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Mace - The Dark Age (e)


                                 MACE:The Dark Age
                                      Ver 2.5

-Added Secret Stage Codes
-Added Codes for Grendal and Pogo
-Added Cool Execution view For Mordos Kull
-Have fun playing Mace

Move Descriptions
B = Back
D = Down
F = Forward
J = Jump
Q = Quick
S = Strong
K = Kick
E = Evade
QCF = Quarter Circle Foward
QCB = Quarter Circle Back
HCF = Half Circle Foward
HCB = Half Circle Back
Counter-attacks:  QCF, E followed by Q or S.
Throws:  F + Q.
Picking up Objects:  Next to object hit D + S
Counters:  QCF, E

Grendal Code:
Win three 2-player games. On the fourth 2-player game. Go to the Executioner
and press Start+Evade. Grendal's profile should now be there instead of the

Pogo Code:
Pick Taria and do her Execution. At the next Character Select screen press
Start+Evade, Pogo's profile should be there instead of Taria's.

Stage Codes:
Press Start on these characters,in these sequences,then choose your character
Secret Stage One: Koyasha,Mordos Kull,Takeshi
Secret Stage Two: Mordos Kull,Takeshi Tsunami,Ragnar BloodAxe
Secret Stage Three: Xiao Long,Al' Rashid,Koyasha

Cool View for Mordos Kull's Execution:
Do a Execution on Taria's Stage in the Water.You get to see an overview of the
execution and the person's body will come flying towards you.

STORYLINE FOR MACE---------------------------
Europe - A.D. 1300.

        For centuries an impenetrable darkness has shrouded Europe, Arabia, and
Asia, with countless victims succumbing to the ravenous hunger of unchecked
pestilence and war. In Asia, Khan's ruthless Golden Horde wages a war of terror
from the shores of Japan to Europe. In Arabia, the legendary Assassins' Guild
asserts a bid for power, toppling sultans and kings. Europe, once a promising
glimpse of humanity's potential, has become a well of despair under the
despotic rule of a handful of feudal lords.
        Many great kingdoms have been devastated, but a few have grown more
powerful. These comprise the Covenant of Seven - lords who have allied with
Asmodeus, a practitioner of the dark arts who wields the fabled Mace of Tanis.
The Mace is embued with necropotic energy, offering those who wield it a
tantalizing promise of ever-lasting life and unbridled power.
        With this power comes a terrible price: Asmodeus must feed off despair,
disease, and poverty. In limited doses, Asmodeus grants the Seven the power
they need and crave. In return, they expand their kingdoms with bloody battles
and torment their peasants. But Europe can no longer sustain Asmodeus' ravenous
appetite. He now reaches East into the Orient, to find new lords who yearn to
sample the dark powers.
         But there is rebellion. Each of the Seven, addicted to the corrupting
power of the Mace, dispatch their best warriors to kill Asmodeus and steal his
power. Leaders from the East sense Asmodeus' plottings and strive to destroy
him before it's too late. Heirs to kingdoms long since vanquished seek revenge
on Asmodeus and those who wield the dark energy.
         They are the fiercest fighters on Earth, and they all have one thing 
in common. They each must possess the Mace.


GRENDAL:The Obsidian Gargoyle-------------
        Grendal is a savage monster who is at once less than and more than a
man.  A tormented soul trapped in a demon's body, he has scattered memories of
once being human, of having a family. Those memories have been obliterated by
decades of oppressive killing, forced to do the bidding of Asmodeus.
        Encased in hardened lava, he wields a burning strength that has taken
the life of countless warriors who have striven to unseat the dark lord. With
each murderous blow of his mighty club, he grows more evil. His identity is not
known also and his actions are shrouded in mystery.  Only by breaking the 
powerful hold of Asmodeus will Grendal be able to find out who, or what, he 
truly is...

(6-hits) - Q, Q + S, Q + S, Q + S, HCB, S, S

Comboable Specials
Railroad Smash  F + Q + S (can be continued by hitting Q + S  2X)
Hand Sweep      F, D, B, S (can be followed by a S)

Stand Alone Specials
EarthQuake :      Q + S + K
Uppercut :          HCF, Q
Power Hit :         B, F, S
Super WindUp :  B, D, F, Q
Trip & Hammer : HCB, S, S
Shoulder Ram :  F, F, S
Head Ram Followed By a Hit : B, Q + S, S
Railroad Treatment : Q + S, Q + S, Q + S

