to the bridge and talk to everyone, you will get a key. Now take the elevator to the B2F. Then go to B3F, and back up to the other side to KOS-MOS's room. Now return to the bridge for an event. If memory serves me right now you will be asked to go to the catapult hanger. This is located of B2F floor to the far left. Once there go to the end of the room and press the button. Then return to the Bridge for an event. The ELSA エルザ (During Attack) With Shion and the others go to B2F. When you get to B2F your party will change to Ziggy, as Ziggy and Momo head toward the Bridge soon you will meet up together. Feel free to go back and save near where you passed Andrew. Now go to the AGWS hanger which is on B23, the room south of here contains the next boss. U-TIC Battleship U-TIC 艦隊 As Jr. enter the ship. Destroy the machines power the laser rays to get past. You will need to unlock the door to area 4. And later the door to area 3. Eventually you will reach the bridge and fight the boss. The ELSA エルザ Now you must find Andrew. He is in the room where you saved before the last boss fight on the Elsa. After finding him return to the bridge and Event will start. The Gnosis Hive グノーシス内 This is not difficult it is a one way area. Keeping moving forward. You will go thru a mall, offices, and small warehouse. Soon you will reach a research tower and this will start a small event. Then be prepared for a boss fight. The Durandul デュランダル Find Momo, she is in the park area. Then go to bed in the Residence area. Now you will go to the Foundation, there will be an event at the beach. Feel free to look around, when you are finished go to sleep in the hotel. Note: there is a woman in the bar who broke up with her boyfriend and threw her ring in the lake. If you go to the laundry mat you will find the Fish detection machine on the 2nd floor. The woman will give you the 8th Decoder. The Durandul デュランダル Now you need to go find KOS-MOS she is in the Elsa. Use the maintenance door to the south in the dock area to reach the Elsa. KOS-MOS is in her room, this will take you to the next event. Encephalon エンセフィロン Now your party will be separated into 2 teams. Just keeping moving forward with both teams. Eventually both teams will meet in the forest. Then you can cross the bridge and enter the church. Save here and then go in the back room of the church for a boss battle. The Durandul デュランダル Find Allen, he is at the Bar in the Foundation, this will cause an event. Now you need to rescue the 13 people. After saving them there a boss will appear as you try to leave. Song of Nephelem ネピリムの歌声 Find Momo, you can't miss her. Then proceed thru the towers 1, 2, 3 respectively. For the first tower, to determine which floor you go to destroy the boxes. For the 2nd fl, destroy 3 cubes, for the 3rd fl 6 cubes (it goes up by 3's also note that most box's contain more then one cube, there is a 2 cube box, 3 cube box, and a 4 cube box also). Once you've pressed the button outside of the 3rd floor. You can leave via the 6th floor or get extra stuff. Next you can go to the 2nd tower. The only save point for the Song of Nephilem is here. There are various items to get here. One of the floors allows you to go outside and hit the button which makes it possible to go to the third tower. However you might need to make your way to the bottom and you will fight a boss first. Now move to the 3rd tower. Here find the way outside and hit the button. Now you can go to the center of the towers. I totally suggest goes back to the 2nd tower first and saving. Because this is one of the toughest Boss fights in the game. If one boss fight wasn't enough there is another one. Again you can go back to the 2nd tower and save again if you want. Vehicle of heaven 天の車 Just keep moving forward, this is a pretty simple map. There are only 2 saves available. You will reach floors 43 thru 45 and you will go up one side and down the other. You can save on the 44 floor. Also the button to lower the gate is on the other side of the 44th floor I believe. Before going up to the 45th floor and thru the lowered gate, save your game. After going thru the gate you will come out to a very open area. You can jump down on to a satellite dish. Here you will fight another very tough boss. Now keep preceding forward. Eventually you will reach another save point. Save here and go down the big elevator. Soon you will have another boss fight, and than another boss fight with no break in between so be ready. To be continued... 1.5 -----------Secrets--Q&A--------------- Where are all the Red Doors and Decoders? Segments (Red Doors) 1: At the Foundation, on the roof of the inn to the right (accessible after attack). Contains "Robot Head Part" 2: At the Dry dock colony, the basement of the "Talk to me" AGWS store. Contains "Robot Body Part" 3: At the Foundation, in the laundry store on the 1st floor the area surrounded by clothes (accessible after attack). Contains "Robot Right Leg Part". 