PC: Cheats für Hard Reset

PC: Cheats für Hard Reset

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Hard Reset

Genre: Ego-Shooter

Erschienen: September 2011

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Flying Wild Hog

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Flying Wild Hog

Cover von Hard Reset

Waffen wechseln:

Mit den Tasten [E] und [Q] wecheln Sie zwischen den Energie- und Feuerwaffensystemen.


Drücken Sie während des Spiels [Umschalt] + [^], um die Konsole zu öffnen. Nützliche Cheats sind bisher nicht bekannt.

Angeheftet haben wir eine offiziell wirkende Befehlsliste für die Konsole. Einige Befehle werden jedoch nicht als gültige Anweisungen erkannt, obwohl sie im Programmcode zu finden sind.

Befehl Englische Erläuterung
_obsolete_r_show_profilers Show profilers
_obsolete_r_show_profilers_history Show profilers history (number of entries, 0 to disable)
a_atlas_enabled Animatix atlas enabled
a_curve_default_size Animatix default curve size
a_show_attachments Show attachments on skeleton
a_show_skeletons Show skeletons in VisualDebugger
d_animatix Enable debug animatix
d_budgets Enable budgets
d_budgets_history Enable budgets history
d_disable_main_menu Disable main menu
d_disable_script_cache Disable fire and forget cache
d_enable_level_select Allow level select menu
d_enemies_xp Debug enemies xp
d_minigun_sound Change minigun sound
d_missing_res Debug missing resources
d_physics_collisions Enable debug physics collisions mode
d_physics_collisions_freq Detect collisions frequency
d_physics_collisions_pin Force collisions to pin
d_reset_steam Reset Steam stats
d_show_hints Enable debug hints drawing
d_spawnpoints_xp Debug spawnpoints xp
d_tris_count_placeables Count tris of visible placeables
d_tris_shadows_count_placeables Count shadows tris of visible placeables
d_ui_forms Enable debug UI forms
d_visual_debug Enable visual debug drawing
e_selection_border Level editor: selection border
e_selection_color Level editor: selection color
e_show_animpaths Level editor
e_show_blockers Level editor
e_show_children Level editor: show children
e_show_items_range Level editor: show items range mode
e_show_occluders Level editor
e_show_triggers Level editor
e_undo_restores_camera Level editor: if undo restores camera
e_visibility_range Level editor: range of visibility
g_agent_force_damping Creature friction after hit
g_agent_force_multiplier Creature reaction on force
g_autodelete_meshes_limit meshes limit left on level
g_autodelete_meshes_limit_large meshes limit left on level (large)
g_autodelete_meshes_min_time Autodelete meshes min time
g_autodelete_parts_time Autodelete parts time
g_autodelete_skinned_meshes_max_onlevel max skinned meshes on level
g_autodelete_skinned_meshes_stay_onlevel skinned mehses left on level (not fading out)
g_autopause_time Game autopause time
g_binary_profile Binary saves
g_binary_saves Binary saves
g_color_objective_completed_description Objective completed description color
g_color_objective_completed_title Objective completed title color
g_color_objective_description Objective description color
g_color_objective_failed_description Objective failed description color
g_color_objective_failed_title Objective failed title color
g_color_objective_title Objective title color
g_damage_to_enemies_multiplier Damage to enemies multiplier
g_enable_arrow Enable direction arrow
g_enable_blood Enable blood
g_enable_electricity Enable electricity
g_enable_hints Enable hints
g_enable_lightnings Enable lightnings
g_enable_rain Enable rain
g_explosions_glow_strength_mod Explosions glow strength mod
g_explosions_glow_threshold_mod Explosions glow threshold mod
g_last_savegame Last savegame for this profile
g_physics_quality Physics quality
g_player_acceleration Player movement acceleration
g_player_aircontrol Air control multiplier
g_player_backward_ratio Player backward speed ratio
g_player_inair_force_multiplier Player reaction on force in air
g_player_jumping_control_direction Player jumping direction is connected with his look direction
g_player_onground_force_multiplier Player reaction on force on ground
g_player_onground_friction Player friction, when not moving and when on ground
g_radar_shows_all Radar shows all enemies
g_remains_quality Remains quality
gizmo_mode_toggle gizmo_space_toggle
i_enable_modal Enable UI modal windows
p_agent_paths Show paths
p_agent_ps Show ps
p_fps FPS for ticking physics simulation
p_interpolate_player_pos Interpolate player position between physics frames
p_max_steps Max steps for physics simulation
p_particles Physics particles
pp_color_grading_enable Post process color grading toggle
pp_dof_enable Post process dof toggle