Chiropracter- Tap D,D,B,F,K

        As he takes hold of the Mace of Tanis, the hardened shell of decades of
evil melts from Grendal. His memory returns; Grendal is really Taurus de
Castillo, twin brother of the Countess Taria and the rightful heir to the
Iberian throne. He is the son of Malanoche de Castillo, one of the Covenant of
Seven and despotic ruler of the Iberia.
        On the night of the birth of Taurus, a black shadow strangled the
moon's light. Asmodeus' scrye had a prophecy of doom: the evil child born to
Malanoche that night would prove to be Asmodeus' downfall. Asmodeus stormed
into the birthing chamber and demanded that the child be handed over to his
keeping, or else Malanoche would be stripped of his power. Taurus was born,
and Asmodeus took him and stormed out of the chamber. However, unknown to
Asmodeus, there was a twin yet to be born. Moments later, As Taria emerged,
the lights in the chamber went black and lightning streaked the sky.
Malanoche smiled; Asmodeus took the wrong twin. Here was the source of the
omen. Taria was the evil one, and the one that would follow in her father's
       Asmodeus turned Taurus into a grendal, a stone gargoyle who guards the
entrance to the netherworld. For decades, Taurus was forced to do the bidding
of his master, killing all those who would oppose Asmodeus.  Now, the decades
of evil have ended. Justly wielding the power of the Mace, Taurus destroys his
father and seizes the throne himself, ruling justly. He uses the Mace to purge
the rest of the Seven, chasing the darkness from the lands. Although he tries
to cure Taria, her evil is too strong. Unwilling to kill his sister, he instead
blinds her and cuts out her tongue. Unable to read spellbooks and recite
chants, Taria is forever shut away from the dark realms she once traveled.

HELL KNIGHT :The Minor Demon-------------
           The Hellknight is a minor demon from hell who has been dispatched to
destroy Asmodeus and return the Mace of Tanis to its rightful owner. Each use
of the Mace drains power from hell, sending the nether realms into chaos.
Following the trail of evil energy, the Hellknight has at long last found
the Earth and the castle of Asmodeus' realm.

(3-hits) - S,S,Q
(3-hits) - K,S,S

Comboable Specials
Tail Swipe - D, F, S (can be followed by S)
Tailblast - D, F, Q

Stand Alone Specials
Two Chops - B, Q + S
Block High Chop - HCB, Q


     The Hellknight is victorious, and returns the Mace back to its rightful
owner in hell. Since the Hellknight cares little for the actions of humans, he
leaves them alone to settle their petty bickering.   But the hundreds of years
that Asmodeus and the Mace have been on Earth have opened a chaotic vortex into
the netherworlds of hell. What creatures and demons that may invade the Earth
can only be imagined.

POGO:The Fighting Chicken---------------------

        Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a mech, it's Pogo! Faster than a
speeding ox-cart, More powerful than a seige-engine, Able to leap castle
moats in a single flap! Yes, it's Pogo!
        Transformed by Countess Taria into something more than human, a force
powerful enough to rend the very cosmos in her powerful beak. Pojo wages a
never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the feathered way.

(4-hits) - Q,S,Q,Q+S+K

Special Moves
Egg Launch - Jump up and press Q & S
Charge - B, F + Q
Explosion - Q + S + K
Jump Kick - HCB + S

(Stupidest Fatality in the game IMO)F,F,F,F,F, K

        Pogo stands proudly atop the heap of opponents who have fallen to her
mighty peck. If she looks sad, it's only because she can't wield the Mace of
power, because she has no opposable thumbs or even arms that could lift
something as heavy as the Mace.
        Instead, Pogo miraculously defeats the legions of demons who stream
forth from hell seeking the Mace. At the end of each day, Pogo heaves a heavy
sigh from a job well done and lays a single egg, which breaks because the Mace
is sharp.

SIR DREGAN:The Zombie Crusader-----------
     Originally one of the great knights who led the first Crusade to
Jerusalem, Sir Dregan was felled there by the blow of a mighty axe which stole
his soul. Unable to find piece in the afterlife, Dregan's unliving flesh
returned from the grave and has walked the Earth for centuries.
Dregan is an undead crusader on a mission.
     Asmodeus made Dregan a member of the Covenant of Seven, promising Dregan 
that he would have access to plenty of souls in return for his loyalty.

Aided by the dark power, Dregan soon carved out a kingdom and became a
horrible ruler, helping Asmoedus in turn to grow his power. Dregan specialized
in stealing the souls of his victims, turning them into vampires, zombies
and other undead creations that spawned countless legends. Although he tried,
none could replace his own soul which he had lost long ago.
         Now he has heard that Asmodeus has known the location of his soul all
along, and that the power of the Mace can help him restore his humanity. He
must now attempt to kill Asmodeus, to whom he has been loyal for so long.