4: At U-TIC headquarters, the wall of the passage on the 2nd floor and the 2nd map between the saintly hall on the stairway. Contains "Thief's Gauntlet" 5: At the Encephalon Area, in the park, before the statues area. Contains "Double Buster" 6: In Heaven's Vehicle, in the astronomic observation room. Contains "Eluding Bandanna" 7: On the Woglinde, beside the sergeant who gave you the key. "Robot Right Arm Part" 8: In the Elsa, the passage of B2F. Contains "Robot Left Leg Part" 9: In the Gnosis Hive, at the research building 3rd floor. Contains "Robot Left Arm" 10: At the KOS-MOS simulation site, in the 1st floor of a deserted house. Contains "Thunder Coat" 11: In the U-TIC Battleship, the room of the soldier. Contains "Ice Coat" 12: At the Song of Nephelim, the 3rd floor of the 2nd tower. Contains "W Hammer Rod" 13: In the Gnosis Hive, at the first floor of the warehouse inside the department store. Contains "Samurai's Heart" 14: In the Elsa, at the catapult deck. Contains "speed shoes" 15: At the Encephalon Area, near the subway ticket window. Contains "Angel Ring" 16: On the Woglinde, the passage before the Andrews office and lab. Contains "Supreme Warrior's Mask" 17: In Heaven's Vehicle, at the research building 43rd floor. Contains "BLOOD9" 18: On the Woglinde, the passage near Shion's room. Contains "Thunder Coat" Decoder Locations (Keys) 1 At the Foundation, in the 1st floor of the warehouse, destroy the crates and ask the Pink thing for some hints (please make sure you talk to the pink thing about every hint that it gives), then it can be found on the Durandal inside the park to your first right (the very first little section that breaks off from the main park area (still inside the park)). The key will be sparkling on the southern bit of the walkway to that small area. Please make sure you talk to the pink thing about every hint that it gives. 2 At the Song of Nephelim, the 2nd tower, destroying one of the boxes the enemy that comes out carries it. 3 At the Encephalon Area, the bunny's house. Use carrot juice on the log to trick him and beat him back to his house. 4 At U-TIC headquarters, destroy the AGWS that you avoided earlier using the crane. 5 At the Durandal, in the Waiting area in the locked room. Get the key from one of the closets in the Residential area. 6 In Heaven's Vehicle, defeat the boss on the satellite dish. 7 On the Woglinde, the master sergeant gives it to you to remember him by. 8 At the Foundation, in the bar is a woman who dumped her engagement ring and her boyfriend. After getting the fishing rod from the upstairs of the laundry mat go fishing until you find the ring. Than give the ring to the woman in the bar. She will give you the key for her ring. 9 In the Gnosis Hive, in the department store a Gnosis protects the box that contains the key. 10 In the Elsa, use the slide deck key to move the sliding deck. The slide deck key is in the 2nd cabin on a seat in the center of the room on the main floor (note: you can't see the key on the seat), yes the rooms between the bridge and the restaurant. 11 At U-TIC headquarters, the passage to right side or the central image which the soldier goes around. 12 At the Encephalon Area, a treasure box in the sewer 13 At the Foundation, the bakery roof get there from the left side of the Inn's roof. 14 At the Song of Nephelim, 1st tower, 5th floor 15 In the Gnosis Hive, department stores 2nd floor protected by a flower gnosis 16 In the U-TIC Battleship, using the guards key to enter his room. It's in his room. 17 At the Song of Nephelim, the 3rd tower center, go above the closed room on the left side and fall thru the hole. 18 On the Woglinde, Break the glass to Andrews office, which in a small lab or operating room. Where are the 13 people that I have to save at the Kookai Foundation? Thanks again to FuBeeO for this info. 1. Enter Iron Man, and save the man in the Iron 3 Display. 2. Enter Our Treasure, and save the little girl from the safe. The code is 1-0- 2-8. 3. Climb upstairs and use the button to raise the gate back in Iron Man. Make sure to pick up the bathing suit here. Go back to Iron Man, and destroy the crates behind the counter, to save the old man within. 4. Go back to Our Treasure, and climb the stairs, and then the ladder to go to the very top. If you head right from the roof, you can enter door #1 (assuming you got the key from the park). If you head left, you can slide down into the garbage area and destroy the dumpster to rescue Oscar the Grouch. Also, if you slide left even further than the garbage area, you can go to the western section and pick up Key #13 from the roof. Head over to the western block (from the ground level). 5. Defeat the Gnosis and destroy the statue to save the old man. 6. Continue east, until you can enter the laundry room. Head into the front-most room to save the woman just standing there. 7. Go back to the room you just came from (don't climb the ladder in the room with the lady you just saved) and head up the stairs, and out the door. You will see a flaming pile between 2 doors. Enter the only door you can, destroy the bookshelf, enter the next room, and exit on the other side of the flaming pile. Then enter the hallway, and continue around the bread shop. Exit on the other side of the lopsided bridge, and walk down it. Push the button to raise the bridge, and backtrack by climbing the ladder. Enter the now-accessible bread shop to rescue the man. 8. Don't slide down the bread shop chute. Exit and continue east over to upstairs of East 6 Shop. Talk to King to rescue him. 9+10. Exit East 6 Shop upstairs, and go down and re-enter on the lower level. Defeat the Gnosis, and destroy the crate in front of Pink Bug to rescue Mina and Johnny. 11. Go back to upper level East 6 Shop. Remember the button on the wall, but ignore it for a minute. Head out to your left, and go through a hallway. Continue down until you re-enter the back room of the laundry area to rescue the young woman you could not get to before. 