pp_dof_force_quality Post process dof force quality
pp_enable Post process toggle
pp_glow_enable Post process glow toggle
pp_radial_blur_enable Post process radial blur toggle
pp_screen_blur_enable Post process screen blur toggle
pp_sharpen_enable Post process sharpen toggle
pp_sun_shafts_enable Post process light shafts toggle
r_animatix_force_res Animatix force res
r_animatix_pp_enable Animatix post process
r_animatix_pp_min_distance Animatix post process min distance
r_anisotropy Anisotropy
r_async_io_buffer Async IO buffer size in MB
r_async_io_enable Async IO enable
r_async_io_enable_texture_streaming Async IO enable texture streaming
r_caps_copy_depth Caps copy depth
r_caps_hw_depth Caps hw depth
r_caps_nvdb Caps NVDB
r_debug_render_mode Debug render mode
r_decals_z_bias Decals z-bias offset
r_depth_bounds Depth bounds
r_destro Force destro texture usage
r_discard_buffers Discard dynamic vertex buffers
r_dissolve_border_color Dissolve border color
r_dissolve_border_color_intensity Dissolve border color intensity
r_dissolve_border_size Dissolve border size
r_dissolve_time Dissolve time
r_draw_animatix Draw animatix
r_draw_decals Draw decals
r_draw_dyn_meshes Draw dynamic geometry
r_draw_flare_occlusion Draw flare occlusion
r_draw_flares Draw flares
r_draw_hud Draw HUD
r_draw_hud_console Draw HUD console
r_draw_hud_refraction Draw HUD refraction
r_draw_level_meshes Draw level meshes
r_draw_lights Draw lights
r_draw_lights_ambient_cube Draw lights ambient cube
r_draw_lights_angle_tube Draw lights angle tube
r_draw_lights_directional Draw lights directional
r_draw_lights_particle Draw lights particle
r_draw_lights_point Draw lights point
r_draw_lights_spot Draw lights spot
r_draw_lights_tube Draw lights tube
r_draw_meshes Draw meshes
r_draw_meshes_translucent Draw meshes translucent
r_draw_opaques Draw opaques
r_draw_overlay Draw overlay
r_draw_particles Draw particles
r_draw_skinned_meshes Draw skinned meshes
r_draw_translucents Draw translucents
r_draw_translucents_gun Draw translucents gun
r_draw_translucents_gun2 Draw translucents gun 2
r_draw_weapon Draw weapon
r_dummy_mem_usage Dummy mem usage
r_dummy_video_mem_usage Dummy video mem usage
r_dump_render_lists Dump render lists
r_farZ Camera far z
r_fov Vertical field of view
r_fsaa FSAA
r_fsaa_fill_stencil FSAA fill stencil
r_fullscreen Fullscreen mode
r_fullscreen_aspect Fullscreen aspect
r_fullscreen_height Height of fullscreen screen viewport
r_fullscreen_modes Fullscreen modes
r_fullscreen_monitor Fullscreen monitor
r_fullscreen_refreshes Fullscreen refresh rates for current mode
r_fullscreen_width Width of fullscreen screen viewport
r_gamma Gamma
r_geometry_force_discard Geometry force discard
r_lights_force_cam_inter Light force camera intersection
r_lights_min_size Light min size
r_load_dds Load DDS textures order
r_max_game_vp_height Max height of game viewport
r_max_game_vp_width Max width of game viewport
r_max_prims Max primitives per DIP
r_merge_dips Merge skinned mesh dips
r_min_prims Min primitives per DIP
r_mip_cap Texture quality mip offset
r_mip_lod Mipmap LOD bias
r_mip_max Max mip map level
r_mlaa MLAA
r_nearZ Camera near z
r_offscreen_enable Offscreen translucents enable
r_offscreen_force_on Offscreen translucents force on
r_offscreen_min_distance Offscreen min distance
r_preload_thumbs Preload texture thumbnails
r_quality_lighting Quality lighting
r_rain_boxes Rain boxes toggle
r_rain_enable Rain enable
r_rain_lock Rain lock
r_refraction Refraction
r_refraction_decals Refraction decals
r_refraction_force_fs_copy Refraction force fs copy
r_refraction_hud Refraction HUD
r_render_thread Enable rendering thread
r_shader_cache Enable shader cache
r_shader_cache_preload Enable shader cache preload
r_shadows_caster_cull_size Shadow caster cull size
r_shadows_csm_depth_bias csm depth bias
r_shadows_csm_depth_slope_bias csm depth slope bias
r_shadows_csm_force_shadow_range csm force shadow range
r_shadows_csm_split_factor CSM split factor
r_shadows_directional Shadows directional toggle
r_shadows_filtering Shadows res
r_shadows_format Shadows format
r_shadows_local_depth_bias shadow mask depth bias temp
r_shadows_local_depth_slope_bias shadow mask depth slope bias temp
r_shadows_local_force_res shadow local force res
r_shadows_point Shadows point toggle
r_shadows_quality Shadows toggle
r_shadows_res Shadows res
r_shadows_spot Shadows spot toggle
r_show_basis Show object local basis
r_show_box Show object bounding boxes
r_show_box_animatix Show animatix bounding boxes
r_show_box_animatix_chunks Show animatix chunks bounding boxes
r_show_box_flare Show flare bounding boxes
r_show_box_light Show light bounding boxes
r_show_box_light_shadow Show shadow light bounding boxes