(3-hits) - Q,Q,S
(3-hits) - S,S,Q

Comboable Specials
SpinSkin - Hold S, release
Shield Slam - B, F, S
Uppercut - F, D, F, S

Stand Alone Specials
Spine Cruncher - F + K
Shinsplitter - B, D, F, K
Head Ache - D, F, Q

The Abyss- HCB, QCF, K

       The Mace restores Dregan's body to that of the glowing, healthy knight
that led the Crusades. Dregan learns that his soul resides in the great blade
of The Executioner, and in a great battle that rages across the length and
breadth of El Katraz, Dregan finally kills The Executioner and destroys
the great blade.
        His soul freed, Dregan is whole once again. He realizes that he cannot
get into heaven because of his crimes, and he must atone for his sins. Paying
the penance for his centuries of malevolence, Dregan wanders the land crushing
evil wherever it may arise.

AL' RASHID:The Master Assasin---------------
        Al'Rashid was raised from birth to become a master in the arts of
unseen death. The son of Khalid, King of Assassins, he was raised in a
towering fortress high in the mountains of Northern Arabia.
        Al'Rashid has mastered all 57 methods of wounding with a scimitar,
knows and has hand-prepared all 103 known poisons, and can kill a man silently
at eighteen paces with the unerring toss of a dagger.
        By his eighteenth birthday, Al'Rashid was ready for initiation into the
Assassin's Guild. Instructed to murder the powerful Potentate of Damascus,
Al'Rashid made sure the job was complete by dispatching the leader, his
advisory staff and 14 of their personal bodyguards, without making noise
enough to awaken the palace dogs.
        As a reward, Khalid presented him with a pair of ancient scimitars,
extremely light and razor sharp, rumored to have been forged magically from the
very winds of the Great Desert. These blades grant Al'Rashid extreme speed,
lightning reflexes, and the power to harness the forces of the wind.
        Now Al'Rashid has been sent by the Sultan of Shiraq to bring back the
Mace of Tanis. He must overcome the legendary power of Asmodeus first,
which will test every skill of one of the most dangerous men on Earth.

Combo Starters
Dazzle Blades - B + S (will block an attack if timed right)

(6-hits) - B + S, S, Q, B + Q + S
(7-hits) - B + S, Then Charge S, Q, Release S
(8-hits) - B + S, S, S, Then Charge S, Q, Release S
(11-Hits) B + S, S, S, Q, (QCF, S,) and hold S (QCF, Q), Release S

Comboable Specials
Sand Devil - Hold S, release
Spinning Uppercut - F, D, F, S
Flashcut left/right - QCF, S or QCF, Q (one can follow the other)
Blade Tornado - HCB, S

Stand Alone Specials
Double Chop - F + Q + S (anti crouch)

Dismemberment- HCF, B, S

        Feeling the power of the Mace course through his hands, Al'Rashid knows
his destiny lies not just in becoming the best assassin in the lands, but in
ruling his own kingdom.
        Al'Rashid turns on his father Khalid, murdering him coldly to claim the
title King of Assassins. He then chooses to usurp the vast holdings of the
Sultan of Shiraq, one of the Covenant of Seven whose kingdom had grown because
of the pact with Asmodeus.
        Killing Shiraq, Al'Rashid becomes Sultan of a vast empire. A cruel and
unjust ruler, he is hated by his people and he must resist constant attempts on
his life.
        He also takes a delicious pleasure in Namira, the former harem girl who
is the lost Princess of Tulwara, whose family was murdered by Khalid. Using the
power of the Mace, Al'Rashid hypnotizes Namira and she becomes his concubine
slave, living out her days dancing for him, humiliated by the perverted acts of
shame she must perform for her cruel master.

THE EXECUTIONER the Freelance Tourturer
        The man known only as The Executioner lives for torture. Thriving off
the pain and misery he inflicts, he has carved a successful empire from
catering to the torture needs of the Covenant of Seven. Employing every
pain-inflicting device known to humankind, The Executioner has created a vast
and well-stocked dungeon located on his legendary island fortress of El
Katraz. None living except a few loyal to the Executioner know the whereabouts
of the island.
        Some say The Executioner's childhood was filled with pain and misery.
None will know for sure, for all traces of his early life have been erased. It
is rumored, though, that the great axe he wields is same demonic blade that
sliced through the Crusaders' ranks during the attacks on Jerusalem
centuries ago.
        The Executioner likes to play a certain game with his prisoners. At
sunrise, he will let a prisoner loose, offering them freedom if they can find a
means of escape off the island by the following sunset. The Executioner then
hunts them down and brings them back to his dungeon for an especially painful
death. No prisoners have ever escaped; many throw themselves to the waiting
sharks rather than face being recaptured and flayed alive.
        Now, war has broken out between the Seven and Asmodeus. Seeing an
opportunity to control a vest empire himself, The Executioner puts his
considerable skills to test in killing Asmodeus and gaining control of the