12. Go back to upper level East 6 Shop, and push the button guarded by those annoying hurt-by-healing gnosis (make sure to kill the first forms on the BOOST round, so they actually die on the POINT UP round!) and enter the door created by the sliding bookcase. Walk through the back passage and talk to the kitty to rescue it. 13. Right past the kitty, destroy the wall to walk out onto a ledge. Head east on this ledge and destroy the wall at the end to rescue a little boy. What is the ultimate boss strategy? In one word Erdekaiser. Second to that this is it. It is necessary to use Jr. or Ziggy, and the "Boost One" ability from Shion. The other 2 members don't matter as long as they booth have the "Boost One" ability. My preferred characters were Jr., Shion, KOS-MOS. A necessary item is the "Braveheart" which is won from the casino games. The "Braveheart" allows for insane strength when a characters HP is low. Once again, you could use almost any three characters as long as two characters have "Boost One" and the other character has the "Braveheart" equipped. Note for the character that has "Braveheart" equipped should not have full HP, he should have about half his normal amount. Also if you decide to use JR. put one of the girls in the back row preferably in this case Shion and you can use Jr.'s ether skill "Dandyism" for a safe return if he is ko'd. Another nice thing to have is the Battler Ring. Because with that you start the fight already boosted once. Ok now you should be ready. When you first start a battle with a boss, the attacks he does are not very strong. So do not attack the boss at all for about the first 4 or 5 turns. This is the case with most bosses. However the boss found at the satellite dish in the Vehicle of Heaven requires attack almost immediately. During these first 4 or 5 turns, Shion should boost Jr. to a max of 3 times and KOS-MOS once, KOS-MOS should boost Shion 2 times and herself once. Meanwhile Jr. should use Psycho Arm, Psycho pocket (heh while not steal something), and "Dynamism" (this will automatically bring Jr. back in case something goes terribly wrong. Now the boss should have been attacking you during all of this. Now Shion should just make sure the KOS-MOS HP is always near MAX and the hers is always above 400. When you perfect the system you should only have to heal very rarely. Now your ready to kick tail. Now when it's Jr.'s turn it is time to unleash the fury. Have Jr. attack, the best thing against a single boss is Last Symphony, for multi-enemies use Storm Waltz (note: make sure to have these to Deathblows assigned the high speed slots, because we don't have time to wait around). During Jr.'s turn boost KOS- MOS or Shion. During KOS-MOS or Shion's turn, boost herself. The idea is to have Jr.'s turn land when the bottom reel is on high boost. So if its not quite right have Shion boost instead of Jr. during KOS-MOS turn. Everyone should boost themselves except to boost Jr. when he's down to only 1 boost level. You can save Shion's boost for healing or for keeping up the attack. You should be able to kill any boss with the only interruption being when the boss boost's himself. Once you get this figured out you will laugh in the face of every boss. And kill many enemies in one or two turns. How do I figure out that music puzzle? Match the sounds of the song, you can hear the song in the room to the left. If you can't get it, here is the answer. red : 2 blocks left blue 3 blocks left Green : 5 blocks left How do I get Shion's Ether "Erdekaiser"? You have to find all the robot parts (all are found in the red doors), and give them to Hakase at Kookai Foundation's AGWS Garage, he is in the basement to the far left. Please note: In your journey to create Erdekaiser you will also get 3 other ethers, they are Thrones Blade, Seraphim Bird, and Dominion Tank. Now once you have all the parts Hakase will try to create Erdekaiser and there will be a small accident. Now go to the Bar and find Scott. Finally they will make Erdekaiser together. I'm missing some Ether's and Deathblows for Momo, why? Well you need to use Momo as the lead character and inspect the glittering "bookcase" in the Gnosis hive (up the stairs, in the area with the falling bridge). Doing this you will get the Ether "Star Wind" and the DeathBlow "Rare Hunter". Also use Momo as the lead character and inspect the glittering "wall" (in the Song of Nephelim, the second tower 6th floor). Doing this you will get the Ether "Star Light" and the DeathBlow "Lovely Ray". Again use Momo as the lead character and enter the upstairs open window of Kookai Foundation bar and defeat Mintia, (get there by going upstairs at the hotel, outside and across the canopy). Doing this you will get the Deathblow "Dark Rod" I'm missing 2 Ether's for Jr., why? Use Jr. as your lead character, destroy one of the closet doors and defeat Great Joe, (in the Residence Area of the Durandal, the bedroom with the shiny silver spinning thing that sells basic items). Doing this you will get the summon "Magnum Joe", after that you can buy the next summon "Buster Joe". Is it possible to do 2 Deathblows in the same turn? Yes it is, you'll need the item Double Buster = ダブルバスター, also note this is a learnable skill. With 6 Ap points you can do an additional Deathblow. For example, if you have R-Spaine on Square, and R-Drill on double Square, when you have 6 SP, you can press Square, Circle, Circle and KOS MOS will do her normal attack, R-Spaine, and then finish with R-Drill.