r_show_box_lightning Show lightning bounding boxes
r_show_box_mesh_skinned Show mesh skinned bounding boxes
r_show_box_offscreen Show ofscreen bouding boxes
r_show_box_particle Show partcile bounding boxes
r_show_box_rain_box Show rain boxes
r_show_box_translucent Show translucent object bounding boxes
r_show_cam_pos Show camera position coordinates
r_show_flares Show flares
r_show_fps Show frames per second
r_show_grid Show debug grid
r_show_lights Show lights bounding spheres
r_show_lights_particle Show particle lights quads
r_show_lights_shadow Show shadow lights bounding spheres/cones
r_show_lights_shadow_point Show shadow lights point bounding spheres/cones
r_show_lights_shadow_spot Show shadow lights spot bounding spheres/cones
r_show_particles Show particles quads
r_show_rain_map Show rain map
r_show_safe_frame Show safe frame
r_show_shadow_casters Show shadow casters
r_show_shadow_casters_local Show shadow casters local
r_show_sim_particles Show simulated particles
r_sort Toggle draw sorting
r_sort_mode Draw fragments sorting mode
r_sync Render sync
r_tex_in_range Count textures in range
r_tex_lru_size Textures LRU cache size in MB
r_triggers Show triggers
r_video_play r_video_stop
r_vis Visibility toggle
r_vsync VSync
r_win_height Height of window screen viewport
r_win_pos_x Window x coordinate
r_win_pos_y Window y coordinate
r_win_width Width of window screen viewport
r_windowed_fixed_backbuffer Widowed mode with fixed backbuffer size
r_wireframe Enable wireframe mode
s_console_commands_history Console commands history
s_console_lines_always_visible Number of console lines always visible on screen
s_console_show_custom_logs Show custom logs within console
s_debug_break Toggle to make controlled crash when script error encountered
s_disable_loading_thread Disable loading thread
s_fly_mode Free fly mode
s_language game language
s_load_streaming_lock Determines if load thread waits for all resources streaming finished
s_logs_enabled Enable logs system
s_mouse_invert Invert mouse look Y-axis
s_mouse_lock Lock mouse for mouse look
s_mouse_sensitivity Mouse sensitivity
s_mouse_smooth Mouse smoothing
s_new_templates_system Enables new templates system
s_null_sound Enable null sound engine
s_pad_autoaim_radius Pad autoaim radius
s_pad_autoaim_speed Pad autoaim speed
s_pad_look_invert Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_look_linear_ratio_x Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_look_linear_ratio_y Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_look_pow_x Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_look_pow_y Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_look_sensitivity_x Pad look sensitivity
s_pad_look_sensitivity_y Pad look sensitivity
s_pad_look_speed_x Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_look_speed_y Invert pad look Y-axis
s_pad_vibration Enable pad vibration
s_profilers_enabled Enable profilers
s_profilers_history_size Profilers history size
s_profilers_summarize_calls Enable profilers summarize calls
s_profilers_summarize_counters Enable profilers summarize counters
s_scripts_compiled_dir Compiled scripts dir
s_scripts_compiled_use Use compiled scripts
s_simulate_particles Enable particles
s_sound_cutscenevolume cutscene sound volume
s_sound_dopplerratio Dopper effect multiplier
s_sound_forcestereo Force stereo, need restart
s_sound_musicvolume Set global music volume
s_sound_stats Show sound stats
s_sound_volume Set global sound volume
s_use_my_documents Store profiles in My Documents folder
s_use_steam Use Steam
ui_color_cursor UI cursor color
ui_color_focus UI focus color
ui_color_primary UI controls primary color
ui_color_primary_ro UI readonly controls primary color
ui_color_window_border UI window border color
ui_color_window_inside UI window inside color
ui_color_window_top UI window top color
ui_default_menu Enable default UI menu
ui_enabled Enable UI
ui_font UI font
ui_font_scale UI font scale
ui_font_size_max UI font size max
ui_font_size_min UI font size min
ui_transparency UI transparency
ui_windows_visible Show windows
v_bsp_insert_into_beamtree Insert occluders from BSP into BeamTree
v_grid_check_boxes Grid check boxes of each object
v_grid_check_boxes_as_convex Check boxes as boxes (fast) or as convexes (good)
v_grid_sanity_check Grid sanity check
v_lock Lock visibility
v_max_occluders Max number of occluders inserted into Beam Tree
v_show_beamtree Show Beam Tree
v_show_boxes Show Boxes
v_show_bsp Show BSP
v_show_convex Show convex by convexId
v_show_events Show Events
v_show_frustum Show Frustums
v_show_grid Show Grid
v_show_halfedge Show Half Edge
v_show_object Show objectId
v_show_split Show split by nodeId