(4-Hits) S, K, Q, QCF, Q
(5-Hits) B+Q, Q, Q, HCF, S
(5-Hits B+Q, Q, Q, B+S
(6-Hits) Q, Q, S, B, F, Q, HCF, S
(7-Hits) B+Q, Q, Q, B, F, Q, HCB, S

Comboable Specials
Hookswing - HCF, S (Hooks enemy and throws them)
Corpse Kiss - QCF, Q
Devastator - B, F, Q

Stand Alone Specials
Sweepchop - HCB, S (Sweep then anti-crouch)

Beheaded- HCF, HCF, Q

       It has been said that when The Executioner defeated Asmodeus, wails of
misery could be heard across all the continents. For all living creatures knew
that their way of life, as bad as it may have been, was about to get worse. In
its place was a world brimming with misery and indescribable pain; a world
where every man, woman, and child knew the sting of the barbed lash, the
sharp report of joints snapping on the rack, and the horrible, shapeless
pain of the iron maiden.
        The Executioner will rule for centuries in what will be known as "The
Age of Torment." Welcome to the new hell.

KOYASHA:The Female Ninja--------------------
      Koyasha is a young ninja, but one who has fierce determination to test
her skills as ninja. She has mastered a hundred different ways of killing
without leaving a trace, but she cares little for the riches that could await
her. She must prove herself to be the best, or die trying.
        She has heard of a legendary assassin to the West, named Al'Rashid, who
is rumored to have killed hundreds of men but has never made a mistake.
Killing him would truly be a test of skill. She has also heard that there is
an evil darkness invading her land, from a mysterious being called Asmodeus
somewhere in Europe. Al'Rashid can wait; this Asmodeus sounds like a good test
of her skills.  She knows that it may also mean her death...

(8-Hits) - E + S, S, S, Spin Kick, Spin Kick, Spin Kick, F + Q + S
(8-Hits) - S, Q, K, QCB, K, QCB, K, QCB, K, QCF, Q, QCF, Q

Comboable Specials
Spin Kick - QCF, K (can be done 3X)
Deception - HCF, S
Electric Shuriken - HCF, Q, (tap Q again for another one)

Stand Alone Specials
Heel Drop - HCB, K (anti-crouch)
Viper Teeth - F + Q + S (anti-crouch)

Ginsu Slicer-B, F, B, F, Q

        By killing Asmodeus, Koyasha has shown that she is the most-skilled
ninja who has ever lived. Now, by owning the Mace of Tanis, she can wield
ultimate power.
        But Koyasha cares little about power. For her the Mace is merely a
conquest, a trophy of her skills as a warrior. She believes that the destiny of
humanity lies with the natural order - the ability of rulers to hold power on
the own, not bolstered by unnatural energies.
        Her ultimate conquest behind her, Koyasha builds a monastery high in
the Japanese mountains, seeking to attain spiritual perfection.

LORD DEIMOS:The Evil Warlord----------------
         A member of the original Covenant of Seven, Lord Deimos rules his
populace with an iron grip high atop his mountain fortress in his native
Bavaria, overlooking a vast tortured landscape known as the Great Wastelands.
        It is not known how old he is, but his trembling worshippers whisper in
hushed tones that he is has lived for hundreds of years already. No one
currently alive has seen his face, and few are allowed inside his dark castle,
which snow never touches. Further, it is told, his blood-red armor is made of
molten lava, hand-forged by the very demon himself.
        His people dare not rebel, and must fight in his ever-escalating
conflicts around the borders. It is as if he is driving his people to war
with an insatiable appetite, which grows greater with each victory. Deimos
drives his people hard, and many have perished. Far worse, however, is the
fate that befalls those who resist.
        Now Asmodeus has pitted the Seven against each other, but Deimos
doesn't want to deal with petty bickering with his fellow lords. He is
tired or playing second fiddle to a power darker than his own. He wants
all the power for himself. He wants Countess Taria by his side. He wants
Asmodeus' head on his wall. And the Mace in his hand.

Combo Starters
Iron Fist - B + Q

(3-Hits) S, F, F, S, B, F, S
(3-Hits) HCF, S, QCF, Q
(4-Hits) B+Q, S, S, Q+S, Q+S, B+Q+S
(6-Hits) B+Q, S, S, F, F, S, B, F, S, B, F, S
(7-Hits) B+Q, S, S, HCF+S, B, F, S, B, F, S

Comboable Specials
Soul kick - B, F, K
Flame Column - QCF, Q
Hellicopter - HCF, S

Stand Alone Specials
Homerun swing - Q + S
Mega Thrust - B + Q + S (press Q when hitting to toss)

Impalement- F,HCF,S(2-3 steps away)

       Lord Deimos drinks the blood of the vanquished Asmodeus, as he lifts
the Mace of Tanis.  Now, with unbridled evil power coursing through his
veins, Deimos can dominate the world.
        He goes on the vanquish the rest of the Covenant of Seven, destroying
them one by one and enslaving their populaces. Under his hellish rule, Europe
and Arabia are unified, but under a tortured, despotic rule. Seemingly 
immortal, Deimos rules for centuries. Europe never recovers from the Dark Ages
that have withered its people and stunted its growth.

MORDOS KULL:The Legendary Mercenary-----
        A battle-scarred veteran of countless wars, Kull's weapon is for sale
to the highest bidder. An orphan with an unknown family history, Kull was
raised by gypsy peasants in the rugged Italian foothills. He learned to fight
by experience, throwing off marauding brigands. He found he fought most
effectively with the morning star, a devastating weapon that causes
massive internal injuries.
        In his late teens, the Covenant of Seven outlawed gypsies and hired
mercenaries to purge them throughout the land. One cold November night, a group
of mercenaries ambushed and killed his gypsy clan. Seeing that he was a skilled
warrior, the mercenaries offered to spare Kull's life if he joined them.
Impressed with the quality of their armor and weapons, he agreed, lured by the
prospect of earning real money.
        Kull honed his skills and became one of the most savage mercenaries in
Europe. Over the years, though, all the other members of the mercenary group
that found him have met with untimely or accidental deaths. Kull is the only
        Now alone in the world, his weapon is for sale to the highest bidder.
He has now been hired by one of the Seven to kill Asmodeus and bring back
the Mace of Tanis.
        Is he in it for the money, or will he finally decide that his honor has
no price?

(3-Hit) B+S, B, F, S, F, D, DF, S (Powerful combo!)
(3-Hit) HCF, S, F, D, DF, S
(4-Hit) K, B, F, K, B, F, K, B+K (hehe, all kick combo, nice!)
(7-Hit) Q, S, Q, B, F, K, B, F, K, B, F, S, F, D, DF, S
(8-Hit) Q, S, Q, HCF, S, B, F, K, B, F, K, B, F, K

Comboable Specials
Dragons' Bane - F, D, F, S
Shield Blast - B, F, S (follow by Dragons' Bane)
Side Kick - B, F, K (can be done 3X)

Stand Alone Specials
Block High, Go Low - HCB, Q (Defensive attack)

Rag Doll Beating- D, D ,B ,S

        Mordos has finally achieved his goal - destroying Asmodeus and the
power structure that has ravaged the land for centuries.  His parents were
killed by Sir Dregan, one of the Covenant of Seven, when Kull was just a boy.
He was taken in by a gypsy clan, who were then killed by Deimos' mercenaries.
        Hating the Seven and all they stood for, Kull realized the only way he
could beat them was from the inside, gaining their trust as a mercenary until
he could bring them down one by one.
        Kull will now wield the Mace with wisdom, to rebuild the land to its
former glory, and cast down the Seven and their despotic rule. In the hands of
this wise and virtuous king, the Mace will be a powerful tool for good. Heroes
are indeed found in the most unlikely places.

NAMIRA:The Harem Girl/Lost Princess------
        Kidnapped and sold into slavery as a child, Namira grew up in the harem
of a lesser sultan whose deviant appetite for pleasure was as twisted as his
hideous face. Forced to dance for the pleasure of fat and lecherous old men,
she hates the society in which she in nothing more than a slave.
        Namira has frequent flashbacks of childhood, hazy visions of living in
an opulent palace surrounded by rich trappings and courteous attendants.
Often, these dreams are followed by violent images of raging fire, flashing
swords, and strangers. Thinking it nothing more than dreams created by her
subconscious to prevent her from going mad, Namira gives the visions little
thought, until one day she overhears some harem girls speaking of a lost
        Sixteen years ago there was a terrible tragedy at the Royal Palace. A
band of assassins murdered the royal family, all except the young princess
Tulwara, who was rumored to have been smuggled out alive. If she was still
alive, she would be about the same age as Namira was now. Was there a
connection? Were the dreams real? Namira had to know.
        Namira secretly learned the art of fighting from a kind eunuch.
Combining a deadly, swift scimitar with a seductive style of fighting that
mesmerized her opponents, Namira became a lethal killing machine.
        During her escape from her master, Namira pierced his heart with her
scimitar. Before he died, she asked him who she truly was. The sultan muttered
only "Asmodeus knows" with his last breath.
        Knowing her true origins are somehow entwined with the mysterious
Asmodeus, she begins a quest to find him and recover her identity. If she can
bring down Asmodeus and wield the Mace of Tanis, she might be able to discover
the truth and regain her place on the throne, if only the visions weren't