Trainer sind kleine Programme, die während eines Spiels gestartet werden. Sie ergänzen es um Cheat-Möglichkeiten, die in der Regel mit einer Taste wie F1 ausgelöst werden. Manche Trainer haben eine Oberfläche, in die Werte wie Gold eingetragen werden, die sich dann sofort auf das Spiel auswirken.

Trainer greifen direkt in den Code des Spiels ein. Dadurch haben sie zwei Nachteile.

  1. Sie funktionieren meist nur mit einer bestimmten Version; eine andere Sprache oder ein Update führen oft dazu, daß der Trainer nicht funktioniert. Im schlimmsten Fall kann das Spiel abstürzen.
  2. Trainer ähneln einem Trojanischen Pferd, das andere Programme ausspioniert. Daher schlagen Virenscanner häufig an, wenn Trainer heruntergeladen oder ausgeführt werden.

Um einen Virenalarm zu vermeiden, haben wir alle Trainer-Downloads mit dem Paßwort mogelpower versehen, das beim Auspacken der ZIP-Datei erfragt wird. Für das Verwenden des Trainers kann es nötig sein, den Virenschutz vorübergehend zu deaktivieren oder den Trainer als vertrauenswürdig zu erklären ("white list").

  • Beschreibung: Trainer +5
    Autor: Testhawk – Größe: 182 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +8, für Version (Exile DLC)
    Autor: LinGon – Größe: 2087 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +6, für Version 1.0 (Extended Edition)
    Autor: dR.oLLe – Größe: 511 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +8, für Extended Edition
    Autor: LinGon – Größe: 2095 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +8, für Version 1.07
    Autor: LinGon – Größe: 2080 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +4, für Version 1.07
    Autor: sILeNt heLLsCrEAm – Größe: 1054 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +4, für Version 1.05
    Autor: sILeNt heLLsCrEAm – Größe: 1053 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +4, für Version 1.02
    Autor: sILeNt heLLsCrEAm – Größe: 1053 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +4, für Version 1.01
    Autor: sILeNt heLLsCrEAm – Größe: 905 KB
  • Beschreibung: Trainer +6
    Autor: Testhawk – Größe: 185 KB


  • Beschreibung: Unlocker, für Version 1.51 (Enhanced Edition)
    Autor: IceCold – Größe: 29864 KB

Fragen und Antworten:

Stellen Sie Fragen zum Spiel in unserem Forum und diskutieren Sie mit Tausenden anderen Besuchern unserer Website. Eine Registrierung ist nicht erforderlich.

Direktlink: https://www.mogelpower.de/?pccheat=36783

Prüfvermerk: Diese Cheats wurden nicht getestet, sollten aber funktionieren.

Abfragen: 21.182

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, www.mogelpower.de. MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.