(6-Hits) - S, B + S, S, QCF, K, K, Q + S + K
(9-Hits) - K, S, Q, B + Q, Q, S, B + S, S, Q + S + K

Comboable Specials
Spin Left - B + Q (can follow with another spin by hitting Q again)
Spin Right - B + S (can follow with another spin by hitting S again)
Dervish Twirl - Q + S + K

Stand Alone Specials
Desert Shadow - F + Q + S (anti crouch)
Arabesque - B, F, K (anti crouch)

Shrinker- D,D,B,F,K

        Namira is indeed the lost Princess Tulwara of Arabia. Her family was
murdered by Khalid, King of Assassins, when she was only three. She escaped a
foul death when she was smuggled out of the palace by one of her guards, who
then sold her into slavery for a tidy profit.
        Khalid was hired by the Sultan of Shiraq, one of the Covenant of Seven,
who was promised the Kingdom of Arabia in a pact with Asmodeus. Seeking
vengeance, Namira hunts down and destroys the Sultan and the hired assassins.
She takes special delight in finally killing the most vicious, Al'Rashid, the
son of the man who slew her family.
        Wielding the power of the Mace of Tanis, she retakes her family palace
and claims the throne. She becomes the first woman Sultan of Arabia, ruling
with an iron fist. Seeking to create a society were women are not
subservient to men, but rightfully rule over them, she decrees that men
are not allowed to run businesses and will no longer be allowed to be
seen in public without veils.  These edicts have stood for centuries, and
Arabia is known for its strong women business leaders and military leaders.

RAGNAR BLOODAXE-The Powerful Viking--
        Once he was a noble viking prince, ruling over a vast and beautiful
territory in the north. That was before the dark wolves came, roaming the
countryside by the hundreds, destroying villages and dragging away the children
of his people.
        Ragnar heard rumor of a large band of wolves in the forest of the East
who were raiding small villages. He and his men traveled there, but he
suddenly had a terrible premonition that it was all a ruse. He envisioned
that his village, Torsgard ,was being raided by scarlet-clad men, and his
family was being tortured.
        He quickly returned to Torsgard, but it was too late. It lay in smoking
ruins, its people dead. The bodies of his family lay half-eaten, their red
blood wasted upon the snow. At the outskirts of the forest he could see
the wolves.
Their red eyes burned with a savage intensity, a raw supernatural evil that
could only come from one source - Deimos.
        He was driven into a berserk fury. Ragnar Bloodaxe would avenge his
people, his family. He would destroy Deimos and Asmodeus - the one who is
behind it all. He would destroy those who were poisoning his land. Or he would
die trying.

(4-Hits) Q+S, B, F, K
(5-Hits) S, Q, Q, QCF, S
(6-Hits) S, Q, Q, B, F, K
(?-Hits) B + S, S, S, Q, (QCF, S,) and hold S (QCF, Q), Release S

Comboable Specials
Vallhala Sweep - HCB, S
Frenzy - F + tap Q quickly
Rolling Uppercut - B, F, K

Stand Alone Specials
Head Rush - B + Q + S (sends character flying)
Thor's Vengeance - F + Q + S (anti-crouch)
Thunder - B, F, Q

Destruction- HCF, B, K

        By defeating Deimos and Asmodeus, Ragnar had thrown off the darkness
which was destroying his people.
        Harnessing the power of the Mace, he rebuilds Torsgard into a glorious
city. In tribute to his slain family, it is the most beautiful city in all of
Europe - the shining star of the North. Ragnar would marry again, and father
many children, but he would forever retain a vigilant eye to crush evil
wherever it appeared.

TAKESHI TSUNAMI:The Honorable Samurai-----
              Son of the Japanese Emperor, Takeshi has been trusted to prevent
the evil power of the Seven from spreading to Japan.  He also searches for
his lost brother Ichiro

Combo Starters
Steel Waterfall - HCB, S

(8-Hits) - HCB, S, B, F, K, Q, Q, S, B, F, S, F + S , HCF, S

Comboable Specials
Flipping Uppercut - HCF, S
Energy Palm - B, F, S (can be followed by S and then another special)
Hop Kick - B, F + K

Stand Alone Specials
Zen Dodge - E +  S
Dodge Slash - Tap B + Q

Two of a Kind- HCB, QCF, S

TARIA:The Evil Countess-----------------------
        Taria is one of the most ruthless, bloodthirsty souls to have ever
walked the planet. She is the daughter of the Duke of Iberia, one of the
original Seven. Born under a black moon, Taria was prophesied to be the
downfall of Asmodeus. In turn, Asmodeus demanded that Malanoche hand over his
evil newborn child. Her father, however, tricked Asmodeus by giving over
Taria's twin brother Taurus, who was never heard from again.
        Taria knew as a child that she was born to wield the dark magic.
Studying the dark arts in her castle tower, Taria has mastered sorceries and
traveled demons' realms far beyond the ken of even the most powerful mages.
Now she has reached a level of power that is surpassed by only one being:
Asmodeus. By controlling the Mace, Taria will be able to vastly increase here
power and control not only Earth, but will be able to open portals to
other dimensions.

(7-Hits) B+Q,Q,Q,S,HCF+S,QCF+Q
(7-Hits) B+Q,Q,Q,S,HCF+S,QCF+K

Comboable Specials
Flip Kick - QCF, K
Fireball - QCF, Q
Rush forward - B, F, S (can by followed by Flipkick)

Stand Alone Specials
Bladegeyser - F, D, Q (can be followed by special)

Chicken- Hold S and release(2-3 steps away)

       Beating Asmodeus, Taria now wield the most powerful magic on Earth: the
Mace of Tanis, an artifact powered by the fires of hell. Instantly, screams of
millions of tortured souls fills her ears. The horror of millions of innocent
people, slaughtered in the cruel reign of the Covenant of Seven, fill her soul
and drive her toward the edge of insanity. Screaming with torment, Taria
absorbs the evil energy and bursts into a pillar of flame. Purified by the
fires of hells, her human visage is burned away. Taria emerges a demon.
        Allowing her father to rule her Earthly kingdom, Taria travels the
planes and dimensions of the netherworld, planning her assault that will
eventually give her the power to unite all 99 levels of hell under her iron
grip. Unable to kill her twin brother lest she lose the source of her power,
Taria instead keeps him imprisoned as a Grendal, guarding the magical gateway
to her nether realms.

XIAO LONG-The Blind Monk--------------------
        Born the son a of Chinese Warlord, vassal to the legendary Khan, Xiao
Long was trained early in the skills of martial combat. In the feudal battles
that raged across the Mongolian steppes, warlords would commonly torture
in public any enemies that were captured.
        When he was just fourteen, Xiao's father Khan ordered him to behead an
enemy soldier in the public square. Although he felt comfortable fighting hand-
to-hand with the enemy, Xiao did not want to murder a man so innocently. He
refused his father.
        Humiliated, Khan burned out Xiao's eyes and cast him outside the city
walls to meet his fate with the elements. Wandering for days, he found his way
to the mountains, where a group of Shaolin monks seemed to have been waiting
for him. They took him to their monastery, where he has remained for the past
twelve years. During this time Xiao has learned to master the Spirit Sense,
which enabled him to become a deadly fighter despite his blindness.
        Sensing that a great evil is encroaching from the land where the sun
sets, Xiao sets out to prevent the spread of pestilence to his native land. To
do so, he must vanquish Asmodeus and destroy the Mace.

(3-Hits) S, Q, HCF, K
(4-Hits) Q, K, K, HCB, K
(9-Hits) S (hold), Q, K, (release), Q+S
(10-Hits) S (hold), Q, K, (release S), HCB, S
(12-Hits) (S) Charge Strong, Q, K, Release Strong, HCF, Q, D + S, HCF + S

Comboable Specials
1000 Staffs - Hold S, release
Flying Kick - HCF, K

Stand Alone Specials
Mystic Orb - Hold B, F, S (holds victim still for 1.5 sec)
Low-High - HCB, S (sweeps then chops)
Overhand - F + Q + S (can be followed by a Q or Flying Kick)

Heart Surgery- B, F, B, F, S

        Seeking to prevent the spread of evil to his native China, Xiao has
traveled across the globe to confront the evil Asmodeus and the Mace of Tanis.
Vanquishing his foe, Xiao now picks up the Mace.
        Seeking to destroy it, Xiao prepares a spell. The Mace calls to him,
offering to restore Xiao's sight and promising him great power and wisdom.
        Xiao's sight was robbed of him by his father long ago - surely it would
be worth it to see the world again. It is a promise the most men would surely
accept - to be able to see beauty again, to have the wisdom of the ages, to be
able to ponder the meaning of all things. But is it really a trap? But will the
evil Mace instead corrupt Xiao, turning him into the despotic leader that he
has fought so hard to destroy?
        Without hesitation, Xiao destroys the Mace. Without sight, he has
learned to appreciate the world differently because of his other senses.
And he already has great wisdom.

ICHIRO TSUNAMI:The Evil Samurai-----------
        Born the first son of the Japanese Emperor, Ichiro would inherit great
wealth and power when he succeeded his father. His brother Takeshi, however,
proved to be the stronger warrior and Ichiro feared that he would be passed
over in favor of his younger brother. Ichiro traveled to the Western
lands to meet the fables Asmodeus, a demon who some said offered people
immortality and unlimited power.
        When he returned to Japan, Ichiro was different, darker, glowing with a
strange health and sinister purpose. It is rumored that Asmodeus has given
Ichiro a taste of the evil power of the dark Mace, which has fueled his rage.
Mustering his own army, Ichiro waged warfare on the Emperor and the routed the
feudal lords. Winning great victories, Ichiro seems destined to conquer Japan,
throwing it into a horrible darkness of his own design.
        Ichiro wants more than just a taste of power; he hungers to control the
great Mace, and once and for all crush his younger brother Takeshi. Ichiro will
rule Japan and turn it into the greatest warrior nation the world has ever


Comboable Specials

Stand Alone Specials

     Upon defeating Asmodeus, Ichiro grips the dark Mace of power. Coursing 
through is veins is the demon-strength of hell, giving him the power to 
conquer acontinent.  Ichiro at once destroys his family and assumes the throne
of Japan, eliminating the few feudal lords that remain. However, Ichiro is 
unable to find his brother Takeshi, who has taken to the mountains of Japans.
Japan is split by war and poverty, throwing the island nation into chaos. 
Under Ichiro's iron grip, the great feudal cities fall into rubble as Ichiro 
has his army scour the countryside in vain searching for his brother.  With a 
band of loyal samurai who will not concede Ichiro's rule, Takeshi wages 
guerrilla warfare on Ichiro's army in the hopes of erasing the shame that his 
brother has brought on Japan. Ichiro grows progressively more insane knowing 
that Takeshi will one day strike him down, if he doesn't find him first.  Not 
even the power of the Mace can cure Ichiro's insanity.

WAR MECH:The War Machine---------------
        As the great struggle between light and dark rages above, the skilled
craftsmen of the Dwarf Kingdom have been toiling in their dim smithies located
in the roots of the mountains. Hidden from the world of sun and moon, this race
of stout miners has long been oppressed by the tyrannical rule of Lord Deimos,
one of the Covenent of Seven. Threatened with death if they dare disobey,
dwarven guildsmen have for centuries crafted the fine armor and weapons that
have given Deimos' troops the edge in countless battles.
        Fired by the flames of revenge, the dwarves have longed to construct a
mighty machine which would destroy their enemies. One night, in a nightmare
filled with fire and screams, Gar Gudrunson, master craftsman of the dwarves,
has a vision: he saw marching across the battlefields above a strange engine,
solidly built of iron and brass and powered by steam. In his dream, Gar's
bizarre creation smashes Deimos' troops and wins freedom for the long-suffering
dwarven legions.
        He immediately directs his craftsmen to build his mad machine. Will it
be enough to defeat Deimos? It must be piloted by one who possesses such
hatred against Deimos that they will strive for victory no matter what the
cost. Gar Gudrunson himself will pilot the Dwarven Warmech.


Comboable Specials

Stand Alone Specials

    Gar gazes at the Mace of Tanis in amazment. It is perfection. The Mace 
speaks to him, and in his mind Gar sees a world where the dwarven race will 
not just live in freedom -- it will dominate the world above! Gar returns to 
the dark halls of the Dwarf Kingdom and displays the Mace to the many dwarfs 
gathered there.  They too are seduced by the power of the Mace. Soon shouts 
of "Revenge!"  Enslave the humans! Kill!!" echo through the caverns.
     In a frenzy of activity the dwarves construct hundreds of War Mechs and
march out of the hidden halls to dominate the land above.

------------------------------------------------------------------ for giving tricks and tips for Mace

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c. 1997 by Elusive696.  No part of this FAQ may be rewritten without 
permission of the author.  This FAQ is for the general public, NOT for 
commerical use.  You can use what's in here, but give credit where credit 
